The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6910: continue, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Gu... Zun Gu is the teacher of all spirits, and Tian Zun is the first monk!"

The answer given by the devil made Jiang Yun somewhat puzzled: "She must be the first monk, otherwise, it is impossible to become the first supreme, the first of the three."

"Even, dare to compete with Dao Zun!"

When Jiang Yun finished saying these words, he felt something was wrong.

Because, the title of the first cultivator is actually not suitable for Tianzun, but should belong to Taoist.

Or, it is more reasonable to belong to your own master.

After all, in terms of qualifications, his master was the first person to embark on the path of cultivation, the real first person among the monks.

In terms of strength, the Dao Zun who trapped all beings in the Guantian Palace should be called the first monk.

Even Dao Zun's strength must have surpassed his master, and even more than Tian Zun.

So why is Tianzun called the first monk by the devil?

Seeing the contemplative look on Jiang Yun's face, the demon master naturally understood that Jiang Yun had realized something was wrong.

The devil continued: "The experience of Tianzun and yours is somewhat similar."

"It's just that she has better luck and higher qualifications than you."

"In the era we lived in, although Zun Gu created the path of cultivation and taught it to other beings, even Zun Gu included, all monks practiced from scratch."

"Moreover, our strength is not high. A group of people are crossing the river by feeling the stones, and the front is dark. They don't know which direction the road of cultivation should go, how to continue, and where is the end point."

"Does this look like the road of Taoism you are taking now?"

Jiang Yun nodded, admitting that the real realm at that time was indeed somewhat similar to Dao Xiu's situation.

Dao Xiu is the master's avatar who has opened up a path of cultivation.

But the road behind was opened up by countless Dao Cultivators, including himself, with the cooperation.

The Demon Lord sighed and said, "Being a cultivator has allowed us to experience the benefits of being strong and the changes that strength brings to us."

"Therefore, every cultivator of us is doing our best to explore the direction of the path of cultivation, and try to expand the path of cultivation little by little."

"But unfortunately, none of us can really do that."

"I remember very clearly that the highest realm of our cultivation at that time was the realm of life!"

Real life situation!

For Jiang Yun, this realm was a long time ago.

Compared to the complete cultivation realm of a cultivator, this realm is indeed not high.

After the real life realm, there are the realm of Defying Heaven, the realm of fate, the realm of breaking the law, the realm of reincarnation...

The Demon Lord continued: "At that time, I don't know how many monks have cultivated to the real life realm, and they can't advance any further until they die."

"So many monks have lost confidence in their practice."

"Until one day, Tianzun appeared!"

Jiang Yun's heart moved slightly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

And the Demon Lord affirmed Jiang Yun's thoughts, nodded vigorously and said, "You are right."

"Now, all the realms behind the secrets of the real cultivator, and the path of cultivation, all the way to the supreme realm, are all created by Tianzun alone!"

"Zun Gu is the teacher of all spirits, helping the living beings to find the path of cultivation, and Tian Zun is to continue the past and open up the future, open this road all the way, and reach the position of the supreme."

"Therefore, Tianzun will be called the first monk!"

After listening to the explanation of the Demon Lord, Jiang Yun's heart was immediately awe-inspiring for Tianzun!

Regardless of Tianzun's personality or personality, her contribution to the entire Daoxing Tiandi cultivator is indeed comparable to that of Master.

Even Jiang Yun thought of it, Tianzun may continue to open up the path of cultivation to the source realm later.

But for some reason, she didn't tell other monks, she just stood above this realm and became a god.

Jiang Yun thought for a while and asked: "That is to say, my master and Dao Zun, they all walked down the road opened by Tianzun until they surpassed Tianzun in turn?"

However, this question caused the Demon Lord to shake his head and say, "I don't know."

"I have the memory of Tianzun, and it is very complete, but the memory of Zun Gu and Dao Zun, especially the latter, I am almost blank."

After a pause, the Demon Lord continued: "I said the true identity of Tianzun, I just want to tell you that Tianzun is really similar to you, and they are really protecting us and protecting all the creatures in the Guantian Palace."

Jiang Yun glanced at the Demon Lord thoughtfully, realizing that the Demon Lord told him the true identity of Tianzun, clearly speaking for Tianzun.

However, Jiang Yun also admitted that at least from the current point of view, Tianzun is indeed fighting to protect Guantiangong, so he nodded and said: "I can see it!"

Jiang Yun's answer made the Demon Lord let out a sigh of relief and said, "That's good!"

"Although she disappeared, I believe that one day, she will definitely come back."

Jiang Yun took a deep look at the Demon Lord again, and nodded as well: "Yes, I also believe that she will definitely go home."

A smile appeared on the Demon Lord's face.

It seems that he can get Jiang Yun's approval of Tianzun, which makes him very happy.

"Tianzun asked me to wait for you here because I want to give you this Tianzun decree."

"During her absence, the Heavenly Venerate Domain is under your control."

The Demon Lord took out a very ordinary token and handed it to Jiang Yun.

After Jiang Yun hesitated for a while, he accepted the token bluntly.

It's not that Jiang Yun really wants to control the Tianzun domain, but that he came this time to stabilize Tianzun's disciples and subordinates.

With the Heavenly Venerate Order in hand, it is naturally a lot more convenient.

Then there are many relatives and friends of Jiang Yun in the Tianzun domain.

If this token is handed over to other people, such as Liu Yingfan, the first disciple of Tianzun, Jiang Yun can't guarantee that the other party will take the opportunity to hurt his relatives and friends.

Jiang Yun rubbed the Heavenly Venerate decree and said, "Is the ancient demon in the Heavenly Venerate Domain?"

"Let's go!" The devil replied very simply: "After you came last time, she left."

"Although she didn't say where she was going, I asked her about Mengyu, and she said she would not hurt Mengyu, but would try to protect Mengyu as much as possible."

Jiang Yun couldn't help frowning.

Everything the ancient demon did was to obey the orders of the Three Corpse Daoist.

I'm afraid, her departure is also because the Three Corpse Taoist asked her to hide from herself on purpose, so as to avoid letting herself take the dream domain away.

Jiang Yun hesitated for a moment and said, "Then is there any way for you to contact the Taoist Three Corpse?"

"No!" The Demon Lord shook his head and said, "I haven't had any contact with him since I saw him once."

Jiang Yun couldn't judge whether what the devil said was true or not, but now he didn't have time to worry about this issue, so he didn't ask any further, and explained the purpose of his visit this time.

After listening, the devil said: "Tianzunyu, you don't have to worry, as long as you hold the order of Tianzun, no one will dare to disobey."

"As for me, I am naturally willing to go to the Tibetan Peak space, hoping to break through to the Supreme."

"Okay!" Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Then please call Yuan Ning out, and I will let her take care of the Tianzunyu temporarily."

Among Tianzun's disciples, only Yuan Ning is familiar to Jiang Yun.

Moreover, Yuan Ning has a great kindness to Zhutianjiyu, so let her take charge of Tianzunyu, at least Jiang Yun does not need to worry that she will be detrimental to his relatives and friends.

Just as Jiang Yun was waiting for Yuan Ning and the Demon Lord, his body suddenly lit up.

Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly showed joy.

This light is from the token that Qin Bufan gave him!

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