The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6806: New Daoyin, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In terms of realm, Jiang Yun is not as good as Gui Yi.

But in terms of strength, even without the help of the Star Mark formation, today's Jiang Yun has actually surpassed Gui Yi.

If Jiang Yun can break through to the yin and yang realm again, then his strength will be far behind Gui Yi.

Because Jiang Yun absorbed the huge Dao power in a piece of Dao fragment, all of which are stored in the Dao world.

Waiting for his realm to break through, he can turn these Dao powers into his own.

Since Gui Yi feels that he can destroy the imprint of the rules of the earth with pure strength, Jiang Yun believes that he should be able to do the same.

In addition, after all, this is Jiang Yun's first attempt to erase the imprint of the rules of the three statues.

And An Caiyi was his friend, and he was worried that if Gui Yi tried it, there would be no seriousness between his hands and An Caiyi would be hurt.

Jiang Yun raised his palm, which had become illusory, and carefully reached into An Caiyi's soul.

This is also Jiang Yun's advantage over others.

He is the soul into the flesh, and the flesh is the soul, so you can directly turn the flesh into the soul and try to destroy the imprint of the rules.

After a while, Jiang Yun used **** to gently hold the mark of the rules of Di Zun.

And before he started to exert force, An Caiyi's face already showed a touch of pain.

Seeing the pain on An Caiyi's face, Jiang Yun couldn't help but hesitate a little: "This rule mark, shouldn't it be fused with her soul?"

"In this case, even if the imprint of the rules can be successfully erased, her soul will be injured."

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun simply released his powerful soul power and completely wrapped An Caiyi's soul.

Then, Jiang Yun urged the immortal leaves, and began to continuously deliver a lot of vitality to An Caiyi.

After making all the preparations he could, Jiang Yun's eyes showed a cold light, and his whole body strength was condensed on his two fingers, and he said solemnly: "Miss An, bear with me!"

An Caiyi was wrapped in Jiang Yun's soul power and surrounded by vitality, the pain on her face disappeared, and when she heard Jiang Yun's words, she nodded vigorously.


Jiang Yun's fingers squeezed heavily, and Di Zun's rule mark suddenly trembled slightly, but it didn't break.

But there is a faint light on it, and there are runes one after another, like the veins of leaves, extending out, and constantly spreading towards other parts of An Caiyi's soul.

In just an instant, most of An Caiyi's soul was covered with such runes.

An Caiyi let out a muffled groan, her body softened, she fell to the ground, and she fell into a coma.

Jiang Yun's complexion also became extremely gloomy.

Seeing this scene, he knew that his guess was right.

This imprint of the rules, like a plant with tenacious vitality, regards An Caiyi's soul as soil, and has already taken root and sprouted in it.

Those runes are actually the patterns of assimilation unique to Earth Venerable.

It seems that what Jiang Yun wants to destroy is only the imprint of the rules, but if it moves the whole body, any slight movement of the imprint of the rules will be transmitted to An Caiyi's soul.

That kind of pain is indeed very intense, and most people can't bear it.

And if you want to completely erase the imprint of the rules, you must also erase all the runes that are densely covered on the soul of An Caiyi.

"Back then, my body was also marked by the rules of the earth."

"The last time I was reincarnated, when I erased the mark, I didn't notice it at all. It should be because the rule mark was left for a short time and did not really merge with my soul."

"And Miss An, the imprint of the rules in their souls has been left since the moment they became emperors, and now, thousands of years have passed, and they have long been merged with their souls."

"If it's those fake venerables, the ancient emperors, their rule imprints should really fill the whole soul!"

"What about this!"

Jiang Yun didn't know how to start.

Through this simple attempt, Jiang Yun knew that the imprint of the rules should be able to destroy it.

However, the runes on the dense soul connected by the rule imprint made Jiang Yun helpless.

Even if he has enough patience to smash all those runes one after another, he suspects that An Caiyi's soul will disappear before he can smash all the runes.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only ask Gui Yi, "Gui Yi, do you have a better solution?"

Through his divine sense, Gui Yi could clearly see the process just now.

When he heard Jiang Yun's question, he pondered for a moment and said, "Sir, have you ever thought about replacing it!"

"Replace?" Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment, not understanding the meaning of Gui Yi's words, but then he suddenly realized: "You mean, let me also leave my Dao imprint in her soul, and then let me My Dao Seal to replace the Rule Seal of the Earth Venerable?"

"Yes!" Gui Yi replied, "Actually, our Dao Seal and Rule Seal are the same thing."

"The dao seal left in my soul by my lord will gradually merge with my soul and even my dao heart as time goes by."

Jiang Yun was stunned for a second. Originally, he thought that Daoyin was just like a slave imprint, leaving a way of control in the souls of others.

Unexpectedly, it will be the same as the rule imprint.

Jiang Yun asked: "Then if I want to take out this seal in the future, will it be difficult?"

"It's not difficult!" Gui Yi said with a smile: "If you want to take out the Daoyin, you only need to think about it, and the Daoyin will automatically fall off my soul completely."

"Oh!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I hope I will have the opportunity to try it in the future."

In the world of Taoism, Gui Yi's eyes lit up, realizing that Jiang Yun gave him a hope.

However, Gui Yi doesn't really care about Daoyin now.

After all, he believed that Jiang Yun could become a detached powerhouse.

Jiang Yun then said: "However, Daoyin's restraint on others does not rely on pure power, but the Dao, which is also aimed at Dao Xin and Dao Cultivation."

"Miss An is not a Daoist, and Daoyin probably won't have any effect on her."

Gui Yi laughed and said, "Your Excellency seems to be underestimating Dao Dao."

"The power of the Dao, in our opinion, is not the most powerful power, but at least it is stronger than other powers in the Daoxing world."

"The power of the Dao is so strong, and the condensed Dao seal can naturally suppress the imprints formed by other forces in Daoxing Heaven and Earth."

"Dao Yin, to restrain Dao Cultivator, you need to use Dao Intent to target Dao Heart. If you want to restrain other cultivators, it's even simpler, without Dao Intent, just use pure Dao power, that's all!"

"Or, it is to replace the avenues with the rules mastered by adults in the Daoxing world."

"With your current strength, it shouldn't be difficult to do this!"

Gui Yi's remarks made Jiang Yun suddenly stunned.

To put it simply, the meaning of Gui Yi is that the power of the Great Dao is supreme, stronger than the power of the three statues. The Dao seal directly condensed by the power of the Great Dao is naturally stronger than the rule mark of the three statues, thus replacing other marks. There is no need to add superfluous meaning to Taoism.

What's more, Jiang Yun's comprehension is to break all the rules, and it is really suitable to break the rules of the three statues.

Jiang Yun said in a deep voice, "Thank you for reminding me, I'll give it a try!"

After finishing speaking, a golden Dao pattern appeared in Jiang Yun's palm, and he began to concentrate on studying it.

With Jiang Yun's current comprehension and insights on cultivation, he has successfully condensed it into a brand-new Daoyin.

Although it has the same shape as the guardian Daoyin he penetrated into the soul of Gui Yi, it is a pair of open arms, but it contains only the power of the Dao and the Dao of Jiang Yun!

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