Manchester United 1-0 Chelsea, Ferguson smiled happily, he won the most crucial victory, Mourinho although disappointed, but also had a positive harvest, Manchester United got 3 points, retained the hope of the championship, Chelsea from Confidence was gained in the content of the competition. {Щww{suimеng][lā} "Losing after a bad game and losing after a good game are two different things..." Mourinho said that in Seville, he lost to Betis He later said that this was the worst performance in history, but today the same one is 1 to 0, but there are reasons for him to feel at ease.

In the first half, Manchester United dominated the scene, but there were definitely a lot of opportunities for Chelsea. Drogba's single-shot power was too light. Del Horno's shovel shot was slightly out of focus, and the Blues could have taken the lead. In the second half, it was entirely Chelsea's world. Good Jansen's appearance changed the situation to a great extent. Duff, Lampard and Del Horno all had good opportunities to rewrite the score, but according to Mourinho's luck Not on the Chelsea side.

Statistics show that Chelsea is the better player. The ratio of the shots of the two sides is 25 to 9, and the ratio of positive shots is 11 to 5. Chelsea have a considerable advantage. In addition, the corner ratio is 9 to 5, and the ball control ratio is 54 to 46. Although the Blues are playing away, they have shown greater strength.

"I'm not worried about the future," Mourinho said. "Looking at the performance in the second half, no one will believe that this is Old Trafford. We have completely suppressed our opponents. I think people can see us from this Why will it be the defending champion and why will it lead the league? I believe we will also win the championship this season."

You can say that Mourinho is compelling calm, but look at Chelsea's games since this season, whether winning or losing, both have an advantage in the scene, losing to Betis, Mourinho called the ball The worst performance in team history, but they still have more opportunities than their opponents. Now they lose again to Manchester United, but the Blues can still become the dominant player at Old Trafford.

Mourinho is actually talking about facts.

In contrast, Ferguson’s worries are longer-term. He knows that although a victory is built on the blood of young people, the problems that Manchester United have accumulated for a long time will not be over.

To give an example of details, in such a crisis time, in the face of such a crucial game, the people of the Glazers abandoned Old Trafford and chose to watch the game of the Tampa Bay football team, and Chelsea boss Abramo Compared to the fact that Vicki is on the battlefield, he has already reflected a certain gap in his passion for football.

Manchester United won, but if you think about it, they won in spirit and in a **** fight. At this time, Manchester United and Chelsea are their best time to play. The previous failure will inspire the Red Devils. They do not need to mobilize. Everyone will desperately. They will regard this game as a decisive battle on the right track. A hard battle.

Facts have proved that Manchester United can keep the score at 1 to 0, relying on one breath, the sense of shame has inspired everyone's fighting spirit and fighting power, and maximized the team's play. But the question is how long Manchester United can maintain this state. Young players also need to play more steadily. When there are many young players, unstable conditions are inevitable...

This is Ferguson's biggest worry.

The big players are now young people, and the team’s original backbone is sitting in the stands or on the bench today...

Keane, Giggs and others have been on a downward trend and cannot be expected for long. But if they forget about them, Manchester United will definitely not finish this season. Before Ferguson relied on veterans in major games, but later found that the status of the veterans are collectively languishing, he temporarily abandoned them.

But after the game came down, he realized that neither relying on veterans alone nor relying on young people alone would work.

Last year, Manchester United ended Arsenal’s 49 undefeated games. Except for Pire’s one shot, the Gunners could not find a chance. This year, Manchester United played the role of Terminator again, but this time the scene and the content of the game may not be Ferguson really felt at ease.

With a spirit, Manchester United can win a tough battle, but to win a season, it also depends on strength. Today, Manchester United won a battle of honour against Chelsea, but to really beat this opponent this season, the road ahead is long and difficult.

Therefore, Ferguson decided to change his mind and put his mind back to the winter transfer period...

Originally, he wanted to dispose of Sylvester, but recently Ferdinand's mistakes have occurred again and again, and he was a little reluctant to Sylvester.

There is also Brown who wants to deal with this. Although he can be competent in the position of the right back and the fullback, he is too easy to hurt...

Of course, the most important thing is the midfielder. Manchester United needs a new midfielder...

"Owen Hargreaves? Michael Carrick?" he murmured, and after losing Barack's, the names of the two players still appeared in his mind.

The former is basically the main force of the Bundesliga class tyrant Bayern Munich and has just renewed the contract. The latter has just joined Tottenham Hotspur and became an indispensable player. It seems that it is not easy to get it...

If you directly transfer the membership fee, it must be ridiculously expensive. With the urine of Glazer, you don’t have to think about it. Unless you can sell some people in the team...

"Alas, like Miller, Ribeon, Black, Eagles, Fortune, and..."

Ferguson was silent for a moment.

"Saha also cleaned up?"

Although Manchester United's lineup is a bit huge, but there are really few people who can use Rather than pile up in the team, it is better to change hands to deal with them and free up funds to buy new players.

Especially if Saha is cleaned up, then there will be a large sum of money. Only dealing with Saha can recover about 13 million euros of funds and free up a weekly salary of 650,000 pounds...

Ferguson started to catch Saha's attention. On this list, Saha is the most valuable.

At present, Saha's absence in the team has become unimportant. Saha's position can only be in the middle, and Rooney can replace Dong Fangzhuo at any time. Saha can only be a substitute. It would be wasteful to put him on the bench.

Moreover, there is a little Rosie.

So, it seems to be a really good choice to deal with Saha...


He thought of Keane again...

Thinking of Smith's bravery, he started Keane's idea again. Keene didn't occupy any quota, mainly because of salary...

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