The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6805: try to break the print, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

After Heaven and Earth entered the Zangfeng space, the entire space was completely blocked, and they could not enter or exit.

An Caiyi passed a special teleportation formation stone given to her by Shura, and even ignored the blockade of the two statues and left the Tibetan Peak space.

And when Shura said these two words to the man with his face, An Caiyi's figure had almost disappeared from the Tibetan peak space.

Therefore, she didn't hear the words Shura said, it was just her memory, and she subconsciously saved this picture, but she didn't know the existence of this memory at all.

If Jiang Yun hadn't searched her soul now, he wouldn't have found this scene either.

And Jiang Yun's brows also wrinkled even tighter.

Originally, Jiang Yun didn't think much about the fact that the two strong men, one woman, concealed their appearance.

However, from the two words that Shura said, it is not difficult to judge that Shura knew this man who also had almost supreme strength.

Then, the other party's purpose of concealing his true appearance should be fear of being recognized by Shura.

Although Shura came to the real domain for a long time, the people he came into contact with were extremely limited.

Even if he once went out to practice alone, he shouldn't know someone who is as powerful as the Supreme.

Because in the real realm, apart from the three, there is no monk whose strength is equivalent to the supreme.

The other party can only be from Hongmeng, from outside the territory, but it is even more impossible for Shura to know.

Also, since Shura knew this man, would Shura also know the woman who showed her face?

And the people Shura knows, it is very likely that he should know them too.

Who on earth is it?

Although An Caiyi's memory is still continuing, it has no reference value.

After escaping from the Tibetan Peak space, An Caiyi immediately crushed another formation stone and fled directly to the Human Respect Domain.

Since the people who attacked Hongmeng are Heavenly Venerate and Earth Venerable, and they can find the location of Zangfeng space, then relatively speaking, it is natural that Human Venerable Domain is safer.

After arriving at the Human Respect Domain, An Caiyi began to hide in the east and west constantly, not daring to stay in a fixed place for too long.

But every once in a while, she would go to the intersection of Ren Zunyu and Jiehai, and use the communication jade slip to try to contact Jiang Yun.

Until today, she finally got in touch with Jiang Yun.

After reading An Caiyi's memory, Jiang Yun pulled out the consciousness from her soul.

An Caiyi also hurriedly asked: "Pavilion Master, you can see clearly, do you know those two people?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I think I should."

An Caiyi was slightly startled, not understanding what Jiang Yun meant.

Jiang Yun didn't explain any further, and continued, "Miss An, the matter of Shiyin Pavilion has nothing to do with you. You must not blame yourself."

"Although the Corpse Yin Pavilion has suffered some blows, Shura and the others should still be alive."

"I'll definitely save them too."

"By the way, do you have any safe place to go now?"

As soon as An Caiyi heard it, she knew that Jiang Yun was going to save Shura and the others.

She shook her head and said, "Pavilion Master, you don't have to worry about me, I will hide."

"But it's too dangerous for you to save people alone. They have four supreme beings!"

Jiang Yun gave An Caiyi a relaxed smile and said, "Don't worry, I have my own measure."

"Well, you first follow me back to the Tibetan Peak space."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun did not give An Caiyi a chance to refuse, and had directly sent An Caiyi back to the Zangfeng space with the teleportation stone.

Jiang Yun knew very well that An Caiyi had nowhere to go.

The people closest to her in the real realm are only her master and sister in Yaoyuan Sect.

And she had escaped from the Demon Yuan Sect, so naturally she couldn't go back.

Therefore, Jiang Yun decided to settle An Caiyi first.

In the hidden peak space, Jiang Yun just buried the bodies of the dead monks, and did not repair the collapsed buildings and mountains, so it still looked devastated and quite desolate.

Jiang Yun came to the top of Zang Peak, brought An Caiyi out and said, "Miss An, sit down first."

An Caiyi's gaze couldn't help but look around, and found that she was back in the hidden peak space again, her face couldn't help showing sadness again.

Although she didn't understand what Jiang Yun was going to do, she naturally believed in Jiang Yun and sat down obediently cross-legged.

Jiang Yun also sat opposite An Caiyi and said, "I'm going to try to erase the imprint of the rules left by your body!"

An Caiyi originally came from the Demon Yuan Sect and was a true-order emperor, so he naturally had the imprint of the rules of the Earth Venerable in his body.

Although there is a seal of oblivion that can cover up the seal of the rules, if the Earth Lord really wants to find it, it should still be able to be found.

Only by completely erasing the imprint of the rules can the safety of An Caiyi be truly guaranteed.

An Caiyi's complexion changed, and she said incredulously, "Pavilion Master, are you also supreme?"

"Almost!" Jiang Yun said with a smile: "However, after all, this is my first attempt. Let's not say whether it will be successful or not. In the process of trying, I don't know how it will affect you."

"In short, I will try my best to be careful. If you feel uncomfortable or feel pain, don't hold back and tell me immediately."

An Caiyi nodded vigorously.

While Jiang Yun was talking, he had already changed back to his appearance.

Because Haotian reminded him that the imprint of the rules was related to luck.

Although Qi Luck can't be seen or touched, and can't be sensed on weekdays, it can be sensed when the power of Qi Luck is on the body.

Just like when Jiang Yun killed the Kui Yao clan under Di Zun, he felt the luck that originally belonged to Di Zun and poured into him.

The three corpse seals of the Three Corpse Daoist are too powerful, and they do not belong to the Daoxing world, so if Jiang Yun appears in his identity, the luck will not recognize him at all.

Only when Jiang Yun restores his identity will luck come.

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Yun's appearance was changed, he could already feel that there was a trace of invisible power in all directions, rushing towards him.

"This should be the luck I got when I captured Weiyang Nu's Soul Realm, and it was not given to me until today."

"However, this Tibetan Peak space was breached by Heavenly Venerate and Earthly Venerate, and some of my luck should have also been lost."

It is really troublesome to not be able to perceive how much luck you have.

However, Jiang Yun is trying to erase the imprint of the rules of the Earth Venerable today, not planning to rely entirely on the power of luck, but relying on strength!

The same as the supreme, can erase the imprint of the rules of the supreme.

Even though Jiang Yun is not a supreme, but in his Tao world, there is a genuine supreme Kui Yi.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is still very confident that the imprint of the rules of the earth can be erased.

Jiang Yun's consciousness entered An Caiyi's soul again, and found the imprint of the rules of Di Zun.

At a glance, Jiang Yun couldn't help but sneer.

Before he left the real domain, he checked the rules of the three statues.

At that time, the imprint of the rules of the earth was obviously much thinner than the imprint of the other two.

And now, the imprint of the rules of the Earth Venerable is a little thicker.

This shows that when he attacked Zangfeng space and captured Shura and the others, he really grabbed some luck from Jiang Yun's hands.

"Gui Yi, look at this rule mark too!"

Jiang Yun asked Guiyi to observe the imprint of the rules with his divine sense, while he himself began to think about whether to use his own power to erase the imprint of the rules directly.

After a while, Gui Yi said: "My lord, I have never seen this mark, but I think it should be able to forcibly destroy it. Do you want me to try it?"

Jiang Yun pondered: "I'll try it first. If it doesn't work, it's not too late for you to take action."

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