The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7329: Take the initiative to seek death, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

At the same time, the Lord of Heavenly Stems, who is on another broken star, is also using all his strength to resist the suction force from the vortex, trying to keep the Stone of Origin in his hand and avoid being sucked away .

Naturally, he also understood that he had been fooled by the old woman, and that once the Stone of Origin became unowned, it would be taken back by the whirlpool.

At the beginning, he didn't care too much, thinking that with his own strength, he would definitely be able to keep this Stone of Origin.

But when his body also started to fly towards the whirlpool uncontrollably, he became a little anxious, and hurriedly asked Jiazi and others to grab him together.

Although their number was much larger than that of Jiang Yun and Jiu Qin, they still couldn't resist the suction.

In desperation, the Lord of Heavenly Stems could only ask the Ganzhi Tree for instructions: "My lord, what should we do now?"

"I'm afraid we won't be able to keep this Stone of Origin!"

The voice of Ganzhi Sacred Tree became sharp because of anxiety: "No, no matter what, the Stone of Origin must be left behind."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to reach the inner layer at all."

For the Divine Tree of Ganzhi, its goal is to enter the inner layer of the land of origin and go home, not caring about the safety of the Lord of Heavenly Stems and others at all.

Anyway, these people are dead, and it can bring them back to life again.

Hearing the words of the Divine Tree of Ganzhi, the Lord of Heavenly Stems frowned and smiled wryly in his heart.

This Stone of Origin is not something you can keep if you want to!

But at this moment, the earth venerable who had been sitting on the ground suddenly jumped up, jumped in front of the lord of heavenly stems, reached out his hand, and held the stone of origin.

The Lord of Heavenly Stems was all focused on fighting against the suction of the vortex, and he never thought that at this time, the Earth Lord would dare to come and **** the Stone of Origin from his hand.

In addition, the suction from the vortex itself is extremely great, and the Lord of Heavenly Stems is already faintly unable to hold the Stone of Origin.

So, caught off guard, his hands were empty, and the Stone of Origin had already fallen into the hands of Earth Venerable.

"court death!"

Now the Lord of Heavenly Stems was really angry, and at the same time he was yelling at him, he had already raised his hand, wanting to teach the Earth Lord a lesson.

But to everyone's surprise, after the earth venerable firmly grasped the origin stone, he took the initiative to soar into the sky again without the slightest hesitation.

So, under the gaze of everyone, the Earth Venerable held the stone of origin tightly, and was submerged in the vortex in an instant.

The speed was so fast that the Lord of Heavenly Stems didn't even have time to stop it.


Following the pitiful scream of the earth lord from the depths of the vortex, not only did the suction disappear, but the entire vortex also shrank rapidly, disappearing without a trace.

This result made the Lord of Heavenly Stems and others look at each other in blank dismay, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while.

Naturally, they could all see that no matter where it was in the vortex, it must be extremely dangerous, and they dared not enter it rashly.

However, the earth venerable, regardless of his own safety, desperately snatched the stone of origin, and rushed into the vortex on his own initiative.

This really made them feel puzzled, and they didn't understand why Earthly Venerable would do this.

Especially the scream that came out at the end can almost prove that the Earth Lord is already in danger.

However, the Lord of the Heavenly Stems didn't care about the life and death of the Earth Venerable at all, but said to the Ganzhi Divine Tree nervously: "My lord, the villain deserves to die, for he failed to leave the Stone of Origin."

The Lord of Heavenly Stems is ready to be punished by the Divine Tree of Ganzhi.

But the strange thing is that the Ganzhi Divine Tree didn't respond at all.

After waiting patiently for a while, the Lord of Heavenly Stems could only look at Ren Zun again and said, "Ren Zun, what do you think happened to Di Zun's behavior just now?"

Among them, the only one who knows the Earth Zun best is the Human Zun.

Ren Zun frowned, hesitated for a while, and then said in anticipation of Ai Ai: "I don't know, but I feel that Earth Zun seems to be deliberately seeking death!"

"However, Earth Venerable's character is extremely forbearing and cruel."

"It stands to reason that it is impossible for him to seek death."

Ren Zun shook his head and said, "I really don't know what happened to him."

As soon as Ren Zun's voice fell, the voice of Ganzhi Shenshu also sounded: "It's strange, I lost contact with Di Zun, and I can't perceive whether he is dead or alive, and I can't let him be reborn again. !"

The Ganzhi Divine Tree can absorb other living beings into its own body as nutrients.

Then turn them into fruits and grow them again, which is equivalent to giving them the ability to be immortal. Although outsiders don't know how the Ganzhi Sacred Tree is made, since it can "grow" again on the tree after death, it must mean that there may be souls of other living beings or other creatures in the body of the Ganzhi Sacred Tree.

Something was regarded as a seed.

Regardless of whether they leave the body of the Ganzhi Divine Tree or not, at least they will have a constant connection with the Ganzhi Divine Tree.

But now, not only has the connection between the Earth Venerable and the Divine Tree of Ganzhi been severed, but the Divine Tree of Ganzhi still cannot allow it to grow back.

If the deity dies, it is really a complete annihilation of body and spirit, and it will never be resurrected.

But if the Earth Lord is still alive, it means that he has completely got rid of the control of the Ganzhi God Tree!

None of the crowd dared to speak, and finally Ganzhi Shenshu said: "Forget it, just throw it away."

"Anyway, there must be more than one Stone of Origin here, let's grab another one, and by the way, ask clearly what's going on with that vortex!"

The Lord of Heavenly Stems heaved a sigh of relief, hurriedly waved his big sleeves, took all the human beings into his body, and said: "Don't worry, my lord, I promise that I will find another Stone of Origin soon."

After finishing speaking, the Lord of Heavenly Stems stepped forward, left the broken star, and continued to search for other stones of origin.

And at this moment, Jiang Yun is using his own Taoist world to swallow up that vortex!


As soon as Dao Realm touched the vortex, the vortex suddenly trembled slightly!

The magnitude of the trembling didn't seem strong, but to Jiang Yun, it was a continuous force, constantly hitting his body and soul.

In this regard, Jiang Yun has long been prepared.

No matter what is in the vortex, it is temporarily out of reach for him.

It is simply unrealistic to swallow the vortex with the Dao world.

The reason why Jiang Yun wanted to do this kind of crazy behavior in Jiu Qin's eyes was not to swallow the whirlpool, but to force Daoist!

The Stone of Origin has been sent into Daoxingtian map by Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun can be sure that Dao Zun must know something about the place of origin, the stone of origin, or even the fragments of the Dao seal that he once owned.

Since he refuses to speak, then use this method to force him to speak.

Of course, if Dao Zun still insists on not saying anything, then Jiang Yun can only give up the Stone of Origin.

After all, Dao Zun is Daoxing Tiandi, even if Jiang Yun died, he would not dare to let him suffer the slightest harm.


Sure enough, under the collision of the vortex in the Dao world, Jiang Yun's mind finally sounded the sigh of Daoist Venerable.

Just as hope rose in Jiang Yun's heart, waiting for Dao Zun to make a move or continue to speak, the suction from the vortex suddenly disappeared.

Even, the vortex began to shrink at a rapid rate, and it was obvious that it was about to disappear as well.

This sudden change was beyond Jiang Yun's expectation.

Although he had placed some hopes on Dao Zun, Dao Zun just sighed, and he was able to make the vortex give up absorbing the Stone of Origin.

Seeing the vortex getting smaller and smaller until it became a small hole the size of a finger, a ray of light suddenly shot out from inside.

This ray of light seemed to have eyes, it rushed directly into Daoxingtian's map, found the Stone of Origin, and didn't enter!


The Stone of Origin trembled slightly, and a ray of light flashed across the entire surface.

Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness stared at the Stone of Origin, but what appeared in his mind was the ray of light shot out of the small hole just now.

Although the light is extremely fast, this is Jiang Yun's Dao Realm.

Therefore, he could vaguely see that there was a black flower in that light! After being dazed for a moment, Jiang Yun looked at the small hole that was about to disappear, opened his mouth, and was about to speak, but the small hole suddenly disappeared without a trace!

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