The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 49 Maternal Love Is Moving, Good News For Infertile Patients!

April 1.

Xiaguo News Network, released a news article.

The headline of the news was "Xia Kingdom's first uterine transplant operation was a complete success! 50-year-old mother transplanted uterus to 24-year-old daughter! ".

The content wrote: On March 28, 2015, Su Cheng Yinhe Hospital performed the first uterine transplant operation in Xia Kingdom, and successfully transplanted the mother's uterus to her daughter Chen Qin (pseudonym).

The 24-year-old Chen Qin was originally a cheerful young girl who lived up to expectations and was admitted to university.

But she didn't have a period until she went to college at the age of 18.

After Chen's mother learned about it, she became uneasy.

She took her daughter to the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital for an examination.

The check result is displayed.

Chen Qin has no uterus and cannot bear children.


Approved by the Medical Theory Committee of Yinhe Hospital.

Dr. Liu Ping, using the da Vinci surgical robot, performed the world's first robot-assisted uterine resection for Chen's mother, and performed the world's first robot-assisted uterine transplantation for Chen Qin.

12 hours of surgery.

Liu Ping completed 4 innovative techniques including suturing the donor's soft nidus vein as the return branch of the grafted uterine vein to the recipient's external iliac vein, and suturing the donor's internal iliac artery to the recipient's external iliac artery.

It is reported that this is the first uterine transplant in Xia Kingdom!

At the same time, it is also the 12th case of uterine transplantation in the world.

Of the 11 transplants performed previously, 8 had uterine survival and 1 had a successful delivery.

According to Professor Liu Ping.

Among women of childbearing age in Xia State, there are about 1 million women with uterine infertility.

Among the newborns, 30,000 to 50,000 are born with the surname of seedless girls.

Yinhe Hospital completed the first uterine transplant in China, which means that more women with uterine infertility can have children as they wish.


As soon as the news comes out.

There was an instant sensation in the comment area.

Numerous netizens talked about it.

"Mother's love is so great! I actually cried watching the news!"

"I wish Chen Qin could get pregnant and have a baby as she wished, and the family will be happy!"

"It's so touching! Any sickness in the child's body, the mother will feel very guilty, thinking that she didn't raise the baby well during pregnancy. Mama Chen is really a great mother!"

"Doing an uterine transplant operation will definitely take a lot of hardships! Mother Chen and Chen Qin are both very strong! (Thumbs up.JPG)"

"Medicine is really advanced now! Thanks to Dr. Yinhe for his superb medical skills!"

"Chen Qin and Chen's mother will suffer a lot. But the joy of success can dilute all difficulties. It is worthy of praise for mother's love and doctors!"

"Chen's mother really loves Chen Qin! I hope you will get over your hardships soon, be safe and happy!"


Netizens are talking about it.

There are also some people who put forward different views.

"If it were me, I wouldn't have a baby without a womb!"

"If it was my daughter, I would educate her from an early age. The value of a woman does not need to be reflected by having children!"

"Donating an uterus to give birth to a child, this world is too scary!"

"Hehe, in order to have a child, you even disregarded theory and morality?"

"Is it a living donor transplant? The organ transplant is to save a dying relative! Transplanting an uterus to give birth to a child? I really admire it!"

"So why do you have to have a baby? Don't have a baby if you don't have the conditions! Is it necessary to torment your mother so much in order to have a baby?"

"Warning for having a child! Chen Qin is confused! How can she make her mother suffer for the sake of having a child?"

"Here comes the question! Will Chen Qin's future child be called Grandma Chen? Or mother?"

"Since medicine can transplant the uterus, theoretically speaking, the uterus can also be transplanted to men to make men pregnant! My personal suggestion is to let men have children in the future!"

"Sisters! Yinhe Hospital has completed the first uterine transplant in China. It doesn't respect women's names at first sight!"

"That's right! Xiehe Hospital, West China Hospital, and Yanjing 301 Hospital have never performed this kind of surgery!"

"Galaxy Hospital is a Kamata hospital, right? Sisters, rush for me!"


As soon as these comments come out.

Netizens were instantly furious.

Look, is this speaking human language?

Punching here?

God horse stuff can post?

Netizens immediately fought back.

"All ghosts and monsters are posting on the Internet, are you still human?"

"I suggest you boxers, read more books! The uterus is just like the house of the fetus. Whoever owns the fertilized egg belongs to the child!"

"Damn, my blood pressure is going up! It's obviously a great maternal love, but you guys understand it like this? It's really thanks to you!"

"Your parents, seeing your online comments, will beat you up!"

"You still say that Xiehe Hospital and West China Hospital don't perform this kind of surgery? Can they do it? Can't they do it?"

"Galaxy Hospital is a Kamata hospital? This is really the funniest joke I've heard this year! Your Kamata hospital ranks 26th in the country?"

"It's been said on the news! Among domestic women of childbearing age, there are 1 million women with infertile uteruses! If they read your comments, they will definitely tear you apart!"


Internet scolding war.

Galaxy Hospital.

Administrative Building Conference Hall.

Many media reporters gathered together to participate in the press conference hosted by the hospital.

at the press conference.

A reporter from asked: "Dean Lu, Yinhe Hospital has completed the first uterine transplant in Xia Kingdom. Does it mean that men can also conceive?"

"Theoretically yes!"

Lu Chen nodded and said: "If the uterus is transplanted to a man, it is technically feasible to make him pregnant with the help of hormones!"

Wangyi reporter asked: "President Lu, Yinhe Hospital has completed ovary transplantation, which is exciting and good news for infertile women.

But this operation will raise many theoretical and ethical issues.

What do you think for this? "

Lu Chen said firmly: "The purpose of Yinhe Hospital's uterus transplantation is to bring good news to thousands of infertile women.

We would never try to get a man to have an uterus transplant and get pregnant. "

Fuji Xun reporter asked: "President Lu, there are two types of uterine donors in medicine, namely living donors and deceased donors.

There still seems to be some bottlenecks in organ donation from deceased donors.

In the case of living donors, there are always theoretical issues.

I would like to ask, what should Yinhe Hospital do in the field of uterine transplantation in the future? "

"That's a good question!"

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Actually, Yinhe Hospital is researching the third method—artificial uterus!

At present, a team in the hospital has been able to create artificial endometrium by using biotechnology 'tissue engineering'.

Through the combination of 3D printing technology and stem cell transplantation, we use nanotechnology to artificially intervene in organ growth, thereby shaping a complete uterus.

In this way, infertile patients in the future can realize their dream of having children through artificial uterus transplantation.

And it will not violate the logic and morality!

Of course, there is still a long way to go to overcome this technology. "

A reporter from asked: "Dean Lu, has Yinhe Hospital already used 3D printing technology?"


Lu Chen nodded and said: "Galaxy Hospital has used 3D printing technology since its establishment.

In the face of some difficult operations, we will use 3D printing to make a preoperative 3D model to help solve the problem.

For example, the hospital will perform congenital scoliosis surgery.

We perform three-dimensional reconstruction on the image data generated by tools such as CT and MRI, and print the spine in two parts according to the needs of the operation.

For example, a patient has a tumor on the hard palate that needs to be removed surgically.

For this patient, we printed the skull, the mandible, and placed the mass inside the skull.

In addition to providing preoperative preparation for surgeons.

3D printing can also allow patients to clearly understand the surgical process they are about to experience.

all in all.

With these 3D printed 1:1 models.

Before the doctors enter the operating room, they can simulate the real scene and think about the operation plan.

Now, the comprehensive 3D printing center of Yinhe Hospital has been able to print all parts of human body models related to surgery.

In 2014 alone, the number of 3D printing in the printing center was 2,000! "

The voice fell.

All the media reporters at the scene were a little messy.

They had prepared a lot of tough questions.


Dean Lu Chen kept his mouth shut, saying that artificial wombs, tissue engineering, 3D printing, and stem cell transplantation have all brought good news to infertile patients.

Such an airtight answer.

What else can they interview?

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