The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7357: Thunder of Origin, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

"What kind of thunder is this?"

At this moment, it's not just Jiang Yun and Jin Chan, but just like the shock that spread out before, it includes the land of origin, the domain of chaos, and Daoxing Tiandi and other 108 large domains. All the living beings saw this thunder in their sky, or in the crack of the boundary!

Naturally, the same question popped up in their minds.

Not to mention monks, even mortals, even animals with immature intelligence, have seen many thunderbolts from childhood to adulthood, but like now, this almost transparent thunderbolt is the first time for everyone to see it. arrive.

Apart from being somewhat transparent, this thunderbolt is not too big, only about ten feet long.

There is almost no light emitting from top to bottom, and there is nothing special about it.

However, under the thunder, everyone can feel a strong coercion, which weighs heavily on their body and heart, making it difficult to even breathe.

Especially some Leixiu, no matter what type of Leixiu they are, and regardless of their strength, they feel that the power of thunder in their bodies has all fallen into a static state, extremely quiet, and released a wave of The emotion of awe.

As for Jiang Yun, from above this thunderbolt, he has a different feeling from everyone else.

He felt that this thunderbolt was alive and possessed will!

But this doesn't mean that this thunderbolt has been cultivated into a great demon.

To Jiang Yun's feeling, this thunder has some similarities with the origin.

Its life form should also surpass most of life.

And just as Jiang Yun was secretly speculating about the origin of the thunder and the purpose of its appearance, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Fourth!"

Those two simple words made Jiang Yun's body tremble suddenly, and his eyes became moist for a moment.

This is Second Senior Sister's voice!

Although Jiang Yun felt the breath of the Second Senior Sister in the vortex of the competition for the Origin Stone, and also saw the second senior sister's three-flower gathering technique, which made him suspect that the Second Senior Sister was still alive, but that was just his guess .

But at this moment, he really heard the voice of the second senior sister, and finally verified his guess.

This was really a big surprise for him.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun didn't know where the Second Senior Sister was, so he could only listen, and there was no way to send his own voice to the Second Senior Sister.

And Situ Jing's voice continued to sound: "Don't have any reaction, just pretend that you didn't hear my voice.",

Jiang Yun's heart moved, he closed his eyes slightly, and opened them again, the moisture in his eyes disappeared, and his body and complexion immediately returned to calm.

Situ Jing continued: "I know you have many doubts, but I don't have the time and opportunity to explain to you."

"Now, I only dare to send you a voice transmission and say a few words through the appearance of this original source of thunder."

"The thunder you see is called the original thunder, and it is the true origin of all thunder."

"Of course, this is not the real body of the Thunder of Origin, you can take it as a projection of it."

"The source of thunder has no attributes, and there is no difference between Taoist and non-Taoist."

"Originally, it would not appear, let alone be seen by you."

"However, because your perception of the Dao of Thunder has been passed on to it and attracted its attention, so it will show up and want to see you."

"And what you have to do is to use your avenue power to attack it as much as possible."

"If you can break it up, you can defeat its will, and even endow it with the Dao attribute."

"Then, it will become the source of thunder, and become the source of power for all Taoists who practice the way of thunder."

"As for you, you can even become the real master of thunder. Thousands of heavens and earth, endless domains, and all thunders are all for your use and obey your orders."

"Of course, you should not be able to do this now, but you can try it, feel it, and prepare for the future..."

Just when Situ Jing said this, her voice stopped abruptly.

But after Jiang Yun waited quietly for a while, seeing that transparent thunder seemed to be about to dissipate, Second Senior Sister's voice never sounded again.

It was only then that Jiang Yun realized that his second senior sister might have encountered some misfortune and could no longer transmit voices to him.

Although this made him a little regretful, but he could hear the voice of the second senior sister, and he was sure that the second senior sister was indeed still alive.

In particular, the second senior sister also told the origin of this thunder, which is already very satisfying for him.

As for the misfortune encountered by the second senior sister, Jiang Yun believes that with the strength of the second senior sister, it should be able to deal with it.

Therefore, Jiang Yun temporarily put down his thoughts about the second senior sister, and refocused his attention on the transparent thunder.

"The original thunder!"

If it was changed to before, Jiang Yun would think that the second senior sister was too anxious and said the wrong name of this thunder.

But after learning about the dispute between Taoist and non-Taoist, Jiang Yun understood that what the second senior sister said was right.

The Thunder that was first born should indeed not have any attributes.

It is neither the thunder of the great way nor the thunder of the non-great way.

It is the first thunder in the world, and it is the origin of all thunder.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, this original source of thunder is a bit like the mother of thunder in the mountain and sea realm, the mother of all thunder.

After it, thunder after another will appear, some will enter the Dao world, some will enter the non-Dao world, and thus evolve into various thunders.

There are also thunderbolts that will be absorbed and fused by Taoist cultivators, or even worshiped, and gradually become the thunder of the great way.

However, the first thunderbolt born between heaven and earth has always been there, and has its own will.

Its identity and characteristics, at least until now, no monk can absorb it, give it attributes, make it a thunder of the avenue, or a thunder of non-adaptation.

Now, because of Jiang Yun's tempering of Lei Yuanyuan's body, and his actions of transforming other non-Day Thunder into Dao Thunder, it has been attracted.

And Situ Jing hopes that Jiang Yun can defeat him through his own Dao power, so that the original source of thunder will become the original source of thunder!

To be honest, Jiang Yun didn't have any confidence.

However, after knowing so many things that may or may not be true or false, especially the second senior sister's personal reminder let Jiang Yun know that he must try it.

Even if you can't succeed now, you must succeed one day.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's eyes showed a fighting spirit, and he slowly raised his hand.

Dao patterns emerged on his arms and palms, and immediately turned into golden light flows.

And in this sea of ​​thunder, those thunderbolts that had been motionless, as if they had been summoned, not only regained their ability to move, but also all rushed towards his palm.

Although Situ Jing asked Jiang Yun to use the power of the Dao, Jiang Yun had self-knowledge. At present, his other powers of the Dao, including guarding the Dao, could not even beat the peak of the original source, so how could he defeat the thunder of the original source.

Therefore, he still chose to use the Dao of Thunder.

Because, his Thunder Origin Dao Body has changed!


The entire sea of ​​thunder shook violently, and all the thunders gathered towards Jiang Yun's palm one after another.

Jin Chan will be dumbfounded watching this change of scene.

How many original peak powerhouses have been blocked by this sea of ​​thunder, no one can shake it.

But now Jiang Yun was able to summon them, even for his own use.

If it wasn't for Jin Chanjiang's current body being unable to move, he would definitely turn around and leave immediately, away from Jiang Yun.

Because if Jiang Yun used these thunderbolts to attack him, he would definitely die, or be seriously injured.

In just a few breaths, this sea of ​​thunder that existed for an unknown number of years has disappeared.

But all the thunder did not disappear, but all condensed in Jiang Yun's palm!


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