The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7358: success or failure, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

At this moment, in Jiang Yun's palm, there was a light ball the size of an apple, with countless thunderbolts wandering wildly inside.

Also, half is gold and half is purple.

If a newcomer sees it, they will definitely not believe it. That small light cluster gathers all the thunders in this sea of ​​thunder that has existed for an unknown number of years!

Therefore, it seems that this light ball is inconspicuous, but it is as strong as the Golden Zen General. Looking at the light ball, there is a strong look of fear in his eyes.

Until now, he didn't know what Jiang Yun was going to do, he just guessed whether Jiang Yun was going to attack him.

If so, then this light ball alone is absolutely impossible for him to take over.

However, Jiang Yun did not take any action.

Only the ball of light in his hand, the thunder within it seemed to be still attacking each other, causing their color to gradually change towards gold.

Finally, until all the thunders turned golden!

At this moment, Jiang Yun stomped his feet fiercely, and the original source of thunder was released, and the coercion that was firmly on him was completely collapsed by him.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun held the golden ball of light high, and his whole body was like an arrow flying from the string, shooting towards the sky above, towards the original thunder.

"He wants to attack that Thunderbolt!"

General Jin Chan's pupils contracted sharply, and he finally understood what Jiang Yun was really facing when he absorbed Lei Hai.

And this made him a little unbelievable.

Although he didn't know the origin of that thunderbolt, he knew it himself. It was a thunderbolt that no one could resist, but Jiang Yun wanted to attack him.

He didn't have time to think too much, but hurriedly raised his head, his eyes followed Jiang Yun firmly.

The original thunder, not only surpassed the existence of all thunders, but also surpassed the world where Jin Chan lived them, and surpassed the existence of all their creatures.

Jiang Yun attacked the source of the thunder, this kind of behavior is equivalent to challenging a detached powerhouse as an ordinary person!

Outside of the 108 great domains, there are also more than a dozen powerful spiritual senses, watching Jiang Yun who is getting closer and closer to the source of thunder.

A middle-aged man played with a sword-shaped pagoda in his hand, and said to himself: "It seems that you have obtained what I left you, and you have gained something."

"Although you can't succeed this time, I hope you can succeed sooner."

If Jiang Yun could meet this person, he would definitely be able to recognize him. The other party was Ye Dong, a transcendent strongman from the same great domain as him!

And speaking of this, Ye Dong raised his head, looked in one direction, and said softly: "However, I gave you something to form a good relationship with you!"

"If you can come to my place, I don't know if you have the guts to accompany me over there and help me bring back one of my friends!" Except for Ye Dong, Situ Jing, who had just finished communicating with Jiang Yun, was standing On top of a black flower, he said to a middle-aged man beside him: "Thank you senior, if I hadn't reminded you, I'm afraid I would have been given by that white night."

Found. "

Although Situ Jing was thanking the man, her spiritual consciousness was also watching Jiang Yun.

The man smiled and shook his head, "Miss Situ is serious."

"Yu Gong, Jiang Xiaoyou and I are from the same domain."

"Yu Si, there is also a relationship between Jiang Xiaoyou and my son."

"So, of course I hope he succeeds."

Situ Jing nodded and said, "Unfortunately, he came a little early, and it's impossible to succeed this time."

The man still smiled and said, "It's actually quite normal that he can't succeed."

"At the beginning, none of us succeeded the first time. We only succeeded after experiencing countless failures."

Speaking of this, the smile on the man's face suddenly faded away, and his voice became softer: "Even if he succeeds, it is a good thing for us, but it may not be a good thing for him!"

Situ Jing opened her mouth, wanting to say something else, but at this moment, Jiang Yun, who was holding a golden ball of light, had already come to the side of the almost transparent thunder.

Although they didn't think that Jiang Yun could successfully disperse the original thunder, they still had a glimmer of hope in their hearts, and their expressions became tense.

Jiang Yun yelled, and the golden light ball in his hand pressed **** the transparent thunder.

And at this moment, not only Jin Chan general, but everyone who looked up at the thunderbolt suddenly saw Jiang Yun's figure as well.

Although ninety-nine percent of the people couldn't see Jiang Yun clearly and could only see a blurry figure, there were a very small number of people who recognized Jiang Yun.

For example, Tianzun, Pan Chaoyang in Daoxing Tiandi, Shen Muzi, the lord of Zhengdao Realm, etc., all of them had expressions of shock on their faces. They didn't expect to see Jiang Yun there at this time!

Naturally, they couldn't figure out why Jiang Yun wanted to attack that transparent thunder.


The ball of light in Jiang Yun's hand collided with the transparent thunder, and the loud noise and dazzling golden light also spread throughout the 108 large domains.

In everyone's eyes, there was only golden light left, and Jiang Yun's figure could no longer be seen, and the transparent thunder could no longer be seen.

Only Jiang Yun could clearly see that the light ball in his hand was shattered suddenly, and a powerful thunder force flowed into his body along the fragments of the light ball.

In an instant, Jiang Yun only felt that his internal organs had been turned into nothingness, and his body trembled violently, and he had already fallen from the air downwards.

But from his eyes, the original source of thunder was unharmed.

Even, even the will emanating from the original source of thunder has not changed in the slightest.

It was as if it was a high mountain, watching Jiang Yun drop an egg on his body.

Hit the mountain with eggs, and shake the trees with mayflies!

As for the thunder force that Jiang Yun received, it wasn't the original source of thunder that was released voluntarily, but it was just the rebound force generated by itself under the impact.

After half of Jiang Yun's body fell, he stopped forcibly. Looking at the original thunder, he gritted his teeth and raised his hand again.

This time, on Jiang Yun's entire body, a golden light condensed with dao patterns appeared, flowing continuously.


With Jiang Yun as the center, shocks appeared again, and in the nothingness in all directions, thunderbolts suddenly began to appear.

Moreover, this range is still rapidly expanding at a crazy speed.

In a blink of an eye, the outer layer of the entire Origin Land has been covered.

And the monks on the outer layer, no matter where they are, can see the same thunderbolts appearing in all directions.

General Jin Chan knew it best, and said secretly: "He has cultivated the Dao Body of Thunder Origin, and, having obtained the approval of the ruins here, he has become the Lord of Thunder in the outer layer of this place of origin."

"Obviously, his attack failed just now, and he is not reconciled, so he has to summon more Thunderbolts to attack that transparent Thunderbolt."

"Although I don't know why he insisted on attacking that Thunderbolt, I know that he will definitely fail." "And after failing again, he will definitely be in a state of exhaustion, but it gave me a big reward." Chance!"

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