Chelsea won at home. The gap between Manchester United and Chelsea in the league standings has changed from 7 points to 4 points, reigniting the hope of winning the league. *WWw.suimeng.lā

If Manchester United lose this game, the gap between them and Chelsea will widen to 10 points, Manchester United can basically say goodbye to this season's league champion.

Chelsea have been unbeaten in 40 league games before, and they were eventually ended by Manchester United, just like the end of last season's 49 undefeated Arsenal.

When victory was most needed, Ferguson's team did it.

"It's incredible. Chelsea have at least 20 good chances of scoring in this game? They didn't even make a goal. The goddess of victory has always been on the side of Manchester United. Even in a draw, Mourinho and his players His face will not be so ugly. Now, they can only watch the Manchester United teenagers celebrating the victory."

"Smith won the Champagne Award for the best player of the game..."

"Although he only played sixty minutes."

Before Manchester United fell into an unprecedented trough against Chelsea, the media bombarded Smith: "What the **** can Smith do? He only knows how to run up and down, like lost, he doesn't know what he is doing!"

This is the evaluation of Alan Smith by the media. I don't understand how this hairy kid was positioned as Kee's successor. However, in the 1-0 defeat of Chelsea, Smith was shocked. It was not Dong Fangzhuo who grabbed the limelight that was the goal. Smith stood up for Manchester United's waist. He is well deserved.

One trick is eaten all over the world. Beckham became Manchester United's signature star with a curve ball. Smith was far inferior to Beckham in strength, status and influence, but he also relied on the best trick- Tackle, has become today's alternative protagonist. Speaking of Ferguson, he changed to play midfield, inspired by a tackle. When playing Fulham away last season, Smith, the striker, broke the goal after shoveling the ball in the opponent's penalty area. Ferguson was amazed and moved. Cultivate Smith into another Keane idea.

Manchester United tackled 25 times, Smith accounted for 11 times alone! It can be imagined in the eyes of Lampard and others, how much trouble this Manchester United guy is. In the first 10 minutes, Smith used a back tackle to tell Lampard that I will be with you today, in his 11 tackles. A large percentage of the ball and five fouls were given to Chelsea midfielder Lampard. In a sense, Smith became a tactical offset card for Ferguson. The command he accepted was to destroy the opponent in the midfield. Organizational hub.

In the second half of Manchester City's stormy weather, Smith and his teammates struggled hard, holding their breath. In the 50th minute, he blocked Lampard's volley in front of the goal. In the 60th minute, he missed Del Horno's shot in front of the empty goal, and then forced to change because Ferguson worried that he would get a red card. Get off him.

After the game, Sky Sports gave Smith a game-high 9 points...

When receiving the champagne that symbolized the best in the audience, Smith was quite emotional: "I think everyone knows where the motivation comes from,"

"As a player, you can't just enjoy the praise, but also have to accept criticism. I think the best place for you to defend yourself is on the court. Every Manchester United should do this. But today's victory is obviously not me alone. For the credit, our entire team is working hard. If the captain at the front is defensive, I have a reason not to rush? And Park and Fletcher around me, each of them is like me. ..."

Smith was not stupid enough to get the credit to his head.

However, in the post-match press conference, Ferguson still gave Smith a prize. When Keane was away from the main lineup, he could not dig Barak, and others were not enough to kick the midfielder. Such a Smith was what he needed most. of.

For Smith's outstanding performance, Ferguson believes that this is a microcosm of Manchester United's spirit. Today the team played well overall: "There is nothing wrong with the best in the game for Smith, but there are three or four people who are worthy of it, so many people It’s hard to choose one if you play well."

After a downturn, followed by a flash, Smith let Ferguson see hope and feel confused: "Young players are like this, they need to play more stable, these weeks are young people picking the beam. Today their The desire and passion are excellent, and they have a very great attitude. They need to continue this way."

"Smith is a typical of Manchester United young people. Under the encouragement of a certain environment, they can stand up in a game, but they still lack a high level of stability for a season. In a tough battle like defeating Chelsea, Smith It shows what kind of high level it can reach, but it is more difficult to strive to maintain this level. For Smith and Manchester United young people, this is a question and a challenge. The answer will be revealed in the end."

No matter how unsatisfactory Manchester United has shown in this game, Ferguson cannot be more critical.

As Mourinho later said at a press conference: "Today Chelsea lost to luck, but also lost to a group of energetic children. They are young, have the desire to win, and have a champion heart. .. I think, Lord Yee’s transformation of the team is gaining fast."

"He succeeded, at least today."

"We all know that we have to seize the opportunity to score in the game, but our 25-foot shot actually missed a I really have to think about talking to Sir John during the winter transfer, Should we sell the Chinese director to us..."

Mourinho said before that he needs a striker like Dong Fangzhuo who can score. Before the game, he made a very strict deployment of the defense, but Dong Fangzhuo still seized a chance that was not an opportunity to score.

That ball had no technical content, it was completely taken in, but it was the only goal of the whole game...

"So how much do you intend to quote?"

Although Mourinho lost the game, but his mood is not too bad, he raised his eyebrows: "If it is before the start of the season, I think Dong’s worth should be around 15 million pounds-20 million pounds, but now Dong? I think it should not be lower than Rooney, except for the factors other than household registration."

"Actually, if I am, I will award the game to Dong, who is a competent captain. If you don't watch the whole game, you don't know where he is playing."

Mourinho's evaluation of Dong Fangzhuo is getting higher and higher. From the beginning of last year, he looked down on him, and later expressed surprise at him, and later he was helpless to him. Now, not only has he recognized him, but he seems to be conquered.

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