The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6558: outline the shape, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun and the three have been wandering around in a place outside the law for nearly half a year, but no one expected that the place they were looking for was actually the residence of the law master!

This gave the three of them an indescribably strange feeling in their hearts.

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly and said, "If we knew this earlier, why would we have to work so hard!"

In order to find the source of the so-called ancient rules, even if they were led by the Dharma Master Ji Kongfan, they had already offended a lot of people and suffered a lot of scorn.

After all, Jiang Yun did not want to comprehend the source of the ancient rules, but to devour a part of it.

Although those are not the real sources of ancient rules, the powerhouses who own them don't think so.

Jiang Yunping devoured part of it for no reason, it was like biting off a piece of meat from their body, which made them feel extremely distressed.

One can imagine how their attitude towards Jiang Yun and the others was.

After spending so much time and energy to offend a group of monks, they returned to the starting point!

Of course, Jiang Yun was just laughing at himself.

If there is no search for the three of them, it is impossible to know that the end is here.

Xuanyuan Xing also smiled bitterly and said, "With these half a year, we should be able to turn this world upside down!"

Ji Kongfan said indifferently: "Don't talk about this world. With this world as the center, within a radius of millions of miles, I have already turned all the way upside down, and I haven't found any strange places!"

With Ji Kongfan's character, the first thing he did after he became the Dharma Master was to figure out everything in this world, in case there would be any unknown dangers.

And with his strength and prudence, there really shouldn't be any omissions.

Therefore, although his words are not questioning Jiang Yun, the implied meaning is to remind Jiang Yun not to hold too much hope, and there may still be nothing in the end!

Ji Kongfan believed in Jiang Yun's feeling, and believed that Jiang Yun saw those lines, but Jiang Yun was not necessarily the first to discover it.

And those lines must have already existed.

It may even appear together with the birth of the extrajudicial land.

So, no matter what kind of secrets are hidden in these lines, after so many years, it is very likely that others have discovered them.

After all, this is the residence of the Law Lord, and the strength of each Law Lord will not be too weak.

Jiang Yun naturally understood that Ji Kongfan was reminding himself, and smiled slightly: "Perhaps, the secret here requires some special methods to know."

"Those lines continue to extend forward, and I guess they should point to specific locations."

Neither Ji Kongfan nor Xuanyuan Xing could see those lines, but Jiang Yun could still see clearly.

There are a total of fifteen lines, extending from all directions of the land outside the law, and continuing to extend towards the residence of the law master.

However, those lines are now covered up by the dense extrajudicial lines.

Ji Kongfan nodded and said: "Anyway, we have already arrived here, the big deal, we will turn this world over again!"

After speaking, Ji Kongfan rolled up Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan with his big sleeves, and walked towards his residence.

The extrajudicial divine patterns around them were naturally the same as before, and they immediately cheered and gave way to both sides.

The three entered the world unimpeded.

Ji Kongfan was not in a hurry to go to the top of the mountain, but put Jiang Yun aside and let Jiang Yun continue to find the extension of those lines.

After Jiang Yun just glanced at it, he looked at Ji Kongfan with a strange expression.

Ji Kongfan frowned and said, "Are you trying to tell me that the end of those lines converges at the mountain where I live?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "It's at the foot of that high mountain!"

As soon as Jiang Yun's words fell, Ji Kongfan had already stepped out and came directly to the foot of the mountain.

Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing looked at each other, knowing that Ji Kongfan felt that his face was a little bit too much.

Ji Kongfan could understand if the end of the line was somewhere else, but now the end is at his feet where he has lived for more than ten years.

Even if the secret has been discovered by others, he should be able to find some clues.

But he didn't even notice it from the beginning to the end, which really made him feel a sense of frustration.

Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing also hurriedly followed and came to the foot of the mountain.

Ji Kongfan had already checked it carefully with his divine sense, and said, "There is really nothing under this mountain."

Jiang Yun did not speak, but also released his own consciousness, along the fifteen lines, extending to the earth under the mountain.

At a glance, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly widened.

Because, the fifteen lines that should have been gathered together, at this moment, after entering the depths of a hundred meters below the earth, although it does not continue to extend, but they are scattered and turned into A single point of light shines on the soil.

From a distance, it was as if fifteen small holes had been punched out on the ground, with light coming in from the hole and landing at fifteen positions.

If Jiang Yun entered the extrajudicial place directly, then even if he saw the location of the fifteen light spots, he would still not understand what was going on.

However, he entered the forbidden land first, and then entered the extrajudicial land.

And the way he entered the unlawful land from the forbidden land was through a teleportation map!

At that time, he felt that the array map was a bit new, and he deliberately studied it carefully.

Therefore, at this moment, when he saw the positions where the fifteen lines fell, he recognized it at a glance. The shape and area outlined by the positions of the fifteen light spots were exactly the same as the array diagram.

If the corresponding array pattern is drawn in the blank space of the fifteen light spots, then the same array pattern will appear immediately!

Jiang Yun's face showed a sudden look, and he secretly said in his heart: "All of this must be done by Master."

"And the reason why Senior Ji didn't find anything here is because there really isn't anything here except for a teleportation array with teleportation."

"Only after swallowing, or using other methods, senses the lines that extend from the back of the fifteen so-called sources of ancient rules, can you follow those lines and find this place!"

"The premise is that you must also know the map of the forbidden land leading to the extrajudicial land!"

"That is to say, this is not only arranged by the master, but also should be prepared by the master for himself!"

No matter how powerful the master is, it is impossible for him to think that there will be other people in the future when he opens up a place outside the law, and he can find all this through such a complex method.

When the master wants to come, only he can do it.

Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved: "The place where those array diagrams lead, shouldn't it be the place where Master hides his memories!"

Until now, Jiang Yun didn't know where Master's memories were hidden.

Originally, he thought it was in the hands of Prison Dragon or Meng Zun.

But after seeing these two supreme beings, Jiang Yun changed his mind.

Master will never completely trust those Supreme Beings, and it is even more impossible to hand over such important memories to others, only to hide them in a very safe place.

Combining the pattern in front of him and the complicated process of finding the pattern by himself, Jiang Yun couldn't help but have this guess.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun told his findings.

After listening to this, Ji Kongfan's complexion returned to normal and said, "So it is!"

"Array map, I also know some, need array pattern to form a map."

"Can you draw all the patterns?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "It should be possible!"

On the formation method, Jiang Yun can also be regarded as a master.

Moreover, it was not long before he left the forbidden area, and the ancient formation still existed in his memory.

Next, Jiang Yun directly exerted the power of the earth, and pulled out a big hole as deep as a hundred feet from the ground below.

The three walked into it, Jiang Yun thought for a moment, and then began to draw patterns with his own strength within the area covered by fifteen light spots!

Although Jiang Yun is very confident in his memory and formation skills, he is still extremely careful because this formation is very important.

It took him three days to complete the drawing of the array.

With the formation of the last pattern, all the patterns actually lit up together.

Array, start working!

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