The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6911: really small, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

From the enforcers of Hongmeng, Jiang Yun has already learned that even if they are in the Guantian Palace, they cannot communicate with the Immortal Realm.

In Jiang Yun's thinking, it should be Dao Zun who completely blocked the entire Guantian Temple.

However, Jiang Yun did not expect that Qin Bufan would be able to contact him now.

Whether it is Qin Bufan's strength so powerful that he can completely ignore the blockade of Dao Zun, or the blockade of Dao Zun has been broken by the strongmen of Hongmeng, it is a great news for Jiang Yun to be able to contact the monks outside the realm.

Therefore, Jiang Yun hurriedly took out the token, and Qin Bufan's hurried voice said: "Jiang Yun, hurry up, good chance, your soul avatar has entered the Five Elements Barrier, you hurry up!"

Hearing Qin Bufan's voice transmission, Jiang Yun was stunned at first, but then he understood that the Five Elements Barrier that the other party said should be the Five Elements space outside the Guantian Palace that he speculated!

A few days ago, his soul clone had indeed entered the five-element space through five stones of different colors.

But how did Qin Bufan know?

There were too many doubts in Jiang Yun's heart, so he hurriedly settled down and asked, "Brother Qin, do you know that now Dao Zun has cooperated with Shi Tiangan, and let my soul avatar enter with Shi Tiangan's people. Inside the Guantian Palace?"

"Furthermore, Dao Zun also blocked the entire Guantian Palace, let alone unable to leave, even the executives of Hongmeng can't get in touch with Hongmeng."

"Of course I do!" Qin Bufan's voice quickly sounded: "However, this matter has not yet spread outside the territory, and it seems that Hongmeng deliberately suppressed the news."

"After all, the members of the Hongmeng all want to obtain the aura of Hongmeng and enter the Guantian Palace. It is the Hongmeng who has been firmly suppressing them."

"If you let them know that even the people who have worked for ten days have entered the Guantian Palace, then they may not be able to wait any longer, but will choose to enter the Guantian Palace as well."

"Once this happens, even the lord of the Hongmeng can't hold them back. That's the real end of the world."

"As for me, I got it from Shi Tiangan."

After listening to Qin Bufan's words, Jiang Yun already admired Qin Bufan very much.

The other party successfully supported Feng Nianhua and controlled the original Yanji Pavilion without anyone entering the Daoxing World.

Unexpectedly, in the ten days of work, he also arranged for someone.

Needless to say, there must be his people in the Hongmeng.

No wonder his news is so well-informed!

Jiang Yun then asked: "Then how can you contact me?"

"And how do I know that my soul clone has entered the Five Elements Barrier?"

Qin Bufan laughed and said, "Although Dao Zun has indeed blocked Guantian Palace, it's not that I despise him. This kind of blockade can only prevent gentlemen, not villains!"

"Unfortunately, I happen to be a real villain, not like the people from Hongmeng, who are hypocrites!"

Jiang Yun immediately understood that Dao Zun's strength was obviously not as good as that of the top leaders of Hongmeng, and it might even be inferior to Qin Bufan.

It's just that Hongmeng and Dao Zun still have a cooperative relationship on the bright side, so in the face of Dao Zun's collusion for ten days, it's okay to block the Guantian Temple. As long as they don't completely tear their faces, Hongmeng will not directly break Dao Zun. The blockade, to contact the monks in the Guantian Palace.

But Qin Bufan has no scruples!

Moreover, Qin Bufan obviously looked down on the leader of the Hongmeng.

Jiang Yun is really a little curious, who is the lord of the Hongmeng alliance, and can make the spirit of luck and Qin Bufan look down on them so much!

Qin Bufan's voice then sounded: "Five elements enchantment, you should know what it is, it was jointly arranged by Hongmeng and Dao Zun."

"You can also think of it as a space, or a formation."

"As for why I can know that your soul avatar is in the Five Elements Barrier, I have to forgive me for keeping it a secret."

"Anyway, don't worry, I won't lie to you."

"In the Immortal Realm now, it seems calm, but it is actually a turbulent undercurrent."

"Dao Zun, Hongmeng and Shitiangan, these three forces are secretly planning something, and I don't have the mind to pay attention to your soul clone for the time being."

"And your soul clone, although it can enter the Five Elements Formation, but if you want to come out, it should not have this ability, so he is now trapped inside."

"However, I would also like to advise you that the Five Elements Formation is guarded by the Five Elements Dao Spirit."

"The five elements of Taoism are actually the weakest and equivalent to the supreme, and it is also possible to reach the source realm, so if you enter it, it is even more dangerous than your soul avatar."

"He at least has Taoist support."

"So if you don't have the confidence to come out alive, it's best not to go in."

Jiang Yun was silent for a moment and then said: "Okay, I will seriously consider it."

"Brother Qin, I want to ask you one more thing."

"what's up?"

Jiang Yun said solemnly: "Now our Guantiangong situation can be said to be in danger."

"Those who have been dry in ten days may come again at any time, and we can't be their opponents at all."

"I think, you shouldn't want to see us being wiped out by ten days, so I want to trouble you, help me contact the senior management of Hongmeng, and say that I want to make a deal with them."

This time, it was Qin Bufan's turn to fall silent.

After a long time, he said: "I advise you, it is best not to think about cooperating with Hongmeng."

"The purpose of Hongmeng is not as simple as you think."

"Too many words, I can't say it conveniently, I can only tell you that in the eyes of our foreign monks, the real important thing is to promote the world, not the living beings in the world!"

"Even, I'm not afraid to tell you, if destroying all the living beings of your Dao Xingtian and earth can make me Qin Bufan have a 10% chance of becoming a detached powerhouse, then I will not bear it!"

As Qin Bufan said, although he is a villain, he is a real villain!

Others might not be willing to tell Jiang Yun what he said, but he said it directly.

And Jiang Yun's eyes gradually became cold.

He didn't have any jealousy towards Qin Bufan because of this. Instead, he would like to thank the other party for reminding him that he still underestimated the temptation of becoming a detached powerhouse to a cultivator outside the realm.

In other words, not just the temptation to become a detached powerhouse, but all kinds of temptations.

Just as powerful as Ji Kongfan, for his wife and clansmen, he finally chose to submit to Dao Zun, and chose to be his enemy.

Even, if it wasn't for Ji Kongfan's repeated reminders to him, he might have already agreed to cooperate with fellow Dao Zun.

Everyone has an irresistible temptation.

The reason why you can still resist now is that the temptation for you is not big enough!

Just like Qin Bufan is still willing to remind himself, instead of doing it with Shi Tian, ​​to find a way to destroy all the creatures in the world, just because of this approach, it has nothing to do with whether he can become a detached powerhouse.

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Thank you brother Qin for reminding me, I will take note of your words."

Qin Bufan's voice became serious and said, "You don't need to thank me. We are only in a transactional relationship. I help you, and I am also helping myself."

"Hopefully, we won't have the day when we become enemies!"

"Wish you far away!"

Qin Bufan's voice no longer sounded, Jiang Yun also put away the token and slowly closed his eyes!

This conversation with Qin Bufan made Jiang Yun finally realize a fact clearly.

"Heavenly Venerable is right, foreign monks, even if they are not all our enemies, they are not our friends!"

"The creatures of Daoxing Heaven and Earth want to live, they can only rely on themselves!"

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