The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6553: million dreams, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Lord Law Master!"

Just when Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing were stunned by the scene in front of them, an old man with a childish appearance appeared in front of the three of them, clasping his fists towards Ji Kongfan.

Naturally, this is the pseudo-honor who has mastered the rules of dreams, Elder Meng!

Ji Kongfan returned the salute and said with a smile: "Meng Lao seems to have a lot more people here than when I came last time. This business is getting better and better!"

Meng Lao smiled and nodded: "This is also the blessing of Lord Tofa."

"However, to put it arrogantly, I am afraid that in the entire extrajudicial land, I am the only one who can let them relax!"


Jiang Yun's face revealed a stunned look!

Jiang Yun originally thought that all the cultivators who were dreaming here, like Meng Lao, were comprehending the rules of dreams, but after hearing the two conversations between Ji Kongfan and Meng Lao, he suddenly understood.

Meng Lao, you can weave dreams for others, and do it as a business.

Among these cultivators, there may indeed be a desire to comprehend the rules of dreams, but there are also a lot of people who come to Meng Lao on purpose to seek a relaxing dream for themselves!

The depression that has appeared in the body is not smooth, and the dream is to seek comfort and relaxation.

This kind of thing may sound a bit bizarre, but it is understandable to people like Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing who have experienced great joy and sorrow.

In other words, the environment of the land outside the law is too harsh.

Especially those ubiquitous negative breaths can really destroy many people with weak will.

And suddenly there is a place where they can temporarily forget bad things and spend a period of time happily.

Even if they knew that it was an illusory dream, they would rush to it and would like to be immersed in a beautiful dream.

After understanding this, Jiang Yun couldn't help but admire Meng Lao's achievements in the power of dreams!

Jiang Yun is also proficient in the power of dreams, and the power of dreams has been proven, it can also open up a dream, let other people enter it, and even change the flow of time in the dream.

However, the dream woven by Jiang Yun is for multiple people to enter and use, and basically the space in the dream remains unchanged.

Even the 60-year-long dream that he weaved for Tie Runan, the background he set up was always in a Jiang village.

The dreams of these monks in front of them are definitely not the same, and everyone must have their own dreams.

In other words, Meng Lao not only has to weave a dream for each monk who comes here, according to their requirements.

Moreover, he must also ensure that the scene in each dream, as well as what happens, are constantly changing according to the needs of the monks.

Even at this moment, even though Elder Meng was standing in front of Jiang Yun and the others, he was still controlling the changes in every dream!

This is so difficult!

The number of monks here is nearly ten thousand.

Thousands of people dream!

Jiang Yun didn't know if he could do this, but even if he could, it would definitely not be as easy as Meng Lao.

At this time, Meng Lao once again said: "Lord Dharma Master is always going to the Three Treasures Hall. If you come here suddenly today, there must be something to tell the old man!"

Ji Kongfan smiled slightly and said without concealment, "Don't dare to do what you tell me, here today, there are indeed two things to trouble Lao Meng."

"The first thing!" Ji Kongfan stretched out his hand and pointed at Jiang Yun: "His name is Jiang Yun, he is one of my juniors, and he has also practiced the power of dreams. If he wants to come to Meng Lao, get in touch with the source of Meng Ze, and have a look. Can you comprehend the ancient rules of dreams!"

Jiang Yun politely clasped his fists at Meng Lao and said, "Junior has seen Elder Meng before!"

Meng had noticed Jiang Yun for a long time, but didn't care too much, and deliberately ignored Jiang Yun's identity as Ji Kongfan's junior, smiled and nodded to Jiang Yun: "This is a trivial matter."

"It's just that the source of dreams can only appear in dreams, so I have to let you enter the dream so that you can get in touch with the source of dreams."

Jiang Yun was a little surprised again!

The source of Meng Ze was actually hidden by Meng Lao in the dreamland he weaved.

Then if you want to devour the source of dreams, I don't know if you can succeed, and whether it will be discovered by Meng Lao.

However, Jiang Yun was also more curious and wanted to see the source of that Mengze, so he bowed again to Elder Meng: "Then there is Senior Lao!"

Meng Lao also simply raised his hand and said: "Don't resist, just relax, I will send you into the dream."

At the same time as he was talking, a rune after another appeared in Meng Lao's hand, surrounding Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's eyes swept over the runes, and it was certain that what Meng Lao mastered was indeed the ancient rules of dreams.

Because Jiang Yun once snatched away some ancient rules of dreams at Di Zun, and before the battle with the three Zuns started, he even gave them to Nightmare Beasts.

Nightmare beasts also understood the rules of dreams in time, so that they could shrink the dream domain, escape from the hands of Tianzun, and escaped into a place outside the law.

The rune that poured out of Old Meng's hand at this moment was exactly the same as that from the Earth Venerable.

Jiang Yun also obediently relaxed and let the runes wrap him.

Anyway, with Ji Kongfan and the third senior brother by his side, Jiang Yun was not worried about his own safety.

Soon, a burst of sleepiness struck, Jiang Yun closed his eyes and entered a dream.

And when he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find that he was still in the bubble, and his position did not even change.

But the difference is that Ji Kongfan and Xuanyuan Xing, as well as the nearly 10,000 cultivators who were dreaming, have all disappeared, and he is alone.

Obviously, because Jiang Yun just wanted to get in touch with the source of Mengze, Old Meng didn't bother to set up a special space background for Jiang Yun.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Lao's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "Have you seen those colorful lights, they are the source of Meng Ze!"

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly widened, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

The outside of this bubble exudes a colorful light. Jiang Yun thinks that it is some kind of protection that Meng Lao deliberately used the power of dream to protect the bubble.

Unexpectedly, those rays of light turned out to be the source of dreams.

In other words, Meng Lao simply arranged his own dream inside the source of Meng Ze!

And these people, now they are all in the source of the dream!

This made Jiang Yun unable to help but secretly praise: "As expected, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside people!"

"Nightmare Beast and Meng Lao, their achievements in the power of dreams are much stronger than mine."

"Perhaps, Meng Lao can really erase Meng Zun's rules!"

Jiang Yun didn't think about it anymore, and his figure rose into the air, almost touching the edge of the bubble, and began to look carefully at the colorful rays of light.

Outside of the dream, Ji Kongfan glanced at Jiang Yun, who had already fallen asleep, the dream domain had already appeared in his hand, and he handed it to Elder Meng and said, "Elder Meng, before I say the second thing, please take a look Look, do you know what this is!"

Ji Kongfan seemed to be calm, but there was a rare sense of tension in his heart, so that all the extrajudicial lines in his body were secretly surging.

What he is holding in his hand is the Dreamland, and there are countless creatures in it!

If Meng Lao has bad intentions, it is very likely to cause disaster to the dream domain.

But since he needs Meng Lao to erase the rules of Meng Zun, it is impossible not to show the dream domain to the other party.

Therefore, his whole person is ready to go. As long as he finds something wrong with Meng Lao, he will immediately take action.

Of course, Meng Lao didn't notice Ji Kongfan's nervousness, and took over Mengyu.

But Mengyu just started, Meng Lao's complexion changed, and the smile on his face also turned into a shocked color!

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