The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6794: Sentient Sword, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this moment, Jiansheng completely ignored the six swords stabbed behind him, just used the remaining strength to stab the old man in front of him.

It's a pity that he has been resisting the attacks of these seven sword cultivators these days, and he is already exhausted.

Just now, he was pierced through the body by the sword energy of the old man.

Although his life is worry-free, his speed has been affected, and it is not as fast as the six sword qi behind him.

Seeing that the six sword qi was about to pierce his body, three words suddenly sounded in his ear: "Ding Canghai!"

These three words just rang in Jiansheng's ears, and no one else could hear them at all.

Hearing this voice, a ray of light suddenly lit up in Jian Sheng's eyes.

Even his body that was rushing forward stopped, and said softly: "Be merciful."

And with the words of Jiansheng falling, whether it is the old man in front of Jiansheng, or the six sword qi behind him, together with the sword cultivators on the six mountains, they all fall into a static state! Immediately afterwards, a figure descended from the sky and appeared in front of Jiansheng. As the big sleeves waved, the sword energy in the sky dissipated immediately, and the seven sword cultivators flew out in all directions like falling rocks.

Moreover, the direction in which the seven of them flew out happened to correspond to the mountains of each of them.

"Boom boom boom!"

Seven people, their bodies slammed into their respective mountains almost at the same time.

The seven mountains collapsed suddenly, burying them completely.

At this moment, the entire Qingfeng Realm suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Even the countless sword qi that were flying around all the time were rarely stopped.

When the seven disciples of Sanchiqing joined forces to deal with Jiansheng, in fact, everyone else in the Qingfeng world knew it clearly.

They have only been out, they are not the disciples of Sanchiqing, so they are not qualified to meddle in this business.

At this moment, when they saw that the seven disciples of Sanchiqing were so easily knocked out, and even smashed their respective mountains, they were naturally deeply shocked.

Only Jiansheng's eyes turned to Jiang Yun in front of him.

If Jiang Yun hadn't said the three words "Ding Canghai" to him through sound transmission, Jian Sheng would never have recognized the current Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun nodded at Jiansheng with a blank expression, but his eyes were on the mountain in the center.

There, a figure stood in the sky, also looking at Jiang Yun.

Three feet green! Seven of his own disciples were beaten to pieces with a single blow, so how could Sanchiqing not know, and naturally he would show up in person.


Just then, there was a sound of rubble rolling.

Among the collapsed ruins of the seven mountains, the seven disciples of Sanchiqing have all struggled to climb out.

Sanchiqing's eyes swept across the seven people, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Because, among the seven people, only the old man was holding his chest and coughing blood continuously.

The other six people were almost uninjured except for their disgraced faces, some embarrassment on their bodies, and pale faces.

Sanchiqing's eyes swept across the eight ruins again, especially on the collapsed ruins of Zangfeng. After deliberately staying for a few more breaths, he turned his eyes to Jiang Yun again.

Jiang Yun's shot was very measured, rather than attacking seven people, it was better to avenge Jiansheng! The seven people crushed Jiansheng's Tibetan peak, and Jiang Yun also destroyed the seven people's mountain.

The old man stabbed Jiansheng, and Jiang Yun beat him up to vomit blood.

The other six people didn't hurt Jiansheng from the beginning to the end, so Jiang Yun only punished them slightly and gave them some minor injuries.

In fact, with Jiang Yun's current strength, he could kill these seven people with one blow.

However, until now, Jiang Yun didn't know what the conflict between them and Jiansheng was.

In addition, Jiansheng opened his mouth to let him show mercy, and he naturally restrained his strength.

Finally, San Chi Qing said to Jiang Yun indifferently: "This friend, you haven't asked your honorable name yet!"

Jiang Yun ignored him, but said to Jian Sheng, "Senior brother-in-law, what's going on?"

After a moment of silence, Jiansheng responded with a voice transmission: "Senior Sanchiqing said that the path of swordsmanship I took is wrong!"

"If I want to continue to improve my swordsmanship skills and improve my strength and realm, I must give up the path of cultivation that I am taking now."

"I have to let go of my thoughts of your second senior sister, and let go of all my worries!"

"He said that as a sword cultivator, apart from swords, you can't have any ties to other things."

"Even, to give up all my feelings."

"From now on, I will only focus on the sword!"

Hearing Jiansheng's answer, Jiang Yun couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He was a little surprised at first, but then he suddenly realized.

Sanchiqing really didn't want to be detrimental to Jiansheng, but wanted to help Jiansheng.

Because, in his opinion, Jiansheng's path of cultivation is wrong.

Sword repair, pay attention to the straight forward, rather than bending.

If you have concerns and thoughts in your heart, your swordsmanship will be affected, and it will be difficult to reach a higher level.

As for Sanchiqing's view, Jiang Yun couldn't say that he was wrong.

In fact, not only sword cultivators, but also various types of cultivators have the same view.

In fact, even Jiang Yun himself, in the illusion that the Three Corpse Daoist had arranged for him, almost gave up everything that he guarded and gave up his inner persistence in order to make his Dao heart complete.

It is precisely because Sanchiqing firmly believes in his opinion and holds a good attitude for Jiansheng, that he acquiesced to his disciples to force Jiansheng to give up the path of Jiansheng.

Of course Jiansheng refused to give up, especially his thoughts on Situ Jing.

Only Jiang Yun knew that the former Jiansheng was indeed born for the sword.

But as early as when the Second Senior Sister was suspended from death, the purpose of Jiansheng's practice had already changed.

He is no longer pursuing the ultimate in kendo for the sake of strength, but to improve his strength in order to revive the second sister.

After figuring out the cause and effect of the matter, Jiang Yun spoke to Jian Sheng again: "Senior brother-in-law, hurry up and heal your wounds, and leave the rest to me."

Jiansheng nodded, stopped talking, and sat down with his knees crossed.

Although he didn't know Jiang Yun's experience over the years, he was not worried about Jiang Yun's safety at all because Jiang Yun had just knocked back the seven sword cultivators with a single blow.

Jiang Yun finally turned his gaze to Sanchiqing, clasped his fists and said, "Jiandi thinks that as a sword cultivator, you must let go of all worries, even emotions, in order to be able to achieve success in swordsmanship?"

Although Sanchiqing had a different understanding of cultivation than Jiansheng, and what he did was a bit excessive, but from Jiansheng's words, Jiang Yun could hear that Jiansheng respected Sanchiqing very much.

In other words, Jiansheng should hope to continue to stay by Sanchiqing's side and learn from him.

In this case, of course Jiang Yun can't speak ill of the other party, so he just straight to the point and see if he can change the other party's cultivation philosophy, so that Jiansheng can continue to stay here in the future.

Sanchiqing was stunned for a moment, apparently not expecting that Jiang Yun would say these words.

However, he quickly regained his senses, nodded and said, "Yes, does my friend think something is wrong?"

Jiang Yun said lightly: "If you are right, put it aside for now."

"It's a coincidence that I not only know a little about swordsmanship, but I'm also used to integrating my feelings into swordsmanship."

"So, I want to use the sword of sentience to learn from the sword emperor!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun reached out and grabbed it casually, and a pile of gravel fell into his hand, condensing into a sword.

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