The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6486: Dreamland expansion, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Hearing the sound that suddenly sounded in her ear, Nv Weiyang's body froze as if struck by a thunderbolt.

This voice is the voice of Tianzun!

When Jiang Yun said that Tianzun might have also entered the dream realm and hid and dared not show his face, Wei Yangnu was the least convinced.

Because, Wei Yangnu knew that Tianzun had already captured many monks in the dream domain, and even the disciple Xiao Yuer he accepted and the little beast that he recommended to Yao Yuanzi as a disciple were all from the dream domain.

Naturally, as long as Tianzun searches for the souls of those dreamland cultivators, he can understand almost everything about the dreamland, and there is no need to enter the dreamland at all.

What's more, under the circumstances that both the Earth and Human Beings have already stepped into the Dream Realm, as the Heavenly Venerate, there is really no need to join in and go into this muddy water.

But she never thought that Tianzun actually came.

Not only did he come, but Tianzun has always hidden his figure, but secretly shot to help the earth and the human.

This also means that the three supreme beings have truly joined forces!

Although shocked, Wei Yangnu immediately figured out the reason for Tianzun's arrival.

"Jiang Yun!"

"Tianzun must be here for Jiang Yun, not the former Jiang Yun, but the current Jiang Yun."

"The current Jiang Yun, not only has a great hatred for me, but also for the respect of the earth, and his strength is so powerful that even the three dare to fight."

"Could it be that Jiang Yun is really the fourth supreme, so he forced Lord Tianzun to come to the dreamland as well, so that he can be killed?"

While these questions appeared in her mind, Wei Yangnu didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly explained everything that happened before, especially about Jiang Yun's changes, through voice transmission.

The voice of Tianzun also sounded again: "You have done a good job, stay here for the time being, don't enter the real world, I will go and see!"

After saying this, Tianzun's voice no longer sounded.

And Weiyang Nu's eyes and consciousness were staring straight at the whirlpool.

But she didn't notice the slightest aura fluctuation at all.

At the same time, Jiang Yun, who was already in the Illusory Realm, looked at the figures of Di Zun and Ren Zun who were escaping into the distance, with a brooding look on his face, and said to himself: "This situation , I not only can't jump out, but also the way of death, can't I change it?"

Jiang Yun is almost certain that Tianzun also secretly came to the dream domain and hid.

According to Jiang Yun's original plan, killing the avatars of Earth Zun and Human Zun in a one-to-two manner, but the arrival of Tian Zun disrupted Jiang Yun's plan.

In particular, he couldn't even notice the breath of Tianzun.

In this way, he did not dare to leave the dream realm too much, and could only stay at the junction of the fantasy realm and the dream realm.

In case Tianzun slaughtered the creatures in the dream domain, at least Jiang Yun would have time to go back and save people.

But the Earth Zun and Ren Zun temporarily escaped, which was what worried Jiang Yun.

Now, if they want to return to the real realm, there is only one way to go through the land outside the law.

Since Ji Kongfan already knew what happened in the Dreamland, even if the Earth Venerable could use the altar of heaven and earth to absorb negative emotions and lead to a place beyond the law, they would not have the courage to enter.

Therefore, it is very likely that the Earth Venerable and the Human Venerable will always hide in the Illusory Realm, waiting for their deities to find a way to save them.

"My time is running out. If they really hide like this, it will be difficult for me to find them."

"Once I disappear and let Jiang Yun come back, they won't appear in a short time, but over time, they will definitely come to test it from time to time."

"As long as they find that Jiang Yun's strength has weakened, the dream domain still cannot escape the danger of being destroyed."

Jiang Yun's speculation is correct, aside from Heavenly Venerate for the time being, if the Earth Venerable and Human Venerable are not resolved, and they are allowed to stay in the Illusory Realm Domain, it is the biggest threat to the Dream Domain.

From then on, all the creatures in the dreamland will live in fear all the time, and they will be in a constant state of panic.

"It seems that there is only one way!"

Jiang Yun no longer paid attention to the Earth and Human Reverence who had disappeared from his sight, nor did he look at the powerhouses in the real world, such as Yuan Fan, who were flying towards him.

Jiang Yun turned his head to look at the dream realm again, and said to the nightmare beast: "Nightmare beast, let's annex the real fantasy realm!"

This is the way Jiang Yun thought of, let the dream domain annex the fantasy real domain, from then on, remove the real domain, only the dream domain is left.

After the Magic Realm was incorporated into the Dream Realm, the Magic Real Realm also became Jiang Yun's home field.

Jiang Yun can still use his thoughts of the Great Dao to turn into the thoughts of the sky in the realm of illusion, so that the respect of the earth and the respect of people have nowhere to hide.

It is also very simple to annex the Illusionary Realm, as long as the fragments of the rules left by Human Reverence are broken.

In fact, Jiang Yun possessed this strength as early as after Ren Zun attacked the Dream Realm, and he also mentioned to the Nightmare Beast that if the Nightmare Beast was willing, he could help him and annex the Illusory Real Realm.

But after careful consideration, Nightmare Beast did not accept Jiang Yun's help.

Because, neither the nightmare beast nor Jiang Yun at that time was able to hide the imprint of the rules left by the human being in the body of the cultivator in the realm of illusion.

Even if the Magic Realm is annexed, if Ren Zun comes to attack the Dream Realm again, the cultivators of the Magic Real Realm will not resist, but will instead deal with the Dream Realm cultivator.

But now it's different!

The annexation of the Illusory Realm, although Jiang Yun still has no way to completely erase the imprint of the rules left in the body of the cultivator, but as long as the human and the earth are solved, they will no longer have any way to enter the dream realm.

And in the dream realm, there are still powerhouses such as nightmare beasts, so that the monks in the real realm can't make any waves at all.

After a moment of silence on the Nightmare Beast's side, he replied, "Okay!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I will open the way for you, you are responsible for annexation!"

However, the Nightmare Beast said: "I am now pondering the rules of the dream, and I have found something, it is better for you to work harder, directly incarnate in the Dream Realm, and directly annex the Illusory Realm Realm!"


Jiang Yun agreed without hesitation.

If the nightmare beast can comprehend the rules of dreams, its strength will definitely increase, which is beneficial to himself and all the creatures in the dream domain. Naturally, the sooner he comprehends the better.

Moreover, it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to become a dreamland!


After Jiang Yun and Nightmare Beast negotiated, in the dream realm, Jiang Yun's tree of Taoism that had not been put away immediately shook slightly.

Under this shock, the Taoist tree started to grow rapidly as if it had received sufficient nourishment.

Everyone looked at these Taoist trees in puzzlement, and didn't understand what Jiang Yun was going to do.

Soon, the dull sound of "bang bang bang" was heard from all directions in the dream domain.

Most people still don't know what happened, but a small number of strong people exclaimed: "The dream field is expanding."

When you are inside the dream realm, you cannot see the expansion of the dream realm, but when you stand outside the dream realm, you can clearly see that the edge of the dream realm, under the growth of the tree of Taoism, really begins to move towards the real. The domain has expanded a little bit.

There are still many people who can't figure out what the expansion of the dream realm can do.

Until the edge of the dream realm, Jiang Yun, who was originally in the real world, was included again.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath, and suddenly said four words softly: "The body becomes the world!"

The words fell, Jiang Yun's figure disappeared from the eyes of everyone, and all the trees of Taoism also collapsed silently, turning into various lines.

That is the Dao pattern created by Jiang Yun!

A large number of Dao patterns, although different in shape, are sparkling, connected end to end, and spread rapidly in all directions along the boundary of the dream domain.

Everyone looked up at the spread of these dao patterns, as if countless stars had grown up on the night sky, and in just a short time, the boundary gaps of the dream domain had been covered.


Immediately afterwards, another trembling sound came. This time, everyone could clearly feel that the entire Dream Realm began to expand in the direction of the Illusory Realm Realm!

Jiang Yun, temporarily regarded the dream domain as his body, and by means of the incarnation of heaven and earth, launched the annexation of the fantasy real domain!

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