The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7339: all true, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!


Hearing Dao Rang's words, Jiang Yun couldn't help raising his eyebrows. While feeling a little surprised, he also felt a little relieved.

Surprised, naturally because I didn't expect Ruwei Mengjue to be the first to originate!

The ancestors Jiang Yun met, whether they were Dao soil or Ganzhi sacred trees, their strength lies in their innate abilities, not their superb cultivation. But this dream, if it is really the origin, then not only can he embark on the road of cultivation, but he has also cultivated to the peak of the origin, only one step away from the detached strong, and he can be regarded as an alternative existence in the origin

Here it is!

As for the ease in his heart, it was because Jiang Yun thought of it. Before the origin, he was extremely afraid of the dark beast.

If the same is true for Mengjue, then with Beiming in hand, Jiang Yun would already be invincible against him.

Of course, it is also possible that this alternative in the origin is not afraid of the dark beast.

Because when the woman came to deliver orders to Mengjue that day, she clearly mentioned that Jiang Yun could control the Dark Beast.

And Mengjue had obviously noticed Jiang Yun's arrival long ago.

Knowing that Jiang Yun can control the Dark Beast, he dared to deliberately pretend not to know it all the time, so there must be some reliance.

At this moment, the ripples had quickly approached where Jiang Yun was. Because Cang Xingzi has turned into stars, although Jiang Yun doesn't know whether his body is really scattered or hidden in a certain star, there are already quite a few stars that have been captured by that star. Dao Ripples


In addition, Cang Xingzi seems to have fallen into the illusion before, if he is swept by the ripples again, then he will sink deeper and deeper into the illusion.

Jiang Yun couldn't control him either, looking at the ripples that had come in front of him, he wanted to summon Bei Ming and hide in Bei Ming's body.

But there is no guarantee that Bei Ming will also be affected by the ripples.

In the end, Jiang Yun gave up summoning Bei Ming, and ten marks appeared in his eyes, emitting ten different lights, forming a mask to protect his body.

The ten marks come from the Lucid Dream of the Mirage Clan and the dream power of the Nightmare Beast!

Jiang Yun has already fused these two kinds of dream powers together and comprehended the avenue of dreams.

Now, Jiang Yun wanted to see if his way of dream could compete with the opponent's power of illusion.


The moment the mask was formed, ripples also passed over the mask, causing the mask to tremble slightly.

Immediately, countless lines of patterns appeared on it, and soon disappeared one after another, causing the mask to shatter silently.

Although the mask is broken, the ripples have already spread to the distance.

Jiang Yun immediately checked his body quickly with his spiritual sense to make sure that he was not affected by the phantom power.

However, the force of this illusion still exists!

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun also spoke loudly: "Mengjue, you and I have no grievances, and I don't want to be your enemy."

"Just now you are a little busy, why don't you let me go first!"

The meaning of Jiang Yun's words is obvious, I don't care about Cang Xingzi and Miao Shucheng, you can deal with them whatever you want in your dream.

But if you don't let me go, then I can only join forces with Cang Xingzi!

As Jiang Yun's voice fell, Mengjue, who had never spoken, finally heard the vague voice from afar.

"You have lived with me for more than ten days. You didn't leave anything behind and just wanted to leave so easily and spread the word. Wouldn't I be laughed to death!"

"And you, don't threaten me."

"Don't say you two join forces, even if there are ten or eight of you, I am capable of entertaining you well!"


Suddenly, a series of dense trembling sounds came.

The sound came from the stars transformed by Cang Xingzi that hadn't had time to fall down.

At this moment, all the stars are crazily skyrocketing at a terrifying speed.

Obviously, Cang Xingzi was also completely irritated by Mengjue.

He wanted to restore all the stars to their original state, so that the star in Mengjue could be directly exploded!

However, Jiang Yun said: "Cang Xingzi, don't waste your efforts, you have entered his illusion now."

"Unless you can break through his illusion, otherwise, no matter what supernatural power you use, it will be fake, and it will have no effect on this place!"

Jiang Yun was in the air, and he could see clearly that while the volume of those stars was skyrocketing, the area of ​​this illusion was also rapidly increasing, and it could still easily accommodate the stars of Cang Xingzi.

A star, of course, cannot be enlarged or reduced at will without restriction.

Therefore, what changes is only the illusion!

It's not just Cang Xingzi, Jiang Yun can be sure that even he has fallen into the illusion.

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, those stars not only stopped skyrocketing, but also immediately began to shrink, instantly becoming the size of a grain of sand, condensed together, and returned to Cang Xingzi's body.

Cang Xingzi's complexion was a little pale, and he looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Have I really entered his illusion?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "You should have entered the illusion when you stepped into this star."

"But why don't I feel anything?" Cang Xingzi looked down at his body in disbelief.

In fact, let alone Cang Xingzi didn't believe it, Jiang Yun was a little hard to imagine.

How powerful is the power of illusion, so that the moment the original peak powerhouse enters the illusion, he will be assimilated by the illusion, and he has no feeling at all!

"Dream's magical power is so strong, it should have something to do with him being the originator!"

"Illusion is his innate ability, just like the Dao soil can breed the Dao, and the Ganzhi Divine Tree can master the power of time and space."

Jiang Yun didn't ask Dao Rang if he remembered such an originator.

Because it doesn't make any sense.

Now treat him as a powerhouse at the peak of origin, and think about how to break through his illusion.

At this time, Cang Xingzi's sound transmission sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "Jiang Yun, you have been here longer than me, and you must know more about illusion than I do."

"You and I cooperate, and I will deal with Miao Shucheng and him. How about you find a way to break through this illusion?"

Cang Xingzi also knew that only by cooperating with Jiang Yun could he leave.

However, before Jiang Yun could respond, another figure suddenly appeared in front of Cang Xingzi.

And that guy also walked towards Cang Xingzi.

Meng Jue's voice also sounded at the same time: "Before you deal with me, think about how you can survive in the hands of these two people!"

Both Jiang Yun and Cang Xingzi were taken aback when they saw the person who appeared later.

Cang Xingzi exclaimed even more: "Wan Ruhu, why are you here!"

This is a fat man with a big mouth that occupies almost half of his face!

Together with Jiang Yun and Cang Xingzi, they all came from the realm of chaos, the peak of their origin!

Regarding Cang Xingzi's words, Wan Ruhu acted as if he didn't hear it, opened his big mouth, and directly bit towards Cang Xingzi.

At the same time, the guy's arms turned into two tentacles, and they also attacked Cang Xingzi.

Facing the teaming up of two original peaks, Cang Xingzi's complexion couldn't help but become ugly.

Jiang Yun didn't help Cang Xingzi share the opponent, but walked towards the direction where Mengjue was.

As long as the dream is resolved, these people will naturally regain their sobriety.

It's a pity that although Jiang Yun thought well, Mengjue didn't give him this chance at all!

As soon as Jiang Yun moved, he heard whistling sounds.

In the city below him, a large number of figures soared into the sky, rushing towards him!

Jiang Yun's complexion also sank! I really guessed it right for myself, all the mortals and beasts in this city and even in this star are probably real!

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