The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7327: not my daughter, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

On the outer layer of the land of origin, on another broken star, the eyes of the Lord of the Stems, the Earth Venerable, and the Ren Zun all stared at the palm of the old woman surrounded by them.

In the palm of the old woman, she also held a black stone.

The Lord of Heavenly Stems and others were better, but both the Earth Venerable and the Human Venerable were stunned, with disbelief in their eyes, staring at the stone, unable to speak.

Seeing everyone's reactions in her eyes, the old woman sneered and said, "You don't have to pretend, what you want is nothing more than the Stone of Origin!"

Although the old woman had a sneer on her face, she looked at everyone with a look of scrutiny.

Naturally, the Lord of Heavenly Stems did not lie. Even including the Ganzhi Sacred Tree, none of them knew what the Stone of Origin was. Of course, it was impossible to attack the old woman specifically to **** the Stone of Origin.

The Lord of Heavenly Stems didn't bother to refute the old woman anymore, and asked straightforwardly: "My friend, what is the use of this Stone of Origin?"

After the old woman took a deep look at the Lord of Heavenly Stems, the sneer on her face gradually subsided, and she said suspiciously: "Why, you really didn't come here for the Stone of Origin?"

The Lord of Heavenly Stems sighed and said, "At this point, do you think we still need to lie to you?"

"Friend, we were wrong just now, and I apologize to you here."

While talking, the Lord of Heavenly Stems clasped his fists at the old woman pretendingly, and then continued: "Friends, just be a good person and do it to the end. Let me tell you, what is the use of this Stone of Origin!"

The attitude shown by the Lord of Heavenly Stems made the old woman's expression soften a little, she nodded and said, "Forget it, I'll tell you all."

"The stone of origin is the key that can make people, remember, a person's key to the inner layer of the land of origin."

If Jiang Yun were here, he would find that what the old woman said and did next were exactly the same as Shi Feng!

After the old woman told the function of the Stone of Origin and the need to recognize the Lord, she erased the imprint left by herself in the Stone of Origin.

While throwing the Stone of Origin to the Lord of Heavenly Stems, her figure had already soared into the sky and left the star.

Although the Lord of Heavenly Stems and others have the ability to kill the old woman, the Divine Tree of Ganzhi has repeatedly told them not to cause extra problems, and the main purpose of everything is to enter the inner layer of the place of origin first.

Therefore, everyone was too lazy to hunt down the old woman, but focused all their attention on the Stone of Origin.

In the view of the Lord of Heavenly Stems, there is nothing special about this stone of origin.

Before obtaining the consent of the Ganzhi Divine Tree, he did not dare to make his own claim and let this stone of origin recognize him as the master.

He raised the Stone of Origin, shook it at the Earth Lord, and said, "Earth Lord, is this something that makes you feel familiar?"

The earth venerable took a deep breath and didn't answer, but turned to look at the human venerable and said, "Did you recognize it too?"

Ren Zun hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "That seems to be... looking for a monument to repair!"

The earth venerable back then, after learning from Pan Chaoyang that there was a higher level of practice beyond the supreme, he divided the soul and body of his daughter, Jiang Yun's second senior sister, Situ Jing, into one piece. for two.

Half of the soul was sent into the reincarnation of Sijingzang by the Earth Venerable, and reincarnated as Situ Jing.

And the other half of the soul and body were integrated into the Xunxiu Monument by the Earth Venerable!

In short, looking for the monument can be regarded as Situ Jing!

However, the Xunxiu Monument in Daoxing Tiandi had already completely disappeared with Situ Jing's self-detonation, and no longer existed.

And after stepping into this place of origin, the familiar breath sensed by the Earth Lord naturally comes from the Stone of Origin.

This familiar feeling also evokes a memory that has been almost dusty for a long time, so that he feels that he seems to have been to the place of origin.

Of course, he was more skeptical.

After all, he had watched Situ Jing blew himself up and died.

Therefore, he once thought that his perception was wrong.

Until this moment, he saw this stone called the Stone of Origin with his own eyes.

Moreover, from Ren Zun's mouth, he heard that the other party also recognized this stone as if it was a monument of Xunxiu, which finally made him sure that his perception was not wrong!

"Yes!" Earth Venerable finally nodded to the Lord of Heavenly Stems and said, "Can I touch it?"

The Lord of Heavenly Stems said coldly: "Don't think about letting him recognize you as the master."

After finishing speaking, he threw the Stone of Origin to the Earth Venerable.

The earth venerable held the Stone of Origin with trembling hands, and then remained motionless, as if he had been cast with a freeze spell.


But after only three breaths, the Earth Venerable suddenly yelled, covered his head with his hands, and sat down on the ground.

His brows were tightly frowned, his facial features were distorted, and he was obviously caught in some kind of chaotic emotions.

Regarding the abnormal reaction of the earth venerable, although the lord of heavenly stems felt a little strange, he didn't have the slightest sympathy, and just said coldly: "What's wrong with you?"

"Could it be that you wanted to secretly drip blood into it, only to find out that there is a trap in this Stone of Origin!"

This was the only possibility that the Lord of Heavenly Stems could think of. He didn't dare to be negligent, so he reached out and snatched the Origin Stone from Earth Venerable's hand again.

With the lessons learned from the Earth Venerable, the Lord of Heavenly Stems did not dare to use his divine sense to check the inside of the Stone of Origin rashly, but turned his gaze to the Ren Zun and said: "It seems that you also recognize this thing, tell me about it. what's going on."

"Xunxiu Monument, what is it?"

Of course Ren Zun didn't dare to hide it, so he told all the news he knew about the Xunxiu Monument in detail.

And after hearing what Ren Zun said, the faces of the Lord of Heavenly Stems and the first class also showed surprise.

Naturally, they also find it difficult to accept that a monument made by the earth venerable in the real realm can be exactly the same as the stone of origin in the place of origin.

After a long time, the Lord of Heavenly Stems frowned, looked at Ren Zun and said, "You said that Di Zun made the Xun Xiu Monument to find Dao Xiu?"

"But Di Zun, you, and Tian Zun, the three of you are not Taoists!"

"The earth lord who is not a Taoist can actually make a stone tablet that can be used to find a Taoist?"

Ren Zun smiled wryly and said, "I don't know how he was able to make the monument."

"After all, even his own daughter can be integrated into the stele, so it's not convenient for me to get to the bottom of it."

The Lord of Heavenly Stems once again looked at the shivering Earth Lord who was still sitting on the ground, shook his head and said, "It is said that tigers are poisonous and don't eat their offspring, but you are more poisonous than tigers, and you would treat your daughter so cruelly!" things."

However, as soon as the Lord of the Heavenly Stems finished speaking, the Earth Venerable, who was covering his head, shook his head vigorously, and said with difficulty, "No, Situ Jing, no, not my daughter!"

"I don't remember at all how I was able to create the Xunxiu Monument."

"It's her, she's from, from..."

Just when the earth venerable said this, he suddenly heard the sound of "buzzing buzzing", which interrupted his words.

The Lord of Heaven's Stems changed his complexion, his hands tightened, and he firmly grasped the Stone of Origin, which also seemed to have consciousness and was about to break free! Immediately afterwards, they all raised their heads and looked upwards. There, a vortex suddenly appeared, and a huge suction force was released from it, pointing directly at the Stone of Origin in the hands of the Lord of Heavenly Stems!

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