The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 48 Selfless Maternal Love, Uterus Transplantation!


Galaxy Hospital.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Building.

Zheng Zihan's family and Chen Zijie are consulting Dr. Liu about uterine transplantation.

At this time, Chen Zijie and Zheng Zihan had already formally communicated.

Mother Zheng asked, "Doctor Liu, can your Yinhe Hospital perform uterine transplantation?"

"of course can!"

Liu Ping gave an affirmative answer.

Later, she continued: "Ms. Zheng wants to have an uterine transplant, so she must find a suitable uterine donor.

Currently, there are two types of uterine donors in medicine.

One is the living donor, which mainly comes from the family members of the recipient.

One is the deceased donor, some people are willing to donate their organs after death. "

Mother Zheng asked: "Doctor Liu, does Yinhe Hospital have uterine organs?"


Liu Ping shook her head and said in a deep voice, "Mama Zheng, I won't hide it from you.

All over the world, uterine transplantation belongs to the latest medical technology.

Xiaguo Organ Donation Management Center currently does not have any uterus donors.

Secondly, even if someone is willing to donate the uterus, it is basically an elderly woman who has gone through menopause.

Elderly women are more willing to donate, but it will cause great damage to their own health.

Therefore, your daughter must find a living donor in order to have a chance to complete the uterine transplant. "

After listening to the doctor.

Mother Zheng mustered up her courage and said, "Doctor Liu, I want to transplant the uterus to my daughter!"

Before Liu Ping could answer.

The filial Zheng Zihan hurriedly stopped him: "Mom, I don't agree!

The uterus is a vital organ of a woman.

If you transplant it to me, your body will definitely collapse.

Even if I can get pregnant in the future, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life! "

Father Zheng and Chen Zijie also quickly persuaded him.

Facing the obstruction of the crowd.

Zheng's mother said with firm eyes: "Hanhan is my daughter, I don't want her to be unable to conceive and have children for the rest of her life.

As long as it allows my daughter to have a fulfilling life, even if it means killing me, I am willing!

Dr. Liu, please tell me directly, can I transplant the uterus to my daughter? "

"of course can!"

Liu Ping nodded and said, "According to the records of uterine transplantation abroad.

The oldest uterine donor in the world is a 61-year-old Swiss woman.

Mama Zheng, you are only 50 years old this year, it is completely feasible to transplant the uterus to your daughter!

As long as your daughter is in good health, soft nest function and estrogen levels are stable and normal.

Then the uterus transplanted to her will soon return to its youthful state.

Conceiving a fetus also has a high chance of success.

Of course, this is the first case of uterine transplantation in China, and there are certain risks.

Mama Zheng, are you afraid?

Can your family afford the consequences of failure? "

"I'm not afraid!"

Zheng's mother said firmly: "My daughter will not be afraid either! Please ask Dr. Liu to transplant my uterus to my daughter!"

"Absolutely not!"

Zheng Zihan, Chen Zijie, and Dad Zheng said in unison.

Liu Ping said: "Ms. Zheng, now your family members disagree with you, and the differences are very big. I suggest you discuss it first, and then make a decision."

"Thank you, Dr. Liu, then let's go first!"

Zheng's father pulled Zheng's mother and left in a hurry.


Two hours later.

Zheng Zihan's family came to Dr. Liu's office again.

Liu Ping glanced at the crowd and found that their eyes were all red, and they all looked like they had cried.

The three of the Zheng family finally reached an agreement.

Mama Zheng transplanted her womb to Zheng Zihan!

Liu Ping condensedly said: "As the donor of the womb, the theoretical issues involved are very complicated, and a corresponding application needs to be submitted to the theoretical committee of Yinhe Hospital.

In addition, there are many difficulties in uterine transplantation.

For example, uterine transplantation is very new, and it is possible that the child cannot be conceived after the operation.

For example, Zheng Zihan, who received the transplant, needs to take anti-rejection drugs all the time, which may cause fetal deformities and gene mutations.

For example, uterine transplantation only anastomoses the blood vessels of the organs and cannot connect the nervous system, so even if Zheng Zihan is pregnant, she will not feel pregnancy and fetal movement.

For example, after pregnancy and childbirth, the uterus needs to be removed again to avoid long-term use of immune transplantation drugs. "

Hear this.

The three members of the Zheng family did not flinch.

On the contrary, he said that there is a glimmer of hope, and he is willing to try!

At this moment, the actions and attitudes of Zheng Zihan's family deeply moved Liu Ping.

Liu Ping said seriously: "Please rest assured, our Yinhe Hospital will do everything we can to help you realize your wishes!"


From March 20 to March 24.

Yinhe Hospital holds regular pre-organ transplant meetings every day.

That is, the demonstration meeting of the Human Organ Transplantation Technology Clinical Application Medical Theory Committee.

A key question discussed by the experts is: Who is the mother of the child conceived in the womb in the future?

Medical experts believe that donors only provide a platform for reproduction.

The recipient's pregnancy and birth are determined by her husband's and her own genetic material.

Of course, the child is the embryonic development of the daughter and husband.

So it is of course the responsibility of the daughter and the husband.

Finally, both parties agree to:

Providers and recipients are completely voluntary and actively request surgery.

The relationship between the supplier and the receiver is a mother-daughter relationship, and there is no conflict of interest.

The life conceived by the mother in the womb belongs to the daughter and the husband.

because of the above reasons.

The theory committee of Yinhe Hospital finally approved the operation.


March 25.

For Yinhe Hospital, led by Dr. Liu Ping, an expert group for uterine transplantation was established.

Because it was the first uterine transplant in Xia Kingdom.

30 experts from 11 departments held many consultations and discussed many plans.

Compared with ordinary organ transplantation.

The difficulty of uterine transplantation is much higher.

There are many tiny blood vessels in the uterus, the operation is difficult, and it will undertake the task of pregnancy in the future.

This means that the uterine blood vessels after transplantation need to withstand more than 3 times the expansion during pregnancy to ensure sufficient blood perfusion for the embryo to grow.

After a successful transplant, the patient will face continuous immune rejection and needs to take drugs for a long time to prevent the body from rejecting it.

In addition, patients cannot conceive naturally after surgery.

Because the soft nest and uterus are not connected.

Fertility must be achieved through IVF.

The expert team of Yinhe Hospital is very clear in their hearts.

For the operation to be foolproof, several difficulties must be overcome.

The donated uterus must be intact and not damaged when it is cut out, and sufficient blood vessels are needed to ensure the recovery of blood supply after transplantation.

The transplant suture must be fine, so as to achieve the precise anastomosis of the blood vessels, so as not to hinder the blood flow.

The health and immunity of the donor and the recipient must meet the requirements.

At the same time prevent postoperative infection, as well as the health of other organs, so as not to be damaged.

Only in this way can the patient's future pregnancy be guaranteed.


March 28.

The uterine transplant operation officially started.

In this operation, in order to minimize the risk and trauma, it was decided to use the Da Vinci surgical robot.

The doctors used the da Vinci robot to perform a robot-assisted hysterectomy for Zheng's mother, and the blood loss during the operation was only 10 ml.

Afterwards, Mama Zheng's uterus was transplanted to Zheng Zihan's body.

And under the microscope, microscopic surgery of vascular anastomosis is performed.

In the end, the whole operation lasted 12 hours and was a complete success!


The 2nd day after surgery.

Zheng's mother is already able to go out to the fields and live a normal life without taking medicine.

Zheng Zihan was still in the sterile laminar flow ward.

But her vital signs are stable, all indicators are normal, and the newly transplanted uterus has survived.

Zheng Zihan only needs to recover in the hospital for a few weeks before being discharged.

It is expected that Yuejing will appear in more than a month.

However, she still needs to take immunosuppressants and have regular checkups.

From now on, Zheng Zihan can conceive and give birth to a child through IVF!


At the moment, the doctors are very happy.

Yinhe Hospital completed the first uterine transplant in China!

The success of this operation.

It marks that Yinhe Hospital has been in the forefront of the world in the field of uterine transplantation!

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