The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7324: need help, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Thoughts were spinning rapidly in Jiang Yun's mind.

Facing Shi Feng alone, he was not sure of victory, and now that he added a Bone King who was also at the peak of his origin, he would not have any chance of winning.

However, Bei Ming had been temporarily suppressed by Shi Feng with the mountain, even if Jiang Yun wanted to escape, he would not have any advantage in speed and could not escape.

Bone King shook his knife-sharp fingers, glanced sideways at Shi Feng and said, "I'll give you the ten blood lamps, and I'll give you the rest, right?"

"Yes!" While Shi Feng spoke, he suddenly raised his foot and stomped heavily.


Immediately, the continuous mountain below him made a loud noise and sank slightly!

This sinking seems to be nothing, but because the mountain is pressing on Beiming's body, the sinking force makes the mountain directly embedded in Beiming's body.

Following Shi Feng's movements, the Bone King gave a sinister smile, bowed his body slightly, and bounced towards Jiang Yun.

Obviously, the two have a clear division of labor.

Shi Feng was in charge of entangled Bei Ming, while Bone King was concentrating on dealing with Jiang Yun.

In front of Jiang Yun's eyes, the bone king's figure had already disappeared, and even his spiritual sense could not catch the bone king's trace. And Jiang Yun is also well aware that this bone king is not hiding in the space, but his thin body full of abscesses, which makes his speed reach an extreme, even surpassing others eyes and the speed of consciousness



Jiang Yun gave Beiming the order to eat again, and at the same time summoned the endless thunder of the avenue, which densely covered his body, hoping to block the bone king and force him to show up.

However, at the moment when the endless thunder appeared, Jiang Yun's heart shuddered, and he already felt a crisis approaching, so he rushed to the side and jumped out.

Even though Jiang Yun's reaction was fast enough, when he stabilized his figure, there was still a deep scratch on his face, and blood oozed out!

Bone King's voice resounded from far away: "Taoist, it's another Taoist!"

"Great, Daoxiu's meat contains the so-called power of the Dao, and it tastes even sweeter and more delicious, hehehe!"

Hearing these words from King Bone, Jiang Yun couldn't help but move.

Since the monks in the Land of Origin come from different time and space, there will naturally be Taoist monks.

In the realm of chaos, Taoist monks and other types of monks can live in peace, but here, the relationship between the two seems to be hostile.

If he could find the Daoist who lived in seclusion here, then maybe the other party would not be too hostile to him, so he could get some useful information from the other party's mouth.

This thought flashed in Jiang Yun's mind.

What he has to do now is to escape from the siege of these two non-Taoists.

Jiang Yun calmed down, his face sank like water, his eyes and consciousness, he tried his best to find the bone king's trace around him.

Through Bone King's two strikes, Jiang Yun already knew that Bone King was somewhat similar to himself. Although he must have cultivated other strengths, the other party's major was definitely the body, and he was a physical trainer.

As a physical cultivator at the peak of origin, Bone King has reached the extreme in his physical body cultivation, so his physical body may have truly achieved the highest state pursued by the Demon Lord and others.

His movement did not rely on any external force, but relied on the speed of his body, which made it impossible for the thunder that filled the sky to keep up.


Jiang Yun's eyebrows split open, and the underworld wrapped in the immortal tree emerged.

Since Jiang Yun condensed Huangquan with the power of time, for the first time, he didn't fight it against the enemy, but surrounded him!

The Yellow Spring spread out, forming a lake, which only covered an area of ​​about a thousand feet.

Jiang Yun is standing under the immortal tree in the center, surrounded by a lush grassland.

Within a thousand feet, the flow of time slowed down by ten times!

No matter how fast Bone King is, it cannot be faster than time, so as long as he enters the range of Huangquan, he will naturally slow down forcibly, thus revealing his figure.


Sure enough, as soon as Huang Quan appeared, there was a sound of turbulent water.

Countless palms protruded from the water, and some of them grabbed a figure that was rapidly appearing.

Bone King!

Bone King didn't care about being caught, but turned his head to look around, and said a little surprised: "The power of time, the power of death!"

"You are a Taoist cultivator, a little different from other Taoist cultivators I have met, and you have quite a lot of power!"

Jiang Yun didn't say a word, quickly pinched out several seals with both hands, and hit the grass below him.

Immediately, all the green grass immediately turned into a human form, and rushed towards the Bone King.

Plants become soldiers!

With Jiang Yun's current strength, the power of using this grass and trees to form an army will naturally surpass that of the immortal tree.

A soldier transformed from a piece of grass can at least have the strength of a great emperor.

However, trying to use these great emperors to deal with the Bone King is like hitting a stone with an egg, which is of no use at all.

Of course, Jiang Yun didn't want to use the strength of these green grass soldiers, but to use their vitality!

Even if the bone king's attack on Jiang Yun did not really hurt Jiang Yun just now, it still took away part of Jiang Yun's lifespan.

It's not difficult for Jiang Yun to judge that besides physical training, the Bone King definitely includes the power of death among the powers he masters.

Under Jiang Yun's control, these green grass soldiers were not affected by the speed of time, and they came to the Bone King's side in an instant.

One by one, like desperate warriors, they didn't launch any attacks at all, and directly rushed to the body of the bone king.

And the countless arms in the underworld also began to tear the bone king's body frantically.

At first, the Bone King still laughed, not paying attention to these green grass soldiers at all.

But when these green grass soldiers wrapped their "slender" limbs tightly around every part of his body, turning them into strands of life force and continuously pouring into his body, Bone King finally changed his expression.

As Jiang Yun said, what the Bone King practiced was the power of death, and the power of life was the best restraint for him.

Of course, it's impossible to kill the Bone King with just this bit of life force.

Therefore, Jiang Yun took a deep breath, and said to the spirit of the ten blood lamp: "Senior, it's up to you next."

Ever since Jiang Yun stepped into the outer layer of the land of origin, he has been in constant fighting almost all the time.

Especially when facing Shi Feng's attack, his strength could not be fully recovered.

Now, he has not only changed the flow of time, but also turned grass and trees into soldiers with the power of life, and he is almost in a state of exhaustion.

"it is good!"

With a wave of Jiang Yun's sleeve, the ten blood lamps had appeared, but what appeared were not lamps, but ten spirits in the image of Ye Dong!

The Ten Blood Lantern has ten spirits, and each spirit controls a layer of lamps, which is equivalent to mastering Ye Dong's magical powers.

Now, with ten weapon spirits appearing at the same time, Bone King's complexion involuntarily became solemn.

Immediately afterwards, the ten weapon spirits merged into one again, turning into a person, with various rays of light emitting from the body, as if to turn ten kinds of supernatural powers into one.

The Bone King also waved his hands, and easily cut off the countless arms under his body. The abscess on his body released a large amount of black and blue gas, causing the grass soldiers to wither quickly.

At the same time, Shi Feng roared: "Bone King, I will help you!"


Around Qi Ling's body, mountains emerged one after another, surrounding Qi Ling.

Jiang Yun's heart sank again.

He just wanted to force the Bone King back temporarily so that he could escape, but now that Shi Feng was free, his plan would come to nothing.

But at this moment, a woman's voice suddenly sounded: "I didn't expect that we would meet so soon." "Do you need help?"

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