The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7333: Daozun shot, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Chapter 7333 Dao Zun makes a move

Although Shi Feng knew very well that giving the Stone of Origin to Jiang Yun would be of no use to Jiang Yun, but his original purpose was to take away the Ten Blood Lantern from Jiang Yun.

As a result, the ten blood lanterns were not snatched. Instead, he lost the Stone of Origin and the qualification to enter the inner layer of the Land of Origin.

Of course, he couldn't swallow this breath.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun and Jiu Qin were dealing with the whirlpool, Shi Feng always hid nearby, observing their every move while contacting the other three original peaks.

And Shi Feng actually belonged to that organization!

Now, with the arrival of his companions, Shi Feng gained confidence, and then chased Jiang Yun and the others again, intending to kill Jiang Yun and take away the Ten Blood Lantern.

Although Jiang Yun has Beiming's transportation, Beiming's speed is still not as good as that of the original peak.

After only half an hour passed, Jiang Yun's divine sense had already seen the four people following him.

This also made his heart sink.

If the four original peaks caught up with him, he would surely die, and there was no possibility of escaping at all.

However, I am not as fast as the opponent, and I am not familiar with the outer layer of this place of origin. Even if I find Master and the others, I am still no match for these people, and I have nowhere to escape!

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only pin his hopes on the three hidden in his body.

The spirits of the Ten Blood Lanterns, Dao Zun and Dao Rang, they all have their own secrets, maybe at this time, they are willing to reveal some of them, so as to help them get rid of the danger in front of them.

Regarding Jiang Yun's inquiry, Qi Ling and Dao Zun remained silent, only Dao Rang hesitated for a moment and said: "I don't have any memories of the outer layer."

"I just remember that near the middle layer, there should be a large number of dark beasts, which can be regarded as a natural barrier, preventing the monks from the outer layer and the middle layer from entering each other."

"You're not afraid of the Dark Beast anyway, so you can go and have a look!"

Dao Yang's words made Jiang Yun's eyes light up!

Before entering the place of origin, the big clan elder also reminded himself that the dark beast is definitely his biggest advantage here.

It's just that I don't know where to look for the dark beast.

Now that Daoyang has given the Dark Beast a place to live, of course he can go there and use the Dark Beast to get rid of Shi Feng's pursuit.

Moreover, if the dark beast was somewhere else, it would be difficult for him to find it, but it was not difficult to find it at the intersection of the middle layer and the outer layer.

After all, the entire place of origin is divided into three layers, the inner and the outer, in a ring shape. As long as you move towards the deepest part, you will be able to reach the middle layer.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know how far it was from the middle level, and whether he could persist there, but in this situation, he really had no other way to go, so he could only try it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun recalled his position when he first stepped into the outer layer of the land of origin, and quickly judged the direction of the middle layer, and immediately urged Bei Ming to turn the direction.

Next, it's the speed contest between Jiang Yun and the four original peaks!

Although Beiming's speed is indeed not as good as Yuanyuan's peak, the gap is not too big. It is not easy for the four of them to catch up with Beiming.

And in this process, Jiang Yun also tried his best to use some magic tools and treasures he had searched before to delay time.

Even, Jiang Yun let the three original Dao bodies explode once respectively, and persisted for two full days.

It's a pity that he still doesn't know where the boundary between the outer layer and the middle layer is, and he hasn't sensed the slightest breath of the dark beast.

And the four people behind him are less than ten thousand feet away from him at this moment!

Jiang Yun is also exhausted, in a state of exhaustion.

Looking at the four people who were still approaching behind him with spiritual consciousness, Jiang Yun sighed and said, "It seems that we can't escape this time!"

At this moment, Dao Zun's voice finally sounded again in his mind: "Put away Beiming, and sacrifice the Daoxingtian map!"

"I can only shoot once!"

Obviously, after confirming that Jiang Yun really couldn't get rid of Shi Feng's pursuit, Dao Zun was finally willing to make a move.

Jiang Yun also put away Beiming without hesitation, and threw out the map of Daoxingtian.

The next moment, the Daoxingtian map suddenly exploded, and Jiang Yun and Shi Feng were all swallowed up in an instant.

Jiang Yun's eyes flickered, and he found that he was already in a certain world in Tianzun's domain, and Daozun's voice sounded again: "The outer layer of this place of origin is so large that it is even bigger than Daoxing Tiandi. Much wider."

"From this point of view, I can only use the Daoxingtian map to send you a corresponding distance from the place of origin, but I can't guarantee that after you go out, you must be safe, or you must be in the middle and outer layers. Where it meets."

Jiang Yun understood what Dao Zun meant.

In short, it is to completely spread out the Daoxingtian map on the outer layer of this place of origin.

Originally, Daoist thought that the length of the Dao Xingtian map, not to mention covering the entire outer layer, should at least reach the intersection of the outer layer and the middle layer.

But in fact, it still can't reach it.

What the Daoist can do is to let himself stand on one side of the picture, and then send himself to the other side of the picture in an instant, which is equivalent to traversing the distance of the entire Dao Xing Tiandi.

Jiang Yun doesn't know how long this distance is, but he should be able to get rid of Shi Feng and the four of them.

Therefore, Jiang Yun agreed and said: "Okay!"

Jiang Yun's eyes flickered again, and he was already in the boundary crack of the outer layer of the land of origin again, with the Daoxingtian map floating in front of him.

Daoist's voice came out of the picture: "Okay, I left the four of them where they are, and I believe I won't be able to find you for the time being."

As soon as the words fell, Daoxingtian map turned into a ray of light, which directly submerged into Jiang Yun's body.

It is not difficult to see that, in the state of the Daoist, helping Jiang Yun teleport once, for him, it is definitely worse, and I don't know how much life is lost.

Jiang Yun didn't bother Dao Venerable any more, and looked around with his spiritual consciousness, wanting to find out if there was a safe place so that he could absorb the water of the Great Dao in the Stone of Origin.

At the same time, Shi Feng and others who were left in place by Daoist were looking at each other in blank dismay.

They were brought into the Dao Xingtian Map by Dao Zun, and then sent out, it was only a moment, so that they didn't even know what they had just experienced.

They only knew that Jiang Yun, who was less than ten thousand feet away from them, had disappeared inexplicably!

No matter how they spread their consciousness, they could no longer find Jiang Yun.

After a while, Shi Feng was the first to speak: "Everyone, it seems that besides the ten blood lamps, there are other good things on Jiang Yun's body!"

"However, it should be impossible to find this person with the strength of the four of us."

"So, why don't you ask your lord to give an order to mobilize all our members to hunt down the whereabouts of this person and other outsiders throughout the outer layer!"

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