The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 962: Going to death

Looking at the steps under his feet, Jiang Yun lifted his foot again, this time he just took a step.

A powerful force suddenly poured into the body of Jiang Yun from the steps.

The feeling for Jiang Yun is like if you don't resist, then it will be torn into pieces by its unrelenting.

In order to verify his own guess, Jiang Yun gnawed his teeth, spreading all the defenses in the body, but using the aura and the gods as the guide, as far as possible to spread these forces at the fastest speed.

In an instant, Jiang Yun’s hair danced wildly again, and the calm face rose into blood, and the clothes on his body were almost shattered into pieces. His body, which was always stable, was trembled again and again.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, in the eyes of anyone, is clearly unable to withstand the power of anti-seismic, will be seriously injured by this force, and even shake off the five peaks of the Great Wilderness.

However, in his eyes that others can't see, it is a dazzling light!

For Jiang Yun’s current state, everyone is more confused.

Just Jiang Yun has stepped through seven steps, a pair of easy-to-follow appearances, but only one step in the past, how can not withstand the attack of the anti-seismic force.

However, the abandonment of the abandonment is a secret sigh, and the face is even more revealing, the cold and cold: "Although I don't know how you did it, but by your current state, you can't I have walked through sixty-seven steps."

Speaking of this, the sacrifice can not help but look at the distant wilderness, the heart is a little angry, I know that Jiang Yun is so difficult, I really should not help the wild Yongfeng.

At this moment, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to the speculations and opinions of the people. Instead, he concentrated on guiding this powerful force.

When he rushed into this part and spread it to various parts of his body, although there would be a series of severe pain, there would be a scar, but he was very familiar with such pain.

This is like the process of taking a bath in my own childhood, and those medicines stimulate the pain of my body!

And this makes Jiang Yun more and more sure, his speculation is correct.

Because of this painful stimulus, he clearly felt that a subtle change was happening silently in his body.

This change is powerful!

Your body is getting stronger and stronger.

It sounds like it seems that anyone can learn from Jiang Yun’s current practice and let the power of the sacred sacred material to temper itself. But in fact, there are very few people who can really do it.

The moment when the force of anti-seismic force rushes into the body, everyone must instinctively think of ways to resist, no one dares to guide these forces into various parts of the body.

What's more, the power of this anti-shock is indeed extremely hegemonic. If you want to spread it out, you need to control one degree.

It is necessary to ensure that all parts of the body will not be directly destroyed, and will not be subjected to too much injury, within the range that can be tolerated.

More than one point is dangerous, less than one point is not enough.

This may be difficult for others, but it is not difficult for Jiang Yun.

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What made Jiang Yun unexpected, while his body became stronger, there was still a trace of power that surged from all parts of his body, and flocked to the six wild lines of his own eyebrows.

"This is... the saga!"

Jiang Yun suddenly realized that these forces will condense into a waste pattern, and this is the correct way to condense the wilderness's wild lines!

First realize the wild lines that belong to you, and then baptize your body with the help of the power of the holy sacred objects.

So that the body emits a hint of feedback, and when they come together, they form a waste pattern.

"I understand!"

With the thorough understanding of Jiang Yun, with the six wild lines under the eyebrows, the gradual formation of the same feedback force as the ants move, Jiang Yun began to move forward!

This time, he is not very fast, and can even be said to be extremely slow. Don't say that he is far less than the seven steps he has stepped through, even far less than the speed at which he started walking on the steps!

This scene fell in the eyes of the audience, and they could not help but secretly shake their heads.

"It seems that after the outbreak of the seven steps just now, Jiang Yun’s power has been consumed almost, so the speed is slowing down now."

"Yeah, now he has no difference with other people every step of the way, let alone more than the achievements of the abandoning sacrifices, I am afraid that they are beyond the scores of the wilderness."

"Then he is losing, and watching the sacrifices, it seems impossible to let him go, to set his life!"

"That may not be the case, there are two people, Lu Yizhen and Lu Ze, who should be willing to save him at all costs!"

The barbaric sacrifices are obviously the same, so the look on the face has been completely relaxed, and the depth of the eyes is even more revealing.

Even the people such as the ridiculous monarch and the old man think that Jiang Yun seems to have reached the limit and will not last long.

Only they did not speak, just kept silent.

But gradually, everyone found that something was wrong.

Because Jiang Yun has finished 46 steps, he has passed a level, although the speed is still not fast, but it has always maintained a constant.

It seems that he will continue to go on at such a speed until he has finished all the steps to reach the peak of the Great Five Peaks!

Fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five!

When Jiang Yun’s performance has surpassed that of the wilderness, the faces of the people have re-emerged with the meaning of dignity, especially the sacrifice of the abandon, and the complexion has once again sagged.

As Jiang Yun walked more and more steps, in the eyes of everyone, there was a illusion gradually.

On top of the five-foot high peak of the Great Wilderness, Jiang Yun seems to have become a coveted lonely old man. He is slowly following the end of his life and heading for death along this step that represents his life!

Sixty-one, sixty-two, sixty-three!


Jiang Yun's footsteps steadily stepped on the sixty-three steps. When he saw that he was about to enter the next level, he finally stopped again.

Jiang Yun did not turn around and turned his back to everyone. He said softly: "The sacrifice of adults, more than 67 steps, is that you lose, lose, your life will be Jiang, is it right?"

Although Jiang Yun’s voice is not big, it is clearly introduced into everyone’s ears. Especially for the sacrificial sacrifices, every word is like a thunder.

He didn't know how to answer it because Jiang Yun is now only about four steps from their bet!

Four steps, with Jiang Yun's current state, can go!

Jiang Yun did not need the answer of the abandonment of the sacrificial sacrifice. After asking this sentence, he looked up and looked at the peak that was not far from him and continued to move.

This time, Jiang Yun went slower, but every step of his footsteps, the dull sounds that came out of it all fell in the hearts of everyone, so that the frequency of their heart beats, they all followed the footsteps of Jiang Yun. The sound has become slower.

Sixty-four, sixty-five, sixty-six!

At this time, the eyes of the abandoned sacred sacred eyes flashed a touch of color!

He knew that he had lost.

However, he can't accept the result of gambling!

Therefore, the hidden lines hidden under his eyebrows began to split sharply, and instantly became nine.

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