The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6554: devour light, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Meng Lao raised his head abruptly, his eyes were filled with energy, and he looked at Ji Kongfan and said, "Lord Dharma Master, what is this?"

Ji Kongfan didn't answer and asked, "What do you think about Meng Lao?"

After a moment of hesitation, Meng Laowei said word by word, "Should it be a world shrouded by the power of Meng Ze?"

"Moreover, the dream on it is extremely powerful!"

As a pseudo-respect who comprehends the ancient rules of dreams, Meng Lao naturally easily sensed the rules of dreams wrapped outside the dream domain.

However, he really did not expect that the breath of this rule would be so powerful, even surpassing himself, so he was shocked.

In response to Meng Lao's answer, Ji Kongfan nodded and said, "Meng Lao is also right."

"However, it's a bit bigger than One World."

"It's Dreamland!"

"What!" Meng Lao's eyes suddenly widened, staring at Ji Kongfan almost dull, and repeated: "Dream Realm?"

Ji Kongfan nodded again and said, "Yes, Dreamland!"

Meng Lao, who once came from the real realm, naturally knew about the nightmare beast and the existence of the dream realm.

Even, Meng Lao once wanted to beg Human Reverence in the past, so that he could enter the dream realm through the real realm, experience the dream realm, and feel the nightmare beast's accomplishments in the power of dreams.

However, he was unwilling to submit to the three deities, so this wish was never fulfilled, and he had to hide in a place outside the law.

And he would never have imagined that one day he would hold the entire Dream Realm in his own hands.

Although he got Ji Kongfan's affirmative answer, Meng Lao couldn't help but continue to ask: "This is the dream woven by the nightmare beast, and it contains countless creatures?"

Ji Kongfan didn't speak anymore, just nodded.

Meng Lao came back to his senses, and he didn't care to ask Ji Kongfan how to get the dream realm. He immediately lowered his head and looked at the dream realm carefully.

After only a few breaths, Meng Lao frowned and said, "No, this dream realm, how can there be two different dream powers surrounding it, one is covered outside, and another is inside."

"Not bad!" Ji Kongfan followed Meng Lao's words and said: "This is the second thing I came to find Meng Lao, I wonder if Meng Lao can erase the power of dreams outside the dream realm!"

Regarding the existence of the Supreme Being in the extra-law land, Ji Kongfan felt that he could not tell others for the time being.

However, Ji Kongfan believed that Meng Lao should also be able to guess some.

Sure enough, Meng Lao's eyes flashed and he said, "The nightmare of the beast was shrouded in the power of dreams by outsiders."

"And with the strength of nightmare beasts, it is impossible to break the power of dreams outside."

"So Lord Law Master, I hope I can erase this dream power from the outside. Is that what you mean?"

Ji Kongfan nodded and said, "Yes!"

Meng Lao suddenly raised his sleeves, and a strong gust of wind flew out of his sleeves and swept in all directions in an instant.

"Bang bang bang!"

Immediately, a series of crisp cracking sounds were heard.

Xuanyuan Xing followed the sound and found that except for Jiang Yun, the layer of bubbles surrounding all the monks in this space had burst.

All the cultivators also opened their eyes, and their eyes were filled with confusion, and they looked around at a loss.

And Meng Lao's voice also sounded: "Today, the Lord of the Law is here, I am temporarily closed here, and I will not accept it. Everyone, leave quickly!"

Hearing that Meng Lao brought out his name to deter others, Ji Kongfan was not angry, but just stood there calmly.

Because he knew that Meng Lao was going to try his best to erase the rules left by Meng Zun, so he could no longer be distracted to maintain the dream state for these monks, and he had to let them leave.

Many monks finally came to their senses.

Originally, some people were unhappy, and they came here to have a good dream, and they paid a lot of money.

Now that the dream has not been finished, Meng Lao has to rush himself and wait for others to leave, how can this be done.

However, when they heard that Lord Law Master these four months, and saw that it was really Ji Kongfan standing there, how could they dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction.

Whether it was those who understood the rules of dreams or those who dreamed beautiful dreams, they all hurriedly stood up one by one, clasped their fists at Old Meng and Ji Kongfan, and left in a hurry.

After a while, only Meng Lao and Ji Kongfan were left here.

Meng Lao also sat down directly and said, "I'll try my best!"

"However, Lord Law Master, don't have too much hope, and I may not be able to do it."

When he said these words, Meng Lao Na just stared at Meng Yu's eyes, dazzling light, and there were also runes on the body, and he didn't pay attention to Ji Kongfan at all.

Obviously, the regular atmosphere covering the outside of the dream realm makes Meng always happy when he sees it. Even if he has no confidence to erase it, he must try his best.

Ji Kongfan signaled Xuanyuanxing to be optimistic about Jiang Yun, but he also focused all his attention on Meng Lao.

Although Meng Lao may not be malicious to Mengyu, in the process of his attempts, there may be various possibilities that may endanger the safety of Mengyu.

Therefore, Ji Kongfan needs to be ready to help at any time.

As Meng Lao began to try, this space also returned to quiet.

At the same time, Jiang Yun, who was already trapped in a dream, observed the colorful rays of light up close, and at some point in his eyes, ten colored marks appeared.

Although Jiang Yun wanted to come, these colorful lights may not really be the source of dreams, but they do contain a powerful dream power.

Especially when you stare carefully, you can vaguely feel that there seems to be a scene change in the light.

If you observe it for a long time, it is even more likely that the soul will be trapped in it, unable to extricate itself.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only use his dream power to fight against it, so as to prevent himself from falling into a dream again.

In this way, after observing for a long time, Jiang Yun slowly closed his eyes, and his face also showed a tired look.

There is no other reason. He needs to run the power of dreams all the time, which is equivalent to using all his strength to fight with people for most of the day, which is naturally a bit unbearable.

Although the result was nothing, Jiang Yun also considered it in advance, so he did not feel discouraged.

Jiang Yun reached out and rubbed his eyes lightly, and said to himself, "If I have enough time, maybe I can gain something, but I don't have so much time right now."

"So I still have to try to devour some of this so-called source of dreams according to my previous thoughts."

"However, once I start to swallow, that Meng Lao will definitely know, and even come to trouble me, I hope Senior Ji Kongfan can help me stop him!"

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun rested for a while, then opened his eyes, looked at the colorful light in front of him, opened his mouth directly, and began to swallow.

Jiang Yun didn't need to swallow all the rays of light. He only needed to swallow a little. After digesting it, he would know if there was a thread behind them.

A group of palm-sized multicolored rays of light, like water flow, gently flowed on the surface of the bubbles, slowly infiltrating into the bubbles, and easily fell into Jiang Yun's mouth.

Suddenly, the space where Jiang Yun was located suddenly shook!

Immediately afterwards, Meng Lao's voice also sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "What are you doing!"

All these changes were expected by Jiang Yun.

But at this moment, he has no way to respond to Meng Lao.

Because, as that ray of light entered his body, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind!

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