The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7328: Disposable, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Chapter 7328 Disposable

"Then Shi Feng tricked us!"

Jiang Yun, who was also suffering from a huge suction force, looked at the vortex above his head that was only a hundred feet away from him, and naturally understood that he was being tricked by Shi Feng.

Although the other party had indeed given the Stone of Origin to him, when he just wanted the Stone of Origin back, he probably did something secretly, which caused such a vortex to appear at this moment.

And the purpose of the vortex is obviously to **** away the stone of origin in his hand.

The suction force emanating from the vortex is extremely powerful.

And Jiang Yun's own strength is insufficient, so his whole body, under the struggle of the Stone of Origin in his hand, unexpectedly rose a lot.

"Tao soil!"

Jiang Yun roared hastily, and Dao Yang immediately continued to summon the power of the Dao to Jiang Yun to help him resist the suction of the vortex.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiu Qin naturally understood what was going on.

After pondering for a while, Nine Birds waved his sleeve, and a blood flame condensed into a rope, which wrapped around Jiang Yun's body, and also began to help Jiang Yun resist the suction.

It's a pity that the Stone of Origin in Jiang Yun's hand is still rising little by little!

Obviously, even with the help of the original peak powerhouse, it is impossible to resist the suction in the vortex.

And this also made Jiang Yun realize that the appearance of this vortex should not be caused by Shi Feng, but originated from this place of origin.

If Shi Feng could really create such a vortex, why would he send the Origin Stone away? He is fully capable of defeating himself and Jiu Qin.

What's more, apart from sucking away the Stone of Origin, this vortex didn't release any other power to attack itself.

"Imprint!" Jiang Yun's thoughts turned sharply: "After Shi Feng erased the imprint in the Stone of Origin, he immediately left in a hurry. He obviously knew that the vortex would appear."

"Erase the imprint, a vortex appears, trying to **** away the Stone of Origin!"

Jiang Yun suddenly said: "I understand, once this Stone of Origin becomes unowned, it will be sucked away by this vortex!"

Jiang Yun guessed right!

In the place of origin, the stone of origin is not naturally generated, but comes from the outside world!

Of course, the outside world mentioned here does not refer to the outside of the place of origin.

Because the monks living here don't know where the Stone of Origin came from. They only know that the Stone of Origin doesn't belong to the outer and middle layers.

Most likely, it should come from the inner layer of the place of origin!

A strong man once conducted an experiment, asking all the strong men in the outer layer who held the Stone of Origin to erase their marks and let them be sucked away by the vortex.

And it won't be long before a new Stone of Origin will appear in the outer layer.

Therefore, they came up with a rough guess, that is, the inner layer of the land of origin, every once in a while, will throw a certain number of origin stones, scattered to the outer layer and the middle layer, which can be regarded as giving them the qualification to enter the inner layer and hope.

And each batch of Origin Stone thrown out is one-off.

The stone of origin that was thrown out is obtained by someone, and after being stamped with your own mark, the stone of origin will belong to you.

If you die, or the imprint you left in the Stone of Origin is erased, turning the Stone of Origin into an ownerless thing again, a vortex will appear and the Stone of Origin will be taken away again.

To put it simply, it is the Stone of Origin, and only when it appears for the first time will it cause other people to compete for it.

Once the Stone of Origin has an owner, it loses the meaning of fighting for it.

This is equivalent to a special rule of the place of origin.

Only monks who live in the middle and outer layers all the year round will know.

Of course, people like the elders of the big family who appear directly in the inner layer every time would not know, and naturally they did not tell Jiang Yun and them.

Whether Shi Feng or the old woman, they were forced to surrender the Stone of Origin in exchange for their own departure.

At the same time, they also hope that Jiang Yun, Di Zun and others should not give up the Stone of Origin, but hold on tightly as much as possible.

Because, the suction power emanating from the vortex is simply not something that the original peak monks can resist.

Not to mention Jiang Yun and Jiu Qin, even if ten or twenty of the original peak powerhouses joined forces, they would not be able to resist the suction, and the Stone of Origin would still be sucked into the vortex in the end.

If you refuse to let go, then you will enter the vortex along with the Stone of Origin.

Don't think that if you enter the vortex, you can go directly to the inner layer of the land of origin.

After entering the vortex, there is only one end—death!

Jiang Yun didn't know these things, but he absolutely couldn't let this stone of origin be sucked away by the vortex.

So at this moment, he mustered up his strength and grabbed the Stone of Origin desperately.

Moreover, a drop of blood has been squeezed out from his fingertips, sinking into the inside of the Stone of Origin.

Jiang Yun wondered if he would be able to stop the suction after letting the stone recognize his master.

It's a pity that although the blood was indeed absorbed by the stone of origin, Jiang Yun didn't feel any connection between himself and the stone.

He couldn't think of the reason for the time being.

Seeing that he still couldn't resist the suction, Jiang Yun simply opened his mouth, swallowed the Stone of Origin into his stomach, and hid it directly in the Dao Realm.

In this way, Jiang Yun flew directly towards the whirlpool.

Not only that, even Jiu Qin's body, which was always holding Jiang Yun, also left the place.

Jiu Qin said in a deep voice: "Jiang Yun, you and I cannot compete with this suction."

"And in that vortex, after my consciousness enters, it will be crushed immediately, and it must be very dangerous inside."

"So, I advise you, it's better to give up that Stone of Origin, and don't go in by yourself, we can think of other ways."

Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said, "It's useless to give up this piece."

"Even if we grab other Origin Stones, we should still encounter such a situation."

Jiu Qin was silent, and of course she guessed the reason.

The Origin Stone can only have one owner.

Looking at the vortex that was getting closer and closer to him, Jiang Yun's face showed a look of determination.


Guardian Dao appeared in front of Jiang Yun, and his body swelled to a size of a hundred feet, lying between Jiang Yun and the whirlpool.

Since the goal of the vortex is the Stone of Origin, the blocking of the guardian avenue may be able to separate this suction.

It's a pity that Guardian Dao was also sucked into the whirlpool.

Jiang Yun's brows split open, and the three original Dao bodies walked out together, grabbing Jiang Yun's body respectively.

Immediately afterwards, Guardian Dao suddenly raised his hand, and punched the whirlpool fiercely.

Since you can't resist the suction, let's try to see if we can break the vortex.

The fist guarding the avenue did not hit the vortex at all, but directly sank into the vortex.

Not only failed to cause any damage, but let his fist disappear in smoke.

In short, so far, the facts are very clear, no matter what is in the vortex, it is definitely not Jiang Yun today, and it is not something that any monks in the outer and middle layers of the origin can compete.

But Jiang Yun really wanted to find out whether this stone of origin was a fragment of Dao Seal, so no matter what, he didn't want to give up.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun put away the three original Dao bodies, and said, "Nine birds, let me go!"

Jiu Qin frowned and said, "You don't really want to sacrifice your life because of a stone, do you?"

Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "No, I have a sense of proportion!"

Since Jiang Yun insisted, Jiu Qin couldn't say anything, so he could only let go of his strength.

Without the help of Jiu Qin, Jiang Yun's body immediately accelerated and flew towards the whirlpool.

And at this moment, countless waterfalls of light suddenly gushed out of Jiang Yun's body, and under the rapid spread, the vortex was already wrapped in just a moment.

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