The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 963: Wrong again

The appearance of nine identical patterns of waste, representing the sacrifice, finally released all his strength.

These nine wild lines, along the body of the sacrifice, along his feet, quietly poured into the depths of the already riddled platform, and then flocked to the Great Five Peaks.


Just as Jiang Yun was about to embark on the 67th step, nine thunderous roars suddenly sounded.

Within the entire five peaks of the Great Wilderness, a strong atmosphere has risen.

Under the influence of this breath, the five peaks in the shape of the palm of the hand turned out to be the real palm, and the five fingers began to bend sharply.

"Sacrifice, what are you doing!"

This scene not only made all the people stunned again, but also let the ridiculous monarch and the old man scream at the same time.

Moreover, while the two opened, the body shape also flashed in unison, one rushed to the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, and one rushed to the sacrifice.

Apparently, at this time, everyone can clearly know that the barbaric sacrifices in order to prevent themselves from losing the gambling contract, so unscrupulously shot on Jiang Yun.

Moreover, as a sacrificial offering, his relationship with the relics of the wilderness far exceeds that of other tribes, so he directly urges the power of the Great Five Peaks to kill Jiang Yun.

The ridiculous prince who rushed to the ritual, at this moment, really wants to take a heart and shoot the heart of death.

If you can't afford to lose, then don't bet with Jiang Yun, don't go to provoke Jiang Yun.

Since you have already gambled, even if you lose, there is no big deal, nothing more than just throwing away your face.

However, in the face of so many people, on the site of the desert, through the power of the sacred sacred objects to kill Jiang Yun, this kind of behavior, for the entire abandon, the impact is extremely bad.

Although the reaction speeds of the priests and the old people are already very fast, but since the sacrifices dare to shoot, then naturally it is expected that someone will stop, so it is impossible to give them enough time.

Not waiting for the old man to embark on the Great Five Peaks, the five peaks have suddenly been bent together.

Accompanied by the "squeaky" sound of the world's muffled sounds, the Great Five Peaks clenched into a fist.

Jiang Yun, who was on his body, was naturally held firmly in his fist, and he was not known.

Sacrifice with a sneer: "Jiang Yun, it looks like this bet, I won!"

Just as the ritual voice had just fallen, the cold voice of the ridiculous Yan Yan also followed: "Sacrifice, you have done too much!"

The ridiculous priest has come to the front of the ritual, reaching out and pointing, and a wilderness is like a snake, entangled toward the body of the sacrifice.

Although the face of the patriarch’s personal shot, but the sacrifice is not panic, still with a smile on the face revealing a cold color, coldly watching the ridiculous Yan Yan: "patriarch, for the repair of a district outside the family You have to shoot me!"

Yan Junyan said with a blank expression: "I am not going to shoot you, but because you are doing too much!"

"Excessive?" There was a lot of sarcasm in the smile on the face of the sacrifice: "Don't it be too much to let a foreigner's repair take away my life?"


In the process of the two people's dialogue, the wasteland of the ridiculous priest has already entangled the body of the ritual, and the priest Yan Liyan no longer cares for him, directly turns his body shape and flies toward the five peaks of the Great Wilderness.

Seeing his appearance, it is obvious that the sacrifice has been squandered, and now it is time to save the time to save Jiang Yun.

Looking at the back of the wilderness, the cold face of the sacrifice is thicker, but it is silent and silent.

"How's it going!"

The ridiculous priest came to the side of the great five peaks that had already been clenched, and asked the old man who stopped at the same time.

The old man shook his head and shook his head: "The sacrifice used all his strength, and the sacred objects were spurred by nine sacred lines. Only after the power dissipated, the sacred objects will be re-played..."

However, without waiting for the old man to finish the words, from the five peaks that were clenched into fists, a loud noise came out and interrupted the old man’s words.

In the loud noise, the five peaks that had been clenched into fists, there was a slight loosening, which seemed to be reopened and turned into palms.

"this is……"

This scene once again shocked everyone, and also let the ridiculous people such as Yan Junyan.

Especially the sacrifice, the face covered with cold colors, a little more flustered.

Because, as the old man said, the current controller of the relics is the sacrifice.

And the sacrifice of the heart to kill Jiang Yun naturally motivated all the power.

In addition to sacrificing himself, even if it is as strong as the old and the ridiculous, there is no way to let the holy things return to their original state before this power dissipates.

It is impossible for the sacrifice to take the initiative to remove the force and let go of Jiang Yun, but now, the five peaks of the Great Wilderness have a tendency to recover.

The only thing that can do this is that it is in the fist----Jiang Yun!

"I have already said that this kid can never die!"

"With his terrible mind, I will never think that the sacrifice will definitely be shot against him, preventing him from winning the bet."

At this time, Lu Lun’s voice rang again, and Lu Yizheng was secretly relieved.

When the sudden five peaks suddenly changed, he and Lu Ze immediately wanted to rush to save Jiang Yun, but they were stopped by Lu Lun, so that they do not have to worry about Jiang Yun's safety.

Originally they still had some unbelief, but now they finally believe.

Sure enough, under the gaze of everyone, a finger of the Great Five Peaks is slowly lifting, but the speed is extremely slow, obviously it takes some time.

Yan Junyan frowned slightly, turned again and looked at the sacrifice. "Sacrifice, you have to withdraw your strength. Before you make a big mistake, don't make a mistake!"

However, the sacrifice was a faceless dew, and the sinisterly looked at the fingers of the five peaks that were being lifted, and then fell on the body of the wilderness.

"The patriarch, it seems that my ritual is not as important as this foreign kid."

"Is it wrong again? Everything I do is for my abandon, I am not wrong, the wrong is you, you!"


"Now. I will correct your mistakes!"

When the voice fell, the body of the sacrifice suddenly burst into a dazzling light, illuminating the heavens and the earth.


With the light of this group, the space temporarily opened up by the abandonment immediately issued a dense explosion.

In the air, countless cracks spread wildly. Above the earth, a deep pit of darkness constantly appeared, making everyone's face change again.

Sacrifice is to destroy this space, and once this space is destroyed, it is like a world explosion. Everyone in the space, except for a few strong people such as Yan Junyan, will disappear with the space.

"All the abandonians, at all costs, protect this space, don't let foreign friends hurt!"

At this time, the wild map, which is a small patriarch, suddenly opened an order.

Although many of the abandoned people immediately vacated and obeyed his orders, the most powerful force of the abandon, the majority of the abandoned army, is still motionless.

Their eyes are watching the old age!

It was not until the old man nodded gently that they started to rush to the space in all directions.

When the people of the desert were to protect the space and protect the repairs of all the foreigners, the face of the sacrifice showed a smug smile.

However, when his eyes saw the ridiculously, the smile was suddenly solidified.

Because the priest Yan Yan only looked at himself, his face did not show the slightest panic.

Even in his eyes, there are two cold lights!

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