The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6793: Swordsman's Way, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Facing the question from the old man, Jian Sheng raised his head, looked at the other party with cold eyes and said, "Impossible!"

The old man said with a sneer: "Do you think that you are really strong and unparalleled in swordsmanship, so you can persist until now, so you can still speak hard here?"

"Tell you, if it wasn't for the sake of being a sword cultivator, we would show mercy to you and let you stick to it until now."

"However, since you are still so stubborn, then we are welcome."

This time, Jiansheng didn't pay attention to the other party at all, just lowered his head and didn't respond anymore.

The old man snorted coldly and left with his hands behind his back.

But Jiang Yun, who had heard the conversation between the two clearly, had doubts in his heart.

The old man should obviously be a disciple of Sanchiqing.

What did he let Jiansheng give up?

Give up practicing swordsmanship, or give up worshiping Sanchiqing as a teacher?

Jiansheng Sanchiqing has been here for a long time.

If you really want him to give up practicing swordsmanship, or give up worshiping Sanchiqing as a teacher, there is no need to wait until now.

Jiang Yun also knew Jiansheng very well. Knowing that Jiansheng was a character who would rather not bend, he was extremely proud of himself.

If San Chi Qing really doesn't like him, there is no need to force him to give up apprenticeship in this way, just make it clear that Jian Sheng has already turned around and left.

With this doubt, Jiang Yun still did not rush into Qingfeng Realm.

Because, even though Jiansheng's situation was not good, the old man was right.

Jiansheng is still the realm of the extreme emperor, and the old man is the real emperor. The other six people who have never appeared should have the same realm as Jiansheng.

With the strength of the seven of them, if they really wanted to kill Jiansheng, Jiansheng would not be able to resist.

In other words, Jiansheng is not in danger for the time being.

Jiang Yun also temporarily removed his consciousness from Jiansheng's body and looked at the mountain in the center.

That is where Sanchiqing lives, and the entire mountain does not release any sword energy.

Jiang Yun's consciousness soon found an old man with white hair and beard in a mansion on the top of the mountain.

The old man sat cross-legged, his eyes were closed, and there was a mark like a sword mark between his eyebrows.

The old man's body did not exude the aura of cultivation, and he looked like an ordinary old man.

Naturally, the old man is the Great Emperor of Swords, Sanchiqing!

Even if Jiang Yun saw the other party for the first time, he could tell that the other party's kendo attainment must be extremely high.

Because, Sanchiqing's whole body, including his residence, except for the sword mark between his eyebrows, he could no longer see anything related to the sword.

This shows that Sanchiqing is above the swordsmanship, and has reached the level of returning to the basics.

Seeing Sanchiqing, Jiang Yun was even more puzzled.

Originally, he was thinking that Sanchiqing might not be in the Qingfeng Realm.

Because Jiansheng's kendo attainments were too high, he was favored by Sanchiqing and wanted to be accepted as a closed disciple. His status was higher than that of the other seven disciples, so his disciples refused to accept it, so he took advantage of Sanchiqing's absence. Started to bully Jiansheng together and forced Jiansheng to leave the place.

This is not a random guess by Jiang Yun. From the position of Zangfeng from Sanchiqing Mountain, it can be seen that Jiansheng should definitely be favored by Sanchiqing.

But San Chi Qing was sitting there, and he definitely knew about the outside world, but he didn't stop it.

And with Sanchiqing's strength, if he really wanted to be detrimental to Jiansheng, there was no need for his disciples to do anything, and he could easily defeat Jiansheng by himself.

I know, but I don't know what the disciples are doing, and just let it go. This makes Jiang Yun really incomprehensible.

At this moment, a violent "humming" sound suddenly came.

The huge sword net gathered on the Tibetan peak suddenly accelerated its vibration, and directly turned into seven giant swords with a size of at least one hundred meters, which fell straight towards the Tibetan peak.

After the seven-handed giant swords took shape, they not only exuded sharp energy, but also possessed a powerful force, like seven hills smashing towards the Tibetan peak.

This time, the sword energy that Jiansheng exudes can no longer be resisted.

The sound of "Boom Rumble" began to sound continuously, and the seven giant swords pierced deeply into the Tibetan peak one after another.

Zangfeng, suddenly torn apart and collapsed!


Jiansheng, who has always been sitting in the cave, naturally stood up and looked up at the seven giant swords surrounding him. Under the skyrocketing cold light, a sword sound resounding throughout the world suddenly came from his body. Voices.

Obviously, Jiansheng was already extremely angry.

Even if Zangfeng was destroyed, he still refused to give up and continued to attack.

Unfortunately, one after another silhouette suddenly flashed, appearing on the hilt of the seven-handed giant sword.

There were seven people in total, all of them staring at Jiansheng with indifference.

There were seven people, men and women, young and old, and they were obviously the seven disciples of Sanchiqing.

Three true orders, four extreme orders!

Seven people and seven swords, you don't need to shoot at all, standing there, you can already bring a huge sense of oppression and deterrence.

Even Jiansheng, facing the seven people, trembled even more violently at this moment.

But even so, he still tried his best to straighten his body so as not to let himself be bent by the other party's momentum.

It was still the old man from before, and he said again: "Jiansheng, I will ask you one last time, don't you give up!"

"No!" Jian Sheng squeezed a word out of his clenched teeth without hesitation.

And with the exit of this word, an illusory sword suddenly appeared outside his body, and the momentum of the whole person was instantly increased several times, causing him to sway his body and rushed towards the old man.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up!

When Jiansheng owned the Zhendi Sword, in order to be able to exert the power of the Zhendi Sword, he used his body to feed the sword, and finally made the body and the sword become one, very powerful.

Jiang Yun remembered very clearly that he was disliked by many strong people by raising his sword with his body.

Because raising a sword with one's own flesh and blood seems to be able to obtain the power of the sword, but in fact, it will eventually become the sword that controls the human, rather than the human controlling the sword.

Jiansheng is confident about this, and believes that he will not be controlled by Zhendijian.

When Jiansheng entered the real domain, he did not take the Zhendi sword with him, so the illusory sword that appeared on his body at the moment was not the Zhendi sword, but the sword that Jiansheng used the first time.

However, in Jiang Yun's view, it doesn't matter what kind of sword this sword is. What matters is that the nature of this sword is just like his own guardian figure.

In other words, this sword represents the way of Jiansheng!

Jiansheng, although he used to be a Taoist cultivator, but after his strength surpassed the Taoist realm, he had to learn the cultivation methods of destroying the realm and Jiyu, like other monks, to continue to improve his strength.

However, now he has not only returned to the road of Taoism, but also found the Tao that belongs to him, how can Jiang Yun be unhappy!

Jiansheng and Jian became one, and actually broke through the coercion brought by the seven giant swords and the seven sword cultivators, and came to the old man.


Facing Jiansheng, this should obviously be the strongest sword. The old man uttered four words of disdain. He didn't even move his hand, but on the giant sword under him, there was a sword energy that shot straight at him. out.

From the old man's point of view, Jiansheng was able to rush in front of him, and his strength was almost exhausted, so there was nowhere to have excess strength.

But he did not expect that even though this sword energy penetrated Jiansheng's body, Jiansheng's forward momentum was not weakened in the slightest, and it still stabbed at him.

The old man's complexion suddenly changed greatly. Fortunately, the other six reacted extremely quickly.

Seeing this, Jiang Yun smiled coldly and said, "Do more people bully less people?"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun had already taken one step and disappeared from the spot!

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