The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7338: my kind, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Chapter 7338 My Kind

The buddy's shot was so sudden that the bald man didn't react at all.

Hearing a "bang", the man's fist hit the big man firmly in the lower abdomen, sending the big man flying out and hitting the wall of a cloth shop heavily.

With a sound of "crash", the wall suddenly collapsed, and bricks and rubble were scattered everywhere.

The big man was lying among the bricks, and he stood up slowly. There were streams of light flashing on his body, obviously there was no serious problem.

Looking at the guy's attack, Jiang Yun was finally sure that this guy was a real person like himself!

That bald-headed man is at the peak of the original, and he can easily punch him out, which proves that the strength of the buddy is also at the peak of the original.

Even this proved that the big man really knew this guy.

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that he underestimated Mengjue!

Obviously, the situation of this place is very similar to that of the Realm of Illusion.

The dream seemed to have set up an illusion, but in fact it used the illusion as a trap, attracting real people to come.

Once someone arrives and enters the illusion, the dream will turn the other person into an illusion and become a part of the illusion.

Moreover, if he wanted to turn an original peak into an illusion, Jiang Yun was sure he couldn't do it anyway.

Jiang Yun also thought of the ripples that suddenly appeared more than ten days ago, connecting the sky and the earth, and sweeping across the entire star.

I'm afraid that the purpose of the ripples is not only to find out if outsiders have broken into the illusion, but also to turn those who break into it into illusions.

At this time, the bald man suddenly said in a loud voice: "The owner of this place, Xia Cang Xingzi, passed by here unintentionally today, but found this person by accident."

"This person's name is Miao Shucheng, and I have a little friendship with him. I don't know what kind of feud he has with you, but you have trapped him here for so long, and it must be enough to offset the grudge."

"Please release this person, we will leave immediately and promise not to disturb you again."

Hearing Cang Xingzi's words, Jiang Yun could roughly guess the opponent's trajectory.

After the opponent enters the outer layer of the Land of Origin, they should head all the way to the junction of the outer layer and the inner layer.

I passed by here today and saw this star.

With his strength, it is natural to see that the stars are illusions.

Originally, he definitely wouldn't meddle in other people's business, and took the initiative to break into the illusion.

But he didn't expect that he recognized this guy as an old friend in the illusion, so he entered the illusion.

At this moment, he didn't want to fight Mengjue either, so he could only plead kindly, hoping that the other party would let the two of them go.

It's a pity that Mengjue didn't give any response. Instead, the guy raised his hand again, made several seals quickly, and slapped the ground heavily.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, the ground around Cang Xingzi cracked open, and huge green tentacles protruded from it, winding towards Cang Xingzi.

But Cang Xingzi acted as if he hadn't seen it, he didn't hide or dodge, and said again: "It seems that my friend doesn't want to think that we have left?"

While he was speaking, those tentacles were firmly wrapped around his body.

Cang Xingzi said coldly: "Then don't blame me for being rude!"

As soon as the words fell, Cang Xingzi's body flickered, and the body entangled by the tentacles shattered silently, turning into countless grains of sand, and easily broke free.


Accompanied by the sound of tremors, those sand grains suddenly began to expand.

Each grain of sand seemed to be inflated with air, and instantly exploded, turning into countless huge stones of different shapes, suspended in the air.

Jiang Yun stared at these boulders with surprise in his eyes.

This is not a stone at all, but a star!

Because there are some mountains and rivers and other scenery inside.

A stone is a star!

This Cang Xingzi was able to turn stars into grains of sand, and then combine the grains of sand into his own body.

Moreover, he is not a monster race, but a human monk!

The countless small stars vibrated at the same time, and Cang Xingzi's voice came out again: "I'll ask you one last time, let us leave."

It is not difficult to see that Cang Xingzi is unwilling to fight Mengjue.

Unfortunately, Mengjue doesn't think so.

Responding to Cang Xingzi were countless tentacles that continued to wind towards him.

"Hmph!" Cang Xingzi let out a cold snort, "If you don't eat a toast, you'll be punished!"

"Today, I will turn your star into my body."


All the stars exploded again, and in a blink of an eye, this broken star was packed to the brim!

Immediately afterwards, all the stars began to fall downwards!

Looking at the dense raindrop-like stars, Jiang Yun shook his head helplessly.

Although Cang Xingzi has tried his best to control the size of the stars, a single star can easily destroy a city.

And the city Jiang Yun was in was also shrouded by stars.

To be honest, Jiang Yun didn't want to get involved in the dispute between Cang Xingzi and Mengjue, let alone compete with Mengjue.

But if Jiang Yun didn't want to be crushed to death, he could only use his strength to protect himself.

In this way, Mengjue should be able to detect Jiang Yun's existence.

Jiang Yun was the one who organized the investigation. Even if Mengjue didn't want to be an enemy of Jiang Yun, he must inform other people.

"Forget it, I won't watch this excitement, just leave!"

In order to avoid being affected, Jiang Yun gave up the idea of ​​continuing to watch, and hid his aura for half a month before finally bursting out, raising his feet and walking towards the sky.

The appearance of Jiang Yun's aura immediately attracted the attention of Cang Xingzi's consciousness.

And when Cang Xingzi saw clearly that the person exuding the breath was Jiang Yun, he couldn't help being startled.

Jiang Yun had seen him, and he had also seen Jiang Yun, but he didn't expect that Jiang Yun would be on this star.


Amidst the deafening sound of stars falling to the ground, Jiang Yun was already standing above the sky.

However, just when he was about to leave, his expression froze suddenly.

Because, he clearly felt a force pulling his body, preventing him from leaving.

The pulling power comes from this star!

Jiang Yun suddenly understood that although he did not become an illusion, he had a certain connection with this star, or this illusion.

"It seems that I still underestimated the dream. The ripple last time bound me to this illusion invisibly."

Jiang Yun didn't bother to look for the dream theory anymore, and pointed like a knife, slashing at his body.

Love to leave!

This technique can basically cut off all worries.

However, here, the art of love and parting has lost its effect.

That pulling power still exists.

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Meng Jue, do you want to keep me too?"

As soon as Jiang Yun's words came out of his mouth, his eyes suddenly turned and looked into the distance.

That ripple appeared again.

Ripples are spreading towards here from a distance very quickly.

At this moment, under the falling of the stars controlled by Cang Xingzi, this star is already riddled with holes and may collapse at any time.

However, wherever this ripple passed, whether it was a collapsed city or a sunken pit, it was restored to its original state in an instant!

This result shocked both Jiang Yun and Cang Xingzi!

No matter how strong a person is, even if Mengjue is the star, it is impossible to repair the damaged part of the star in such a short period of time by relying on his own strength.

There is only one explanation for being able to do this.

That is the attack of Cang Xingzi, who is actually still in the illusion!

The destruction caused by the falling stars is nothing but the illusion of Jiang Yun and Cang Xingzi!

Jiang Yun really couldn't imagine how the other party did it.

How could there be such a powerful illusion!

Fortunately, Dao Yang gave the answer: "Jiang Yun, it seems to be my kind, and it originated first!"

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