The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6487: Human Reverence, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

By this time, most of the people already understood Jiang Yun's purpose.

Although this was supposed to shock them, now instead of being shocked, they are looking forward to Jiang Yun's success.

As long as the Illusory Realm Domain is annexed, Jiang Yun will still have an advantage in the face of Earth and Human Respect.

As for Tianzun, after all, he hasn't shown up, so they can only hope that Jiang Yun's guess is wrong, maybe Tianzun didn't come.

Therefore, they all looked up and watched the expansion of the dream realm.

After all, it is absolutely rare to see such an entire domain annexing other domains.

In the dream domain, the expansion of the dream domain is still not too clear.

But for the monks in the realm of illusion, what they see is extremely real!

Especially Yuan Fan and others who came to deal with Jiang Yun under the order of Ren Zun!

Although the cultivators of the Magic Realm are not willing to be enemies with the Dream Realm, they are even more afraid to disobey the order of the human beings and have to come.

When they saw that Jiang Yun had returned to the dream realm, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Jiang Yun might be afraid.

Unexpectedly, now the entire dream realm has begun to expand.

In the eyes of Yuan Fan and others, the entire Dream Realm is like a bubble that is constantly inflating. Every time it expands a little, the boundary gap of the Illusory Real Realm that it touches will immediately be included in it.

At first, they didn't feel anything because the expansion of the dream domain was not fast.

However, when Dao patterns of various colors are densely covered on the boundary of the dream domain, in the eyes of Yuanfan and others, the dream domain is no longer a bubble, but has become a giant that cannot be described in words!

Every time the giant takes a breath, not only will his own body swell, but the large-area gap close to his phantom realm will become distorted and directly sucked into the giant's body.

Gradually, the giant's breathing speed began to speed up, and the area of ​​the distorted boundary gap in the Illusory Realm Domain would also increase accordingly.

With one breath and one breath, the tens of thousands of miles of boundary gaps in the Illusory Realm disappeared.

Moreover, this speed continues to increase!

In just two breaths of the giant's time, his body has already arrived in front of Yuanfan and other powerhouses!

This made their complexions suddenly change, and they didn't care about taking a shot at Mengyu, and they hurriedly retreated towards the rear.

The Earth Venerable and Human Venerable in the distance naturally also saw this scene.

Based on the experience of the two, they immediately guessed Jiang Yun's purpose, which made their faces look ugly.

Di Zun glanced at Ren Zun and said, "Can your rules stop him?"

Ren Zun said coldly: "Try it and you'll know!"

As the voice of Ren Zun fell, he saw that in the entire Illusory Realm, there were suddenly countless beams of light rising into the sky.

Each of these beams of light appears in a different position.

They also maintain a certain distance from each other.

Only those who know the real world well can see that each beam of light here actually corresponds to an illusion in the real world!

All the illusions in the Illusionary Realm appear under the action of the rules and fragments of human dignity.

At this moment, Ren Zun summoned all the illusions, naturally to prevent the expansion of the dream realm!

"go with!"

Ren Zun shouted, and all the beams of light suddenly soared again.

In an instant, the entire boundary of the Illusory Realm was illuminated like daylight, extremely bright.

Under the skyrocketing, all the beams of light finally came together, turning into a huge eye, like a shield, lying in front of the dream domain.


The expansion speed of the dream domain has reached the level of one breath, that is, the gap between millions of miles has disappeared, and it has come to the front of this eye in an instant.

The speed of the dream domain did not weaken in the slightest, but in the eyes of Yuanfan and others, the giant in the dream domain suddenly raised his fist and slammed it down towards the eyes in front of him.


There was a loud bang that shook both the Dream Domain and the Illusory Realm.

The phantom real realm, which was still bright just now, suddenly dimmed.

The eye, which was formed by countless illusions, was directly shattered by the punch of the dream giant.

The Dream Realm went straight forward, continuing to annex the Illusory Real Realm at a faster speed.

This scene made the creatures in the dream realm suddenly cheer.

But the complexion of Human Zun and Earth Zun became more and more gloomy.

As far as Human Respect is concerned, the imprint of the rules that he has left in the Illusory Realm is not to say that it can prevent the expansion of the Dream Realm, but at least it should be able to stop it.

I never thought that in front of Dreamland, his imprint of rules was simply vulnerable.

People who know Jiang Yun very well, such as Gu Bulao and Nightmare Beast, are not surprised by this result.

Jiang Yun has long understood his own Taoism, and the function of his Taoism is to break all the rules!

What's more, now that Jiang Yun's strength has skyrocketed, the power of Taoism has naturally risen and become more powerful.

If it were the complete rules of human respect, it might be able to stop him, but the mere fragments of the rules were not taken into account by Jiang Yun at all.

Di Zun, who also started to retreat crazily, said indifferently: "Human Zun, if he really allows him to annex the Illusory Realm Domain, then we will surely die."

A cold light flashed in Renzun's eyes: "Is Tianzun coming?"

"If she comes, is she going to stand by and watch us get killed by Jiang Yun?"

"However, we are also three, and she should help."

Earth Zun smiled coldly and said, "Tian Zun didn't help Jiang Yun deal with us, it's already considered our luck."

Ren Zun naturally understood the meaning of Zun's words, and he didn't really hope that Tianzun would help, but he just didn't understand what the purpose of Tianzun's coming here.

If it is said that Tianzun is to deal with the clones of himself and the earth, then there is no need to go to the dream realm.

If it is to deal with Jiang Yun, then they should join forces with the two of them.

He came to Dreamland but did nothing, which made people feel strange.

Ren Zun pondered for a while and said, "I have a last resort, which is to bring Jiang Yun into the illusion."

"In the illusion, I should be able to suppress his realm, and then you and I can join forces to defeat him."

"But the premise is that my fantasy can't let Jiang Yun and the entire dream realm enter together."

"Jiang Yun masters the power of dreams, and the nightmare beast is an expert in the power of dreams, so he must be separated from the dream realm now!"

Ren Zun can of course see that Jiang Yun has transformed into a dream domain.

To say that it is the expansion of the dream domain, it is better to say that Jiang Yun is helping the dream domain to expand.

If you want to bring Jiang Yun into the illusion, you must let Jiang Yun dream immediately.

Di Zun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It's very simple, isn't there anyone in the Magic Realm who Jiang Yun cares about?"

"Find these people and use them to blackmail Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun will take the initiative to leave the illusion!"

Ren Zun nodded and said: "Okay, you go and ask Yuanfan and the others, if there is such a person, I need to prepare!"

After finishing speaking, Ren Zun quickly retreated towards the rear while reaching out and waving his hand.

In the entire Illusory Realm, countless rays of light were once again lit up.

It's just that what just lit up was a beam of light soaring into the sky, and this time, it was countless light spots.

The beam of light corresponds to the illusion, and each point of light naturally corresponds to the creature in the illusion.

In order to set up an illusion to suppress Jiang Yun, Ren Zun captured all the creatures in the illusion.

And this also means that these creatures will disappear forever after they complete their role.

Countless light spots rose up and converged towards the place of Human Reverence.

Like countless fireflies, they also illuminate the darkened realm of illusion.

When they arrived in front of Ren Zun, they all fell into Ren Zun's closed eyes.

The figure of Ren Zun has skyrocketed, and in an instant, he is standing on the ground, no weaker than Jiang Yun, who is incarnated in the dream domain.

Ren Zun said solemnly, "Earth Zun, have you found it?"

Di Zun was asking Yuan Fan, and he did know a few people who were related to Jiang Yun, such as the old man Karma.

But even Yuan Fan didn't know where the other party was now.

"Di Zun, if you don't hurry up, it will be too late!"

Under the urging of Ren Zun, Di Zun bit his teeth and prepared to take action himself to force Jiang Yun to leave the dreamland.

But at this moment, the dreamland that was expanding wildly suddenly stopped!

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