The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7326: Need to recognize the master, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Although Shi Feng was already entangled by Nine Birds, both of them were actually waiting for the result of the confrontation between Jiang Yun and Bone King, so neither of them used their full strength.

At this moment, seeing the Bone King's defeat, he felt a lot of power pouring into Jiang Yun's body from all directions, causing Jiang Yun to rush towards Shi Feng, and Shi Feng's expression sank involuntarily.

If the Bone King is still there, Shi Feng is naturally confident that he can defeat Jiang Yun and the others.

But now he is the only one left, which means that he has to face Jiang Yun, Jiu Qin, Shi Xue Deng, and Bei Ming at the same time!

He knew very well that he could no longer be an opponent.

Therefore, he also made a decisive decision. When he waved his sleeves, several mountains around him collapsed, and the broken stones, like raindrops, shot towards Jiu Qin and Jiang Yun who was rushing towards him.

As for himself, he took advantage of this opportunity to retreat in the opposite direction.

Shi Feng is about to escape!

However, as soon as he moved, a flower suddenly appeared in front of him.

An arrow shining with golden light appeared directly in front of him.

In the distance, Jiang Yun held a big bow, the bowstring trembling violently, and stared at him coldly.


Shi Feng's reaction was extremely fast, and a line shaped like the word "mountain" appeared on his face instantly, covering his entire face, exuding a heavy breath.

Vaguely, it seemed that there was really a big mountain blocking his face.


The golden arrow hit the rune, making a sound like a metal impact, but it failed to break the rune, did not hurt Shi Feng, but directly collapsed.

It can be seen from this that Jiang Yun's strength is still inferior to that of Shi Feng, so that his arrow that shoots into the sky does not pose any threat to Shi Feng.

However, Shi Feng did not expect that another small arrow emerged from the back of his head and shot into his head fiercely.


Although the small arrow didn't completely penetrate Shi Feng's head, it still made Shi Feng let out a scream, his body trembled slightly, and he stretched out his hand to cover the wound on the back of his head, and blood flowed out from between his fingers.

At the same time, Jiang Yun and Jiu Qin appeared beside him, one in front and one behind.

Even Beiming opened up a lot of ripples, swallowing all the mountains that were pressing on his body as food, and also walked around behind Shi Feng silently.

Shi Feng's face was livid, knowing that it was impossible for him to escape.

After a cold light flashed in his eyes, he stared at Jiang Yun and said coldly: "I have no grievances with you, I came to you only because of the ten blood lamp on your body."

"Now, I am not your opponent, and you have not suffered any injuries. How about I hand over the Stone of Origin and you let me go!"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Jiu Qin turned to look at Jiang Yun.

Although she did have another purpose in helping Jiang Yun, since this was a conflict between Jiang Yun and Shi Feng, she naturally wanted to seek Jiang Yun's opinion.

Jiang Yun stared at Shi Feng, deliberately lost in thought, and nodded after a long time: "Yes!"

Don't look at Dao Yang borrowing a lot of great power from Jiang Yun, but for Jiang Yun today, it is like a drop in the bucket, and it is impossible for him to recover all his strength in an instant.

The Ten Blood Lamp's Artifact Spirit also exhausted its strength, and could not continue to make shots in a short time.

If Shi Feng was really in a hurry, and the other party and Jiang Yun and the others came to a dead end, then Jiang Yun could only be a bystander, and still needed Jiu Qin to fight Shi Feng.

And in order to really kill a strong man at the peak of origin, even if one side is slightly stronger, it will definitely consume a lot of time in a one-on-one situation.

Therefore, Shi Feng offered to use the Stone of Origin in exchange for his departure, which was exactly what Jiang Yun wanted.

When Shi Feng heard the words, he also revealed a look of relief. He turned his wrist and spread his palm, and the Stone of Origin appeared again in his palm.

The eyes of the three people were all focused on the Stone of Origin.

Looking at the Stone of Origin at such a close distance, Jiang Yun can be sure that it is exactly the same as the Dao Seal fragment he got back then!

It's just that there should be something like a seal inside the Stone of Origin, which prevents the consciousness from entering it. I don't know what's going on inside.

Shi Feng's face showed even more reluctance, and he sighed leisurely: "I give you the Stone of Origin, but if you keep your word, let me leave."

Jiang Yun said lightly: "Now, you have no better choice than to trust us."

"Hey!" Shi Feng sighed again, rubbing the Stone of Origin reluctantly, looking at Jiang Yun and saying, "Since I gave you all this stone, I might as well tell you something more!"

"This stone of origin, as the key that allows us to enter the inner layer of the land of origin, it can also represent our identity."

"Therefore, the Stone of Origin, like a magic weapon, needs to be recognized."

"The way to recognize the Lord is to drip your own blood into it, or use your own strength to form a mark in it, and the stone will give you a feedback, which means that the recognition of the Lord is successful."

The Stone of Origin needs to recognize its owner!

The fragment of Dao seal that Jiang Yun owned back then also needs to recognize the owner!

Jiang Yun remembered very clearly that when he got the Dao Seal fragments, he didn't know what it was for at first. It was an accident that the Dao Seal fragments absorbed the Tao and turned into water.

When I stretched out my hand into the water, my finger was pierced by a water arrow, and a drop of blood dripped down, which made the Dao seal fragments recognize me as the master!

"Here you are!"

Shi Feng finally raised his hand and threw the Stone of Origin to Jiang Yun.

As soon as Jiang Yun grasped it, a familiar feeling suddenly emerged from his heart.

This made him almost certain that this was the fragment of Dao Seal.

After looking carefully at the Stone of Origin, Jiang Yun tried to penetrate his consciousness into it, but was still blocked by a force.

"By the way, I almost forgot!" Shi Feng laughed and said, "I haven't erased the imprint I left inside."

While speaking, Shi Feng stretched out his hand, motioning Jiang Yun to give him the Origin Stone again.

And Jiang Yun didn't think much about it.

As a magic weapon, if there are imprints left by others, it needs to be erased in order to make the magic weapon truly belong to oneself.

Relying on Jiang Yun's current strength, if he wants to forcibly erase Shi Feng's imprint left in the Origin Stone, it will definitely take a lot of time and wear it off bit by bit, not to mention impossible.

Therefore, if Shi Feng is willing to erase it, Jiang Yun, who is natural, will be in trouble again.

Jiang Yun shook his hands and threw the Stone of Origin back to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng caught the Origin Stone, and with a little force on his palm, a ray of light suddenly lit up on the Origin Stone.

Holding up the Stone of Origin, Shi Feng looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Now this Stone of Origin is ownerless. After I give it to you, I will leave immediately. Don't go back on what you say!"

"Don't worry!" Jiang Yun nodded and promised again.

Shi Feng then raised his hand and threw the Stone of Origin to Jiang Yun.

Immediately afterwards, his figure has already retreated towards the rear.

Jiu Qin glanced at Jiang Yun, and asked Jiang Yun with his eyes if he really let the other party go, Jiang Yun nodded.

Jiu Qin shrugged his shoulders and did not chase after him.

Shi Feng's figure disappeared in an instant, and Jiang Yun also looked at Jiu Qin and said: "Thanks to your shot this time..."

What Jiang Yun wants to do most now is to quickly find out whether the Stone of Origin is a fragment of Dao Seal.

But before that, he naturally needed to appease Jiu Qin.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden shocking sound.

Jiang Yun even noticed that the Stone of Origin in his hand trembled slightly, as if he had become conscious, and wanted to leave his hand!

He and Jiu Qin raised their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of the sound.

Just above the heads of the two of them, a vortex unexpectedly appeared, and a strong suction force emanated from the vortex. The suction is only aimed at the Stone of Origin!

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