The world's number one pianist

Chapter 123 You have to call me Senior Sister!

He Shen knew nothing about what happened in school. He was just attending classes, studying, and practicing piano normally. Read М

Everything was the same as before, and he lived in an extremely stable manner.

As a result, for some reason, some students inexplicably became very respectful to him, or friendly?

Some even smiled as if they had saved themselves?

He Shen looked at the people around him in confusion, and had no idea what was going on. But when he asked them, they didn't say a word and just smiled.

It was really strange...

But these things were not a big deal, as long as they didn't affect his normal piano practice.

He Shen walked towards the piano room with the music score in his pocket as usual.

The military training for freshmen was almost over, so the courses in school also needed to be put on the agenda.

For example, the piano lesson...

To be honest, He Shen thought it would be better to put the piano lesson after the National Day holiday.

After all, the students were assigned to teachers when they came in, and they started military training before they even played the piano. After the military training, it was almost the end of September, and they would have a holiday in a few days.

The students will definitely be more relaxed, and they don't know where to go. It's better not to have class, so that they can relax completely.

Unfortunately, the arrangement in the school is the arrangement in the school, and it can't be changed casually.

So He Shen can only follow the pace of the school honestly, go to his own piano room, and teach the students assigned to him.

Before he reached the door of the piano room, Ji Mengting was already standing at the door, wearing long sleeves and jeans. When he saw He Shen, he bowed slightly.

"Hello, teacher, have you had breakfast? If not, I still have some..."

Ji Mengting flipped through her schoolbag and said to He Shen, He Shen just waved his hand, took out the piano room key from his pocket, and pushed open the door of the piano room.

After Ji Mengting came in, he said.

"No, just eat by yourself. We will go to class directly. You are the first one."

"Huh? The first one?"

"Well, first come first served, and last come last. Remember, every Thursday morning is a professional class. Come early if you can, don't be late."

"Oh oh oh..."

Ji Mengting nodded like pounding garlic, then took out two pieces of music from her bag, handed one to He Shen, and asked.

"Teacher, then where do we start today? Should we start directly from the piece I want to play? Or..."

"Wait a minute."

He Shen shook his head and glanced at the music sheet that Ji Mengting handed him. Just by looking at the cover, his pupils couldn't help but dilate slightly, and he looked up at her.

Wait... this music sheet?

Chopin Nocturne, the one she played last time.

But this version is...

Urtext, pure Polish version? ? ?


He Shen glanced at the sheet music in his hand, and then at the sheet music in Ji Mengting's hand, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart.

He was still excited that someone gave him a pure version of the sheet music, but others had already started using two pure versions of the sheet music in class.

One for the teacher as a reference, and one for himself.

This sheet music costs hundreds of yuan per copy, and two copies are double the price. If you buy it casually...

He Shen saw the disparity in the world...

It's not that he can't afford it, he can afford it if he wants to, but the main reason is that the price is too expensive, it's not cost-effective...

You can go to the school library to make a copy directly, isn't it better to use the school's money to support yourself? Why spend so much money on the pure version?

And, and...

He Shen looked at the sheet music in his hand, and then looked at Ji Mengting who seemed to take it for granted, and sighed again.

Okay, he admitted that he was jealous. He even thought about buying a sheet music for a long time, but others bought two.

His student... is really rich, is this a rich woman?

Ji Mengting blinked and sat on the piano bench obediently, looking at He Shen with a confused face. She had no idea what was going on.

Her teacher began to sigh and shake his head after getting the reference score she handed him.

Could it be that... the score she bought was not good? Did it not meet the teacher's requirements?

When she thought of this, she immediately asked.

"Teacher? What's wrong? Is this score not good? I have always heard that Chopin's works are best to buy the Polish version. Am I wrong? Should I buy the Henle version? If I want to buy it, I will go back and order it now!"


What is the difference between people?

The same score of a few hundred yuan, people said to change it, without any ambiguity.

This gap is too big...

He Shen was speechless and shook his head.

"No, this version is good, no need to change."

"Eh? So what did you mean by shaking your head just now, teacher..."

"Nothing, just a sigh, don't worry about me."

"Ah? Oh oh oh..."

Ji Mengting scratched her head, sat on the piano bench very obediently, not daring to say anything more.

He Shen glanced at the music score in front of him, then at Ji Mengting, shook his head, and handed the music score back to her.

"We won't learn music today, we'll start with the basics today."

"It will be about two weeks before you get off the bus to start class. Let me see how your basic level is. First, let's play Harmonische moll, the whole tone scale."

"Oh, by the way, it's called Harmony Minor in Chinese."

Ji Mengting was still a little confused when she heard the German language. After hearing He Shen explain the meaning, she immediately nodded and put her hands on the piano keyboard.

He Shen saw that she was ready and immediately spoke.

"Speed, 114, okay?"


"Start, start from C moll, which is C minor."


After hearing the sound of the metronome, Ji Mengting pressed her hand immediately and played the C minor scale with great accuracy.

After finishing playing, Ji Mengting did not stop like this, but continued to play, from C moll to cis moll, which is C sharp minor.

One string after another, C minor, C sharp minor, D minor, E flat minor, E minor, F minor, F sharp minor...

It kept going down, and when it reached the key of F minor, it suddenly dropped an octave to ensure that there was enough distance for her to play.

Soon, after she finished playing at this speed, she looked at He Shen and asked tentatively.

"Teacher He? How was my performance?"

He Shen did not answer directly, but touched his chin, thought for a moment, and nodded.

"Generally, I think your maximum speed is around 150, but if you want a perfect performance and quality performance of every note, your speed probably needs to go down."

"Quality playing?"

"Yes, quality playing."

He Shen nodded, put his hand on the piano, raised his fingers high, and then lowered them very quickly.

However, when it was about to fall, the moment it touched the keys, the power was withdrawn.

After the remaining force hit the first sound point of the piano, the force gradually disappeared, and an upward force was given to the fingers.

Following this force, He Shen's finger suddenly lifted upwards, causing the next finger to rise similarly and drop again.

Every sound appears extremely pure and thorough.

This was just a very simple scale, but Ji Mengting was stunned. She had never thought that the scale could be played like this.

Basic skills, this is just the simplest basic skills, you can play like this.


He Shen's speed is gradually increasing!

When it was in C harmonic minor, the speed was only 120, but in cis harmonic minor, the speed increased to 125.

D harmonic minor, tempo 130.

es harmonic minor, tempo 135.

The speed keeps increasing, and by the final h harmonic minor (b harmonic minor in German), the speed has reached 180.

The speed was so fast and so fierce that Ji Mengting was gradually stunned.

There is absolutely no change in quality. The volume of each sound is exactly the same, but it has a direction.

Music has a direction. This direction indicates the direction of the music and tells the listener that the music is developing in that direction.

Although there is no exact melody, it can be completely listened to.

This feeling really feels so powerful.

Sure enough! There is nothing wrong with the teacher I chose, and he is indeed the strongest!

She felt her eyes sparkle.

He Shen naturally didn't know what Ji Mengting was thinking. After playing all the scales, he looked at Ji Mengting and said lightly.

"This is just the beginning. Lower the speed first, to about 85, and play it according to the way I just played."

"By the next class, I need to see this piece of your work increase from the speed of 85 to the speed of 95. Don't go too high, just keep it at this speed, okay?"


Ji Mengting nodded vigorously.

"Then, let's start playing the scale now at the speed of 85. Let's make a standard first, and then you can continue practicing."

"Finger requirements, raise your fingers high, and play legardo, which is smooth and soft."


Ji Mengting put her finger on the piano, thinking about He Shen's performance just now. After thinking about it for a moment, she raised her finger and then brought it down.


The voice was wrong, Ji Mengting was very sure of this, but she had no idea why her voice was wrong, and she couldn't help but look at He Shen.

He Shen thought for a moment and then said.

"Do you know the first sound point of the piano? Just transfer the power of your fingers to the first sound point. Don't use up your strength."

"The first voice point..."

Ji Mengting thought for a while, but didn't know what He Shen meant, so she immediately shook her head.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I don't know."


He Shen didn't mind. He had already expected that Ji Mengting didn't know what the first voice point was. If she knew, it would be an unexpected surprise. There was no need to talk about it. If she didn't know...

Then just tell her.

He Shen said calmly.

"We can first see the piano. It transmits force mechanically and then hits the strings. This is something we all know, so we can say that the piano is a percussion instrument or a percussion instrument."

"Normally speaking, for us players, the piano is actually a percussion instrument because the sound is relatively single. When you hit a note, it is just one note. It does not have a long extension like a string instrument."

"When we press the key and the key hits the string behind it, we can notice a very important point, that is, there is no sound at this distance. You can try pressing it."

He Shen pointed at the piano. Ji Mengting carefully placed her hand on the piano, and then slowly pressed down. There was no sound from the piano.

But when she pressed the piano to reach 1/3 of the distance, she felt a resistance, and Ji Mengting immediately looked at He Shen.

"Teacher, I feel a resistance, that place is..."

"The first sound point, when we touch this place, the sound will come out. At other times, there will be no sound. The same is true for the playing method I asked you to use before. Touch your finger to the first sound point. Make a sound."

"When we hit the first sound point, we don't need to apply any more force, let the previous inertia and gravity of the fingers knock out the sound, and then use the rebound force of the keys to send the fingers back."

"So, can you understand?"

He Shen didn't tell Ji Mengting anything particularly mysterious. He told Ji Mengting how to play with a light and coherent feeling, using a narrative technique.

Tell you how much power you need to use in this place and how much power you need to use in that place.

Just hit the part of the piano where the force hits it. There is no need to push it downwards further.

He told these contents directly. Ji Mengting immediately understood He Shen's thoughts and pressed the piano keys.


This time her voice was right, but He Shen shook his head.

"You're not prepared. When you're playing, don't think about playing a single note. You have to have the idea and expectation of playing a whole piece. Do you understand?"

"The idea and anticipation of entire piece?"

"Well, that's right. When you play scales, you have to plan to play the entire scale. When you press the first note, you have to think about it, lift up the next finger, and then Press down."

"This is also a problem you had before during the entrance group examination."

Ji Mengting nodded in understanding, put her hand on the piano, and played hard again.

When the thumb is pressed down, the index finger has already been raised, and the moment the index finger falls down, the middle finger is also raised.

Every sound is very thorough and clear.

But... not enough!

He Shen frowned, this was not enough, this was still a little short of what he wanted.

The sound is not symmetrical enough!

Ji Mengting didn't feel this. After she carefully played all the contents, she looked at He Shen and asked tentatively.

"Teacher He, is this okay...?"

"No, no, it's not enough. Your voice is not even enough."

"The sound is not balanced enough?"


At this moment, the remaining two students who were assigned to He Shen also came to the piano room from somewhere.

Hiding quietly at the door of the piano room, the two of them looked scared as they listened to the content inside.

"Damn it, is this teacher so strict? Her scales are already very good. In my opinion, her scales are already the best in our class, right? The teacher actually said that..."

"That's right, my God, I really didn't expect that this would happen. The students who entered the school with the first place this year would be said so badly. Then we..."

The two people glanced at each other and swallowed at the same time, their eyes full of timidity and fear.

Their piano skills were already at the bottom of all the students this year, so they were assigned to He Shen.

Now, when they saw that He Shen was so strict with the top student, they didn't know what to say at all.

One person said that they felt that they might be doomed because He Shen did not look like a more relaxed teacher at all.

With this level of rigor, honestly, they could spend an entire semester just improving the basics.

Looking back at the final exam, other people are playing some difficult music. Should you go up and play scales and arpeggios yourself?

This is too scary...

He Shen didn't notice the two students shivering at the door. He walked behind Ji Mengting, stood behind her and said.

"Here, play it for me again. I want to see what your problem is."


Ji Mengting felt the pressure from He Shen behind her back, and couldn't help but wipe the sweat from her forehead, put her eyes on the piano, and whispered.

"That, I'll just play it..."



Ji Mengting started to play carefully, focusing her attention more on the piano and pressing her fingers.


Yes, the sound is right, the power is right, and there is no problem with the timbre. It’s great, keep doing it!

Ji Mengting's eyes lit up with joy and she continued to play.

But just when she was about to move her fingers, He Shen spoke again and stopped her playing.

"Stop, your performance is very bad, but I found the problem."

He Shen sat back, spread his fingers, placed them on the piano keyboard, and said to Ji Mengting.

"Look at my hands. Pay attention to this place. The place where the strength of my fingers and thumbs sinks, that is, the joints of my fingers. Look at how my thumbs press."

He Shen pressed his thumb and looked at Ji Mengting. Ji Mengting stared at He Shen's hand, watching his thumb flip up and down, her eyes lit up.

"Teacher, it's rotation!"

"Yes! It's rotation. The joint of the thumb should be rotated to press the thumb, not up and down, straight up and down. Do you understand?"

"Thumb rotation, let me try..."

Ji Mengting nodded and played the scale again, repeating it continuously. He Shen kept interrupting her and guiding her mistakes.

The two students outside the door were already a little numb. They began to wonder what the two people in the piano room were talking about.

Just when they were about to fall asleep, a crisp voice came and spoke to the two people at the door.

"Are you my teacher's new students? Not bad. Xiao He is doing well in school now. He actually has new students besides me!"

"But no matter what, I am his first student, so you have to call me senior sister, do you hear me!"

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