The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6559: one less, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

With the formation map already in motion, Jiang Yun turned his head to Ji Kongfan and Xuanyuan Xing and said, "Otherwise, I'll go over and see where this formation map leads."

Although this pattern should have been left by his master, Jiang Yun also knew that the many arrangements made by his master in this place outside the law were all dangerous and could only be resisted by the breath of antiquity.

Neither Ji Kongfan nor Xuanyuan Xing had the aura of the ancients.

If the place where this array of pictures is sent is the location of the person who just saw the person who doesn't know his appearance.

The powerful negative aura emanating from the opponent's body, with the imprint of the ancients, is not a big problem, but Ji Kongfan and the two will be in danger of becoming emperor corpses.

Ji Kongfan naturally thought of this and said, "I'll go with you."

"As the Lord of the Outsiders, I already have enough God Marks outside the law in my body. Even if there is any negative aura, it shouldn't affect me."

Xuanyuan Xing also followed closely and said: "Fourth, if this pattern is really left by Master, then Master will definitely consider that our disciples will find out, so there shouldn't be any danger to us, or I'll accompany you. Go!"

Jiang Yun knew that the two of them were worried about him and wanted to refuse, but Ji Kongfan suddenly waved his sleeves, rolled up Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing and said, "No need for mother-in-law here, let's go together!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Kongfan and the three of them landed directly on the formation map.

And even if Jiang Yun wanted to stop it, it was too late. He could only watch the rays of light from all the formations soaring together, forming a 100-zhang-sized mask that enveloped the three of them.

With a flower in front of them, the three of them have disappeared from the place and appeared on a flat ground!

The first thing that catches the eyes of the three of them is the three statues that are more than ten feet high!

The three statues surround the three of them, and the distance between each one and them is about a hundred feet.

A statue is carved of a middle-aged man, with a clear appearance, a dignified appearance, and a sword on his back.

The other sculpture is of a woman with a human head and a snake body. The woman is beautiful and has a vertical mark between her eyebrows. The snake body supports the ground and lifts the woman's body high.

The last statue is a little weird.

Although this statue has the face of an old man with a kind-hearted face, apart from the face, his body, limbs, and even his hair are hazy, as if they were condensed by clumps of mist.

The six eyes of the three statues all happened to be watching Jiang Yun and the other three in unison!

Although this was just a statue, it gave the three of them a great sense of oppression.

Even the strongest Ji Kongfan, under the gaze of the statue, could not help but look solemn.

The three statues are also vividly carved, as if they have life, so that the three have an illusion that this statue may really come to life at any time!

Of the three people, none of them spoke, but just kept their eyes on the three statues.

Only after it was confirmed that there was not the slightest breath coming from the statue, the three of them looked away and looked elsewhere.

At a glance, Xuanyuan Xing suddenly said with a sound transmission: "There seems to be a statue missing here!"

Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan also saw clearly that the place where the three of them were now was a circular square, and the ground was paved with some kind of bluestone.

The area of ​​the square is not large, only a hundred feet in diameter.

The three statues are located outside the square, in front of, behind, and to the left of the three.

The statue of the old man on the left is exactly the same as the distance between the two statues before and after, but the distance between the middle-aged man and the woman with the snake body and the face is a little bigger.

Therefore, as Xuanyuan Xing said, there should be a statue on the right side of the crowd, which is reasonable.

But the right side is empty, nothing!

Jiang Yun's eyes looked at the three statues again, and after a while, he said softly, "Yes, there should be a total of four statues here."

"The one that is missing, if you guessed correctly, it should be the ancient demon statue!"

"Ancient Demon Statue?" Ji Kongfan was slightly startled, not understanding what Jiang Yun meant.

On the contrary, Xuanyuan Xing immediately said with a stunned expression: "Yes, these three statues correspond to Gu Xiu, Gu Yao and Gu Ling respectively!"

After Xuanyuanxing said this, Ji Kongfan also understood.

The four ancient veins, ancient repairs, ancient spirits, ancient demons, and ancient demons, represent four different races.

In the Sijingzang, the ancient four veins were created by the ancients, and were borrowed by the nightmare beasts, so that life appeared in the dream realm.

At this moment, the three statues standing beside the three people correspond to the ancient cultivator, the snake-body woman corresponds to the ancient demon, and the old man's face corresponds to the ancient spirit, which exactly corresponds to the ancient three veins.

Only the ancient demon lineage is missing!

Jiang Yun continued: "It seems that all this must be what Master did."

Ji Kongfan narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "What is the purpose of Senior Gu who created this place?"

According to Jiang Yun's original thoughts, there should be the real source of ancient rules, or the memory of the master, but he has not sensed the breath of any rules, let alone the memory of the master.

Xuanyuan Xing said: "I'm afraid, the secret here should be behind the three statues!"

Behind the statue, it was darkness, nothing could be seen, and even divine consciousness could not enter, just like this square, together with the three statues, were covered by an invisible cover.

Jiang Yun thought for a while, and asked Ji Kongfan, "Senior Ji, is there a similar place in the land beyond the law?"

"No!" Ji Kongfan said simply: "Although I haven't visited the place outside the law, if there is such a place, it should have been discovered by others."

"Here, it should be another space opened up by Senior Gu. You can only come here through the previous formation."

Hearing Ji Kongfan's mention of the pattern, Jiang Yun hurriedly looked down and found that the bluestone ground beneath him seemed to be flat, but there were actually criss-crossing lines, which were the lines!

This made Jiang Yun suddenly realize that there was actually a pattern under him, but it wasn't running yet.

Although he still didn't know how to start the formation, Jiang Yun was also secretly relieved.

There is a map, at least there is no need to worry about not being able to leave this place.

Jiang Yun also told Ji Kongfan and Xuanyuanxing about this discovery, reassuring them.

After the three of them looked around for a while, Ji Kongfan said, "Since we have already come, we can't just stand here."

"Why don't we choose a direction and see what's in the darkness first."

Jiang Yun and Xuanyuan Xing naturally agreed to this proposal.

The direction the three chose was the right side.

After all, there are no statues there, and the sense of oppression is small.

After making the decision, the three of them immediately stepped cautiously and walked towards the darkness on the right.

Within a hundred feet, the three of them quickly finished walking and came to the edge of the square.

However, just as the three of them were about to cross the square, there was a sudden "click" sound in their ears.


Ji Kongfan reacted the fastest. He didn't even look at the direction the sound was coming from. He snorted lowly and waved his hands, bringing out two whirlwinds, engulfing Jiang Yun and Xuanyuanxing, and trying to bring them out of this place. square.

It's a pity that an invisible resistance came from the front of the three people, making the three people feel as if they had hit the wall, and Qi Qi was shocked back.

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