The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7325: six worlds, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

At the same time as the woman's voice sounded, several huge **** fireballs appeared above the heads of Jiang Yun and the others.

These fireballs hung there quietly, motionless, but released an astonishing temperature and coercion, like soldiers ready to go, just waiting for an order.

Seeing these fireballs and hearing the woman's voice, Jiang Yun naturally knew who it was.

Nine birds!

The strong man who, together with himself, entered the place of origin from the realm of chaos.

Jiang Yun deliberately parted ways with Jiu Qin at the cost of giving up a stone of origin, but unexpectedly, they met here again so soon.

Although Jiang Yun doubted whether the other party was following him in secret, and now he suddenly asked if he wanted help, there was another purpose, but at this time, he really needed the help of others.

Therefore, Jiang Yun said loudly without hesitation: "Then there is trouble!"

Following Jiang Yun's words, all the suspended fireballs slammed fiercely at the several mountains that surrounded the ten blood lantern spirits.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the earth-shattering explosion, every fireball hit a mountain, exploded, turned into a monstrous flame, and instantly swept across the entire mountain.

From a distance, it looks like the mountain is suddenly covered in blood.

And under the scorching of these blood flames, the mountain immediately began to collapse or crack.

Facing the fireball that suddenly appeared, Shi Feng and Bone King naturally knew that another strong man was coming, but they didn't know who was coming.

It wasn't until the fireball fell and hit the mountain that they realized that it was the enemy, not the friend!

Bone King's body shook vigorously, and before the entangled grass on his body withered completely, he had already rushed towards Jiang Yun again.

But as soon as he moved, the spirit of the Ten Blood Lamp, which had escaped from the trap, stood in front of him.

Looking at Qi Ling, Bone King was no longer as relaxed as he was when facing Jiang Yun.

Although Ye Dong hadn't snatched any magic weapon from him back then, he still remembered what Ye Dong did and was extremely jealous.

What's more, the breath emanating from this weapon spirit is stronger than Jiang Yun, and almost the same as the Bone King, which is equivalent to a strong man at the peak of his origin.

The same realm, and it is a magical weapon refined by a strong man. The combination of these two conditions is enough to make any strong man in the Origin Land not dare to take it lightly when facing the spirit of the weapon. Shi Feng really wanted to help the Bone King, but in front of him, a huge figure appeared, it was a strange bird with nine heads, burning blood flames all over its body, and with the flapping of its wings, surging flames flew towards he swept away


But at this moment, the spirit of the Ten Blood Lamp suddenly turned his head, looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Look, this is what Ye Dong really wants to teach you!"

Jiang Yun was startled for a moment, but then nodded slightly and waited intently.

He had suspected for a long time that the purpose of Ye Dong giving him the Ten Blood Lantern was not just to thank him for helping him deliver the message, but for another purpose.

At this moment, Qi Ling's words finally proved his suspicion.

What Ye Dong wants to teach himself!

I saw Qi Ling's hands making quick moves, and patterns spread out.

And he also said in a deep voice: "The first way, the way of strength, borrow the power of all living beings!"

In Qi Ling's voice, everyone including Jiang Yun and Bone King felt a power in their bodies, and it was pure physical power, which was inexplicably sucked away.

Interlacing and circling with those Dao patterns in the air, they converged into a fist extremely quickly.

Qi Ling spoke again: "The second way, the way of killing, is to kill through heaven and earth!"

Accompanied by waves of murderous intent, a huge thunder sword condensed in the air.

"The third way, the way of illusion, borrows the illusion of the blood prison!"

Eighteen raging rivers of blood appeared, staggered and rolled, forming a complete prison of blood.

"The fourth way, the ruthless way, borrows the feelings of the criminals!"

In the blood river, a large number of colorful rays of light flew out, forming a colorful sword.

"The fifth way, the way of relentless love, the way of relentless affection!"

The black mist condensed into a black battle axe.

"The sixth way, the way of Yuan, belongs to the Yuan of everything!"

"Six paths, destroy the world!"

Qi Ling displayed six magical powers at a dizzying speed.

Accompanied by the final exit of the four characters "six ways destroy the world", the six kinds of attacks have all attacked the bone king.

Bone King's face has already revealed the color of fear!

Under the six kinds of attacks, he is far more aware of the powerful power contained in these six magical powers than Jiang Yun who is watching.

At this moment, he finally had regrets in his heart, regretting why he listened to Shi Feng's instigation and came to deal with Jiang Yun.

Now he really wanted to turn around and leave immediately.

But unfortunately, he couldn't leave at all.

Fist with endless strength;

The lightning sword releases the killing intent of heaven and earth;

The **** prison can imprison everything...


Although he knew that he might not be able to accept this move, but of course the Bone King couldn't just sit and wait for death, so he let out a roar.

"Papa papa!"

There was a loud bang like a cannonball above his body.

All the abscesses all over his body exploded, and sharp bone spurs protruded from them one after another.

Some bone spurs shot out of his body like arrows leaving the string.

Some spurs are crazy skyrocketing.

Obviously, he has completely cultivated his own bones into pieces of magic weapons!

There are as many magic tools as there are bones.

Now, facing Qi Ling's powerful attack, he can only unleash his own strength as much as possible.

At this moment, the Bone King looked like a gigantic humanoid hedgehog.

His whole body was tightly wrapped by sharp bone spurs.

The bone spurs shot out, even with a whistling sound, continuously passed through the attacking magic weapon formed by the six paths of the weapon spirit.

The fight between Qi Ling and Bone King is the real fight between the original peak powerhouses.

Not only was the scene extremely huge, but the momentum was also earth-shattering.

However, Jiang Yun didn't pay attention to the vast scene in front of him, but stared at the five weapons displayed by Qi Ling.

Because, this is what Ye Dong really wants to tell him!

With Jiang Yun's current eyesight, it is not difficult to see that the six attacks of Qi Ling are actually the attacks of the six great powers.

"No!" Jiang Yun murmured: "It's not the Dao, but the original way!"

Qi Ling is just a kind of life formed by the magic weapon. Jiang Yun doesn't know whether it has strength or not, but it definitely does not have the original Tao body.

But in the absence of the original Dao body, all the attacks displayed by Qi Ling are actually condensed by the original Dao body!

Jiang Yun fell into deep thought, what exactly is Ye Dong going to teach himself?

As for Qi Ling, he also didn't care about the consequences of his attack on the Bone King. Instead, he glanced at Jiang Yun and said, "I hope you can understand what Ye Dong means."

After finishing speaking, Qi Ling took a deep breath, and that almost transparent figure suddenly turned into a ray of light, submerging into Jiang Yun's body again.

This blow obviously consumed the power of the ten blood lamps!

However, this blow is worth it after all.

Amidst the loud noise of "Boom Boom Boom", the Bone King was instantly overwhelmed by the power of the Six Paths.

When the sound was about to end, a **** figure rose into the sky, and fled away in a hurry.

After all, Qi Ling is not the real Ye Dong. Although his attack is powerful, it is only an imitation. It cannot reach the level of destroying the world, and it is not enough to kill a strong man at the peak of his origin.

Bone King's escape brought Jiang Yun back from his contemplation.

Jiang Yun did not go after the Bone King, but turned his attention to Shi Feng.

"Dao Rang, lend me the power of Dao!"

"Okay!" After Daoyang agreed happily, a wave of great power immediately poured into Jiang Yun's body from all directions. The Bone King can leave, and Shi Feng can also leave, but the premise is that he must leave the Stone of Origin behind!

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