The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7334: Like Pole Dreamland, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

In the darkness, Beiming's pitch-black figure and the surrounding environment blended together almost perfectly, quietly moving forward.

Jiang Yun also let the power of darkness wrap himself, without revealing the slightest breath.

Although Jiang Yun finally got rid of Shi Feng and others with the help of Dao Zun, but he knew that this did not mean that he was safe.

As long as he is in the outer layer of the land of origin, or even inside the land of origin, there may be strong people chasing him at any time.

Therefore, Jiang Yun could only act with caution as much as possible.

The reason for using Beiming to travel instead is that Jiang Yun needs some time to recover his strength, and also hopes that Beiming can discover its similar aura sooner.

After all, until now, Jiang Yun didn't know how far he was from the junction of the outer layer and the middle layer.

If other dark beasts could be found, it would be relatively safer to hide among the dark beasts.

Even, Jiang Yun can subdue more dark beasts for his own use.

However, after Beiming flew for another day, Jiang Yun suddenly signaled it to stop.

Because, about a million miles ahead, Jiang Yun's consciousness found a broken star.

Compared with other stars, the area of ​​this star is much smaller.

However, within it, several cities were actually built, and densely populated with creatures!

Moreover, these creatures are all mortals and beasts, not a single monk.

This was really beyond Jiang Yun's expectations.

He always believes that those who can survive in such a harsh environment as the place of origin must be monks, and they must be monks who are not too weak.

However, now there is a star where mortals and beasts live!

If he encountered such a star in other regions, even in the chaotic domain, Jiang Yun would consider entering it, and also disguised himself as a mortal, maybe he could temporarily hide it.

But here, Jiang Yun didn't have this idea. Instead, he intuitively felt that this star was probably more weird than other stars.

Even, this star is very likely to be a trap, which is specially used by a strong man to lure other monks into it.

The position of this star is on the only way to the middle level.

Therefore, Jiang Yun didn't dare to let Bei Ming continue to travel, but put Bei Ming away, and he tried to stay away from the star as much as possible, and prepared to go around far away.

But as the distance between Jiang Yun and Xingchen got closer and closer, and seeing that there were only less than tens of thousands of miles left, Jiang Yun's figure stopped again, and a look of sudden surprise appeared on his face. Se said: "That's how it is!"

Standing in place, Jiang Yun thought for a while, and suddenly stopped going around, but flew straight towards the star.

Soon, Jiang Yun had come beyond the stars.

After dissipating his consciousness and confirming that there are no defensive measures such as prohibition formations around the star, Jiang Yun stepped into it directly.

Standing on the land of stars, Jiang Yun looked up. There is a blue sky and a sun hanging high.

The sun fell on his body, making Jiang Yun feel a little bit of warmth.

Jiang Yun restrained all his breath, turned into an ordinary mortal, and entered a city.

Next, Jiang Yun walked on the street in a big way.

Looking at the crowds and the various shops standing on both sides of the street.

Finally, Jiang Yun walked into a restaurant, ordered a jug of wine and two dishes, and poured himself a drink while listening to the conversations of the diners around him.

Just like that, seeing the sun set, Jiang Yun walked out of the restaurant, found an inn, and stayed in.

Standing in the room, Jiang Yun walked to the window, gently opened the window, and looked outside.

Although it was already dark, there were still little lights on the streets in the city, and there were even curls of cooking smoke rising from various places.

Even, if Jiang Yun listened carefully, he could still hear various voices coming from those buildings.

Since the people living here are all ordinary people, the content of their chats are naturally trivial things that are short-lived by their parents.

Whose child was admitted to the scholar, whose wife gave birth to a child, whose old man just passed away.

Looking at everything outside and listening to these plain conversations, a smile gradually appeared on Jiang Yun's face and said: "I haven't felt this kind of peace for a long time."

"Although, all of this is fake!"

Yes, except for this broken star, everything on the star, whether it is a city or a living being, is all fake, an illusion created by man!

In short, this star looks like a dreamland!

There is also a strong man who, with his powerful illusion power, outlined such a nearly perfect illusion and created a large number of creatures.

With Jiang Yun's spiritual sense and understanding of dreams and illusions, even at a certain distance, he didn't notice the weirdness of this star for the first time.

It wasn't until he approached that he finally realized that this was just an illusion.

And the strong man who constructed this illusion is also hiding somewhere in the stars, sleeping soundly.

It seems that this star is completely defenseless against the outside world.

But just because this is an illusion, once anything real enters, it will definitely wake up the strong man.

The reason why Jiang Yun dared to come in was naturally because his dream power and illusion power were also extremely powerful.

And, Jiang Yun itself is also a creature created by the nightmare beast in the dream!

In short, after Jiang Yun realized the true face of this star, he decided to try to enter it.

If the strong man would not be disturbed, then it would be best to use this place as a temporary hiding place.

Even if Shi Feng and others find this place, they must be the person who arranged the illusion first.

As long as the other party wakes up, Jiang Yun will naturally be able to detect it.

At that time, Jiang Yun will either continue to pretend to be an illusion, or leave directly.

After traveling around the city for nearly a day, no one was surprised by Jiang Yun's arrival, and no one asked Jiang Yun anything, which made Jiang Yun finally make up his mind to stay here.

After quietly looking at the scene in the city for a while, Jiang Yun closed the window and sat in front of the table in the room. His consciousness entered his body, and he tried to contact the spirit of the Ten Blood Lamp again.

The magic power of the six ways of destroying the world that the other party showed to Jiang Yun before was said to be something that Ye Dong really wanted to teach him, and Jiang Yun did understand it.

It's just that he couldn't be sure whether what he realized was correct, so he wanted to ask Qi Ling to verify it.

But Qi Ling didn't respond in the slightest, so Jiang Yun could only give up this plan and focus on the Stone of Origin.

The stone of origin is even calmer, and the water in it, which Jiang Yun calls the Daozhishui, seems to be still, without the slightest fluctuation.

Jiang Yun didn't rush to absorb the water of the great way, nor did he explore the depths of the water with his consciousness, but carefully sensed the water of the great way.

"Dao intent, Dao Qi, Dao power..."

Jiang Yun shook his head slowly and said: "No, this stone of origin is different from the Dao Seal fragment, and even more different from the Xunxiu Stele."

"There is not only my name on the Xunxiu Stele, but also Shura's name."

"That is to say, the real Monument of Pursuing Cultivation needs to absorb not only things related to the Dao, but also all-encompassing, just like the Tianxuan Monument mentioned by Jiu Qin, it absorbs things produced by various cultivation methods. "

"Or, there are actually some differences between the Stone of Origin and the Stele of Xunxiu."

"Or, it's only me, the Stone of Origin, which is different, and the Second Senior Sister deliberately made some changes to it."

"The latter is more likely."

While Jiang Yun was identifying the Stone of Origin, a woman suddenly appeared outside the broken star. The woman said loudly: "Senior Mengjue, please wake up, your lord has orders!"

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