The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7360: Already tragic, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Chapter 7360 is already tragic

"What is that blood line?"

Jiang Yun frowned and narrowed his eyes, trying to see clearly what the **** long line was.

But it's a pity that even with all his eyesight, he couldn't see clearly.

"The blood line didn't exist just now, it was because I shook the original source of thunder, and under the vibration of the original source of thunder, this blood line appeared. If I can shake it again, and make it vibrate again Bigger, maybe you can see it more clearly."

"Anyway, try again one last time!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly sat down cross-legged, taking a long breath while frantically healing his injury with the power of wood in his body.

General Jin Chan looked at Jiang Yun's back, feeling extremely entangled in his heart, thinking whether he should make a move now or wait a little longer.

He can naturally see that Jiang Yun's condition is very bad now.

After attacking the transparent thunder twice in succession, and being hit twice by the counter-shock force, Jiang Yun must have been injured and consumed a lot of power.

Logically speaking, this is definitely the best time to make a move.

But thinking of the excited look on Jiang Yun's face, and Jiang Yun's attitude of never looking at him from the beginning to the end, and completely treating himself as nothing, Jin Chanjiang hesitated.

He didn't believe that Jiang Yun really didn't see him, after all, he had already fought against him just now.

Then, knowing that he was by his side, Jiang Yun still dared to ignore him, which showed that he might have something to rely on.

And just when Jin Chan was about to struggle, a golden light suddenly lit up on Jiang Yun's body again, covering him.

This golden light is composed of a large number of golden thunderbolts, and it is wriggling rapidly as if it has life.

Jin Chan will be curious and puzzled, staring at the golden light intently, guessing what Jiang Yun is sitting here now.

Under the gaze of General Jin Chan, the squirming golden thunder gradually condensed into the shape of feet and legs.


At this scene, Jin Chanjiang couldn't help but gasp.

Because, he could see that this scene represented the process of condensing the original Dao body.

In other words, Jiang Yun has only now begun to condense the original Dao body of the Dao of Thunder.

But before that, Jiang Yun had easily absorbed two different kinds of thunder in this sea of ​​thunder, as well as nearly half of the thunder in the outer layer of the entire land of origin.

Jiang Yun's power to control the thunder was already so powerful when his Dao body of Lei Yuanyuan was not condensed. Now, after his Dao body of Lei Yuanyuan is condensed, how much will his power of controlling thunder increase?

In fact, Jin Chanjiang naturally misunderstood.

Jiang Yun's Dao body of Lei Yuanyuan had already condensed, and now it was just reshaping the Dao body after being tempered.

General Jin Chan suppressed the doubt in his eyes, and said secretly: "No, I can't let him continue to condense his original Dao body, I want to stop him!"

After the words fell, Jin Chan suddenly let go of the golden sword that he was always holding in his hand, and threw it towards Jiang Yun.

It looks like an ordinary throw, but inside it is all the power of Jin Chanjiang's original Dao body!

After witnessing Jiang Yun's attack on Transparent Thunder, General Jin Chan no longer has the slightest contempt for Jiang Yun. Even if he knew that Jiang Yun was injured, he still shot with all his strength.

The sword was extremely fast, and it was behind Jiang Yun in the blink of an eye.

However, when the tip of the sword touched the light from the golden thunder that shrouded Jiang Yun's body, he had to stop and could no longer move forward!


Jin Chanjiang's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

He is the original Dao body of the Golden Way, and the power of gold is invincible. In addition, he is a swordsman. With all his strength, he is not invincible among the same rank, but he will not even cover Jiang Yun's body. Even the light of thunder cannot break through.

Just when Jin Chan was shocked, Jiang Yun's original Taoist body condensed his limbs and body. Although his head had not yet formed, he stood there like a real person.

Especially the powerful coercion emanating from his body made General Jin Chan's complexion change again, and even his figure couldn't help but quietly retreat a few steps back.

"His Lightning Origin Dao Body is not inferior to my Origin Dao Body in strength, and even slightly surpasses it!"

So far, Jin Chan will understand that his idea of ​​catching Jiang Yun with his original Dao body is no longer realistic.

Therefore, he just waited for the opportunity to turn around and leave.


Suddenly, Jiang Yun stood up with a long body, and instead of the headless original Dao body that was completely condensed and formed, it even soared into the sky, standing in the air!

The moment he stood in the air, Yuanyuan's body quickly began to condense again. Under this condensation, his golden body became transparent!


General Jin Chan glanced at Jiang Yun's original Dao body, and then at the transparent thunder above him. Although the two had different shapes, they faintly exuded the same aura.

At the same time, General Jin Chan could also see that the transparent thunder had begun to dissipate.

This also made him understand why Jiang Yun's original Dao body was not yet fully formed, so he couldn't wait to make a move.

"What kind of benefits can smashing this transparent thunder bring him?"


Suddenly, a violent roar erupted from the body of Jiang Yun's original body!

And this roaring sound, like a horn, was transmitted in all directions quickly!

This time, not only the thunderbolts from the outer layer of the origin land that hadn't arrived rushed towards Jiang Yun's direction again, but even in the middle and inner layers of the origin land, there were also thunderbolts emerging one after another. out!

At this moment, Jiang Yun's Thunder Origin Dao Body has truly become the Lord of Thunder in the Land of Origin!

And he is also using his new identity to summon all the thunders in the three layers inside and outside the entire origin, so as to attack the original thunder.

Each of the three layers of the Land of Origin has powerful barriers.

But at this moment, under Jiang Yun's call, all the thunders completely ignored these barriers, rushing towards Jiang Yun one after another.

The incalculable mass of thunderbolts all attached to Jiang Yun's original body, but instead of forming a mask like before, they submerged into the body of the original body, as if absorbed by it.

After this state lasted for ten breaths, Yuan Dao body suddenly raised his hand, and saw that the golden sword that Jin Chan used to sneak attack Jiang Yun before fell into his hand.

General Jin Chan was dumbfounded, he never thought that he had secretly helped Jiang Yun!

With the golden sword in his hand, the blade was suddenly enveloped by endless thunder, like a sword of thunder.

The next moment, Benyuan Dao body held the golden sword and rushed towards Yuanyuan Thunder for the third time.

For some reason, looking at the headless body of Yuanyuan rushing towards the figure of Thunder of Yuanyuan, General Jin Chan felt an inexplicable sense of sadness in his heart.

It's not just him, Situ Jing, Ye Dong and others actually feel the same way!

Because, this matter is already tragic!

The original Dao body came to the side of the original thunder in an instant, and the golden sword in his hand stabbed straight towards the original thunder.

The tip of the sword couldn't penetrate the original thunder at all, but at this moment, the headless original Taoist body, together with the massive thunder in the body, poured into the sword.

A masterless sword, with all its strength, stabbed at the original thunder again.


Amidst the earth-shattering loud noise, everyone could clearly see that the Thunder of Origin trembled slightly, and during this tremor, on its transparent body, there appeared an undetectable streak of thick and thin hair. hole!

"He broke the projection of the original thunder!"

At this moment, Situ Jing, Ye Dong, including Daojun, Bai Ye and others all changed their expressions slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun's original body directly followed the golden sword and the small hole, and entered the body of the original thunder.


In the place of origin, Jiang Yun's eyes widened suddenly, as if he lost his soul in an instant, he stood there in a daze, motionless!

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