The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7359: Sitting in the sky, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

A rare sight appeared in the outer layer of the entire Origin Land!

First of all, almost all areas in the outer layer will have thunder emerging.

Immediately afterwards, no matter where these thunderbolts were, they all rushed towards one direction immediately after they appeared, and the speed was extremely fast.

These thunderbolts will not turn or detour, just follow a straight line, straight forward, passing through stars and worlds.

Out of curiosity, some monks with good deeds simply followed behind some thunderbolts, wanting to see where these thunderbolts were going.

However, when they just appeared in the gap between the boundaries and blocked Lei Ting's way forward, these Thunders did not dodge or dodge at all, and directly rushed towards their bodies one after another.

If there were only dozens or hundreds of thunderbolts, these monks would not care about them at all, relying on their own strength.

But the number of Thunderbolts is boundless and endless!

They can catch the thunderbolts that hit head-on, but they don't know how many thunderbolts will follow behind them.

This made them all change their faces drastically. How could they dare to follow Lei Ting again, so they could only hurriedly flee back to the stars and the world, hiding temporarily.

Naturally, the direction of these thunders is where Jiang Yun is!

General Jin Chan believes that the current Jiang Yun has cultivated the Dao Body of Lei Yuanyuan, and has obtained the approval of the will of the place of origin.

But in fact, Jiang Yun didn't realize the will of the place of origin, but by tempering the original source of thunder, his Dao of Thunder surpassed the thunder here, and became the master of the thunder.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun summoned Thunder, all the Thunder here would be like loyal soldiers, rushing to Jiang Yun's side at the fastest speed at all costs.

At this moment, General Jin Chan still feels the deepest.

At close range, he watched helplessly as the overwhelming thunder gathered from all directions.

However, this made him complain endlessly.

This place was originally a sea of ​​thunder. Although the sea of ​​thunder has disappeared, there is no place to hide from these thunders.

And no matter where he is, he will definitely block part of Thunder's way forward, and thus become the target of Thunder's attack.

It's too late to leave here!

In desperation, all Jin Chan general could do was to still firmly protect his whole body with his golden Dao pattern, and let the thunder continue to hit the Dao pattern.

Although this kind of impact will not hurt him, it will also consume his strength.

Fortunately, this is already the destination of all the thunderbolts, and Jiang Yun is also close at hand, so after enduring the impact of thousands of thunderbolts, General Jin Chan's body finally calmed down.

A large number of thunders were all concentrated on Jiang Yun's body.

Of course, this is not all the thunder in the entire outer layer, only half of it at most.

After all, the area of ​​the outer layer is too large, no matter how fast Lei Ting is, Jiang Yun will not have time to wait for them all to arrive.

All the thunderclaps gathered around Jiang Yun's body were first transformed into the Thunder of the Great Way by Jiang Yun, and then condensed them to the extreme.

In just a few breaths, Jiang Yun finished all this.

And at this time, within a radius of ten feet, he was already tightly wrapped by the golden thunder.

Even General Jin Chan could no longer see his figure, he could only see a vague shadow and the deafening roar coming from his ears.

The next moment, Jiang Yun's figure had already soared into the air again, rushing towards the transparent thunder above.

Jiang Yun's almost crazy behavior made Jin Chanjiang secretly click his tongue.

If Jiang Yun is not attacking the transparent thunder now, but Jin Chanjiang, Jin Chanjiang can be sure that his original Taoist body will definitely collapse completely.

Of course, Jiang Yun's madness also made Jin Chanjiang rejoice.

Because the crazier Jiang Yun was, the easier it would be for him to do it, so he wished that Jiang Yun could continue to be crazy. When Jiang Yun's figure came next to the transparent thunder again, all the thunder covering his body had condensed into a ten-foot-sized golden ball of light, which seemed to weigh more than ten thousand jun, making Jiang Yun lift up. hands,

He held it up high, and slammed it fiercely towards Thunder.

This time, people like Tianzun and others still saw Jiang Yun's actions, and they really couldn't figure out why Jiang Yun insisted on competing with this thunder.

What made them even more puzzled was, what kind of thunder was that?

With Jiang Yun's powerful strength, even a star can be easily smashed, why can't he smash a mere thunder?


The golden ball of light gathered by the thunder hit the transparent thunder again.

In addition to the louder voice and more dazzling light, the result is still the same!

Jiang Yun easily collapsed and dissipated with the light cluster formed by nearly half of the thunder in the outer layer of the land of origin.

And the transparent thunder is still unscathed. Although Jiang Yun didn't have any contact with the transparent thunder, when the thunder and the thunder collided, he still felt a stronger impact force than before, rushing into his body, making himself

Falling straight down.

Below, General Jin Chan, who just waited for Jiang Yun to fall, was ready to attack him!

However, he found that the blood in Jiang Yun Jinguang's mouth couldn't stop flowing out, but his face was filled with excitement, and his eyes even lit up!

This discovery made Jin Chanjiang couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, could it be that Jiang Yun was not injured this time, or did he have some unexpected gains?

Jin Chanjiang gave up the idea of ​​making a move and decided to wait and see.

Jiang Yun's figure stopped in the air again, and he looked up at the transparent thunder. The excitement on his face was not faked.

Because, although the original source of thunder was unharmed, it moved slightly just now.

Even if the movement is extremely small, it at least proves that it is not unshakable!

Jiang Yun admitted that he would definitely be unable to smash the projection of the original thunder now, but if he couldn't even shake the opponent, it would really hit him too hard.

What's more, this original source of thunder may become a stumbling block on his path of practice, or a demon in his heart!

Therefore, being able to shake the original thunder now finally gave him a glimmer of hope!

Jiang Yun murmured: "Try again!"

"Since the original source of thunder appeared because of me, if you want to see me, then I have to leave a deep impression on you no matter what I say!"

"In this way, when we meet again next time, it can be regarded as some friendship!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and prepared to continue to summon more thunder.


But the strange thing is that at this time, there was a sense of shock in all directions again.

Moreover, Jiang Yun, General Jin Chan, and even all the monks heard the sound of shock.

Although this sound is extremely ethereal and far away, a powerful person like Jiang Yun can hear the sound of metal trembling from within.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the trembling sound, there was another whistling sound that looked like a dragon's chant.

Especially Jiang Yun, who was in the midst of the shock, suddenly saw a long blood-colored line appearing behind the source of the thunder.

At this moment, Jiang Yun felt as if he was in a well, raised his head, and saw the mouth of the well! Sit back and watch the sky!

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