The world's number one pianist

Chapter 122: The ups and downs of life

Soon, all the piano students in the entire conservatory, as well as those who had taken lessons with He Shen, were alarmed by this incident.

They quickly went online to check the information on the so-called confession wall. Looking at the information on it, their brains couldn't help but be in a daze for a while.

My own teacher, throw away other people's things and sit down directly?

They thought carefully about He Shen's operation and immediately shook their heads. This was impossible no matter how they thought about it.

If He Shen was there to show a cold face to the female student who appeared from nowhere, they believed and were sure that he would definitely do so.

But He Shen lost her things? And then sit directly in her seat?

As the saying goes, basically no one who knows He Shen believes that he would do such a thing.

After hitting enough, He Shen could push the things on the table aside and sit down, but he wouldn't hit them on the ground!

So...this is completely a false accusation!

For a moment, the crowd was furious, and countless people from the music school rushed to the confession wall and started to quarrel with the group of people.

"You run the school library? You can't occupy seats. Seats occupied are cleared. Don't you know? Go and read the rules of the school library before you speak."

"Yeah, it made me laugh. I still believed you when you said he put your things aside, but you said he smashed your things into the ground? I suggest you take a photo, otherwise, I think you are just making nonsense here."

"You're crazy if you punch every day, right? You have to punch every seat, and people obviously left without bothering you, and you still chase them and bite them? A mad dog, right?"

"This is the first time I have seen someone so shameless and confusing right and wrong. We have evidence here. You left your seat for at least three hours, and you still stayed here to use the toilet? You fell into the toilet, right?"

"Ugh, I really don't understand where you get the confidence to make such remarks!"


More and more students from the conservatory of music began to join in. Some of them were particularly lazy and just liked to practice in the piano room. They didn’t know where they received the news. They also picked up their mobile phones and joined the battle.

Although the teacher He Shen has only been in the school for about a month, he only teaches students some music appreciation of the Romantic period...

but! This is definitely not someone who appears from nowhere and can be framed casually!

Many people began to quarrel with those who supported the girl online, and the comment area became a mess.

In a certain student dormitory, a confession wall operator panicked and immediately asked everyone in the operation group.

"What should I do? So many people are quarreling in our group, what should I do now? Delete the post?"

"What post? What's the fuss about?"

The person in charge of the confession wall suddenly spoke, not knowing what happened. After all, the confession wall was usually run by junior students.

Before the operator could speak, several other people immediately spoke up and revealed the details of the matter.

"A girl posted an anonymous post on the confession wall before, seemingly saying that someone occupied her seat or something..."

"Yes, and then she said she just went to the toilet, and her seat was occupied by someone else!"

"Someone said later that no one came to her seat for at least three hours, so it remained empty."

"And the person being scolded seems to be a teacher in the school?"

Everyone told what happened, and the person in charge was immediately stunned.

Wait, a student in school takes up a seat and then scolds the teacher?


Before he could react, something bigger was coming!

"Senior! Someone reported that teacher, saying that the teacher did not abide by teacher ethics and occupied students' resources, and said that he should receive the punishment he deserves!"


"Senior! The teachers from the music school in the school have been dismissed. They went to the library to conduct surveillance and said they will investigate the matter strictly. If any party lies and makes false accusations, a major demerit will be recorded and no dividends will be paid!"


"Senior, someone also reported our confession wall, saying that we deliberately provoked conflicts between students and teachers!"


The person in charge looked at the screen in front of him and squatted on the ground in pain.

He just ignored the content on this wall for several months and left it to his junior students to run, and the result was like this?

What started as a trivial matter, just an ordinary matter of occupying a seat, suddenly turned into an incident of students insulting and framed teachers?


He hesitated for a moment, then opened the school forum, used his usual private account, a private account that no one else knew, and came to the forum to check.

Sure enough, basically more than 90% of the students were discussing this matter, most of them were scolding the girl, and then the rest...

Scolding the confession wall.

"Is this girl sick? She's learned to be cunning, and she's number one in seat-taking. You really belong to Jiangzhou seat-taking Normal University."

"Don't they even review complaints about the confession wall? Posts of all kinds that cause controversy are posted on it, so you can eat enough traffic~"

"I really don't understand what they want to do. They can't study in college, but they are good at creating conflicts!"


Such remarks spread wildly in the school forum, and there was an intention to spread to the entire school.

Just when everyone was discussing it enthusiastically, a new message was released by the school official.

"Due to a report from the school, the assistant teacher of the Conservatory of Music XX occupied student resources in the school. After investigation, this report was a false report."

"The investigation video shows that before He entered the seat, no one entered the seat in the first 36 hours, and only some sundries were on the table to occupy the seat."

"According to the school library management regulations, no student is allowed to occupy seats in any form in the school."

"Since the student *** made a false accusation against the school teacher and damaged the teacher's reputation, he was recorded as a serious offense and was placed on probation."

"This is hereby notified!"

The person in charge swallowed his saliva. He really didn't understand this operation. In the past, the school would directly muddy the water and fool the matter.

As a result, this time, not only did the development speed exceed his imagination, but the student was also directly punished with a serious offense. This will be recorded in the file and will follow his resume for the rest of his life.

If she goes to other places later, she may be treated differently because of this incident!

Simply put... her future is difficult! It will be very difficult...

At this time, his mobile phone received another message, which was sent by a junior who was responsible for operating the confession wall.

"Senior, a teacher from the school came and said that because of this incident, he hopes that we can disband the confession wall. Senior, what should we do..."

The senior looked at the phone in his hand, sighed, and said helplessly.

"Then... disband it."

"Eh? Senior? This is an account we have worked hard to establish for a long time. Can we disband it just like that? What should we do with so many GGs queuing up behind?"

"What? Are you going to go head-to-head with the school?"


The student on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and after a slight hum, he hung up the phone directly, and honestly cancelled the account of the confession wall according to the request of the teacher who came over.

Looking at the scolding in front of him, the person in charge really didn't know what to say.

Why did things develop into what they are now? Isn't this a very common thing? Why did the school react so strongly? They actually solved this matter in one day?

Could it be that the teacher has a strong backer?


The person in charge immediately shook his head and threw all the speculations about He Shen behind his head, letting himself ignore it for the time being.

As an ordinary student, it is better not to get involved in school affairs.

At this moment, the girl who asked He Shen to apologize was in a frenzy.

She smashed everything around her hard, and the other roommates didn't know why they hadn't come back yet.

She looked at the mess in the house, her eyes red and panting.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Why is that person a teacher? Why doesn't he say he is a teacher? Ah?"

"If he had said he was a teacher earlier, wouldn't this have happened? He still made me get a serious warning!"

"Does he know how serious a warning is? This will be recorded in the file! How dare he do that? Who gave him the courage?"

"Even if he is a teacher, he took my seat, why didn't he come and apologize to me? He took my seat! I put my things on it!"

"And that group of other people, they know nothing, what do they know, dare to talk nonsense in that place? Really, what qualifications do they have to criticize me? Don't they take up seats?"


She grabbed something again with force and smashed it on the ground, watching the intact thing shatter into slag, revealing a relieved smile.

"Hehehe, no, how can I just give up? I, I have depression! They can't treat me like this, otherwise... I will jump off the building to show them, let them see what kind of fault it is to force a student to death because of a small thing!"

She quickly picked it up and put it away, and continued to write a short essay.

Unfortunately... she suddenly found that she didn't know whether the confession wall in the school had deleted her or cancelled her account, and there was a red exclamation mark when she sent a message.

School paper, her account was banned for 100 years, this time... is basically equivalent to a permanent ban!

Then the short essay on a certain blog...

She posted it, and no one read it at all, and no one replied to her after reading it. She seemed to be abandoned by the world in an instant.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm depressed, why are you ignoring me? What gives you the right to ignore me? Ah? I have depression!!!"

"I'm going to jump off the building, really, I'm not kidding you, I'm really going to jump off the building!"


She couldn't help but get angry again and wanted to continue smashing things, but seeing that her things were almost smashed, she couldn't help but put her eyes on her roommate's things.

Her hand couldn't help but reach out, picked up the notebook that her roommate had left on the table and didn't take away, and smashed it hard on the ground.


With an extremely crisp sound, the screen of the notebook cracked, and a very obvious gap appeared between the screen and the keyboard.

Pick it up again and smash it again.


The gap widened and the keyboard began to fall off.

He smashed it for the third time.


The body began to deform and the overall shape became irregular.

The fourth time, the fifth time...

She smashed until the entire laptop was deformed and the motherboard fan and heat sink were all exposed. Only then did she feel a little better and looked at the things of other roommates.

Smashing other people's things, which were not hers anyway, gave her an inexplicable sense of pleasure, which made her feel extremely comfortable and happy, almost flying.

She seemed to love this feeling.

Just as she was smashing everything in the dormitory crazily, there were several discussions outside the door.

"Ah, there are so many homeworks today. I still have a lot of things in the lab to deal with. Really, the teacher will need them tomorrow, and I've only dealt with half of them. Woohoo, I want to sleep..."

"Yes, I'm tired too. I miss my bed now and want to sleep on it."

"Woohoo, me too. I want to sleep too. I'm so tired from studying today."

"By the way, do you want to have a dinner party tomorrow? I recently heard about a very delicious afternoon tea restaurant that is also very good for taking photos. Let's go together and call the girl in bed 1?"

"Call her? Forget it... I don't think she likes to be with us..."

"We're already in the dormitory. Don't say it. She might be in the room!"

The voice was getting closer and closer, but the girl in bed 1 who framed others was unaware. She was still smashing everything in the room, releasing her inner anger.


The door opened.

"We're back...?"

The three girls standing at the door couldn't help but open their eyes wide, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief.

Many, many things were smashed to pieces, and their original appearance could not be recognized at all.

"That... this is..."

A thin girl knocked on the door carefully and asked the angry girl inside.

Before the girl could speak, another girl rushed in suddenly, looking at the computer on the ground, she was stunned, and immediately pointed at the computer debris on the ground and asked.

"Hey, where is my computer? Where is the computer I put on the table? Why is my computer gone? Tell me, where is my computer? You smashed my computer? Huh? Is it you?"

"Isn't it just a broken computer? How much money can it be worth? I will compensate you for it. It's the second-hand market price, 500, that's all, is that enough?"

The girl was barely sober now, looking at the debris on the ground, her eyes couldn't help but shrink a little, pretending to be indifferent and speaking.

Unexpectedly, the person who asked her for the computer didn't appreciate it at all, and directly cursed.

"Who wants your little money? This computer is only over 10,000 yuan. This is not the point. The point is the data inside! This is the data I made in my laboratory. It is all stored in it. I will hand it over to the teacher tomorrow! Me!!!"

She looked at the debris on the ground, her fingers were trembling. The other two girls also walked in quickly, looking at the debris on the ground, carefully distinguishing their own items.

"Ah! This is the small lantern my boyfriend gave me!"

"Ah, this is the makeup mirror I just bought! And lipstick!"

"My... my game console..."

"And my..."

They raised their heads blankly. A lot of valuable items in the dormitory were broken, and they were a little dazed for a while.

The girl who was kneeling on the ground and looking at the computer debris stood up suddenly, looking at the girl who was still stubborn and refused to apologize, and said coldly.

"Call the police."

"Huh? Call the police, there's no need, there's no need to call the police, right? It's just a few small items, I'll give them to you at the second-hand price in a seafood market, there's no need to call the police, right? Don't make a big fuss, I declare in advance that I have depression, don't push me!"

"Push me? Haha..."

The girl didn't bother to pay attention to her nonsense, and directly asked the other two to stop her, slammed the door and went out, dialed the phone, and called the police.

Not long after, the police's whistle sounded downstairs of the girls' dormitory. After a quick negotiation with the aunt at the door, several female police officers were sent up to make a property assessment of the lost items to see if they constituted the crime of intentionally damaging other people's property.

You don't know until you check, and you'll be shocked when you check. The small lantern given by the boyfriend is actually a famous brand, more than 10,000 yuan per unit, the kind of confession artifact.

The computer belongs to the school's property, and there are a lot of laboratory data in it. The value of these items cannot be measured.

The overall price has long exceeded 50,000 yuan, reaching the standard of "huge amount"!

"No way, this computer only costs a few hundred yuan in the second-hand market? And that lamp, if you go to the small night market at the door, you can basically get one for a few yuan. There's no need, right? How could it be more than 50,000?"

The girl who framed He Shen finally stopped talking about her depression at this time, and she hurriedly said to the police.

Several police officers looked at other roommates and asked tentatively.

"If you want to settle it privately, it's actually okay. If not, she may be detained and fined. We are all roommates and classmates. We will see each other in the future. Do you want to just do it like this..."

"No private settlement! Just do it in a public manner!"

The girl whose computer was smashed saw the other two roommates hesitate a little, and immediately stood up and spoke to the police.

The police cast his eyes on the other two girls and gave them a tentative look.

The two girls looked at the roommate whose computer was smashed, and then looked at the girl who smashed their things. After hesitating for a while, they shook their heads.

"Let's handle official business!"

"Okay, okay! Report me, right? Yes, very much so. Remember it! Remember it!"

The girl's eyes were full of anger. She wanted to rush up and punch her three roommates a few times, but she was controlled by the police. She was not allowed to continue to rage and was taken back to the police station first.

Soon, a police car stopped downstairs of the girls' dormitory, and the news that the police took a girl away spread throughout the school.

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