The ability of Xiugui is to sew anything that can be stitched. Of course, Xiugui is just a small trick now, and its scope of effect is still relatively small.

But since it can sew ordinary objects together, and even to the extent that it seems to grow together, it is already quite terrifying.

"If it's used to sew up ghosts, maybe we can also make special weapons in this way..."

As soon as Lin Feng thought about it, Xiugui disappeared on the spot, and he also began to seriously think about how to use Xiugui's ability.

Now he already has two tricks, Xigui has combat ability, and Xiugui has auxiliary ability.

If he uses it well, he should be able to save his life when encountering a big trick.

However, Lin Feng, who knew how terrifying Gui was, still had no intention of taking risks. After all, he would become stronger if he could dig holes and bury people, and he was not willing to take risks for nothing.

After a night, the life of a tombkeeper remains the same the next day.

After disposing of an ordinary corpse, Lin Feng and the old cripple sat in the courtyard to bask in the sun. It is undoubtedly a very happy thing to be able to eat and bask in the sun these days.

"Old cripple! Old cripple! You old thing are not dead yet?"

But at this moment, an old voice suddenly came from outside the courtyard. The old cripple stood up immediately when he heard the other person's voice.

"You old guy is not dead yet, how can I be willing to die?"

Then an equally gray old man walked in from outside the courtyard.

Only then did Lin Feng realize that this was the tombkeeper of the Jiazi position. Lin Feng didn't know his specific name, but he basically called him Old Man Ding.

"Hehe, several unlucky guys died in a row in the past few days, and I thought you were among them!"

Old man Ding came to the old lame man and said with a smile to him.

"Bah, stop cursing me, I'm living a good life!"

"Hahaha, I drank half a catty of wine today. Come on, I'll have just one..."

Old Man Ding then took out a yellow-skinned gourd from behind and said to them.

Soon the three of them set up a small table in the middle of the yard. The old cripple also took out the remaining pig head meat from yesterday, and the three of them started eating and drinking.

"Well, the Bingzi ones are all dead this time. It's getting more and more difficult to be a tombkeeper these days."

After a few glasses of wine, Old Man Ding began to sigh. The old cripple didn't care and told Old Man Ding about the strange things he had encountered with a face full of joy.

It's like talking about storytelling: "Hey, you haven't seen it, that god is so majestic, and ordinary little tricksters were wiped out with just two sticks in his hands!"

"If I had been braver, I would have gone out to see the gods, but it's a pity..."

Lin Feng looked a little weird while drinking the bad wine in his cup. He hadn't thought that the old cripple would take this seriously.

"Hiss~ Are you talking about the Monkey King?"

But what hurts Lin Fengdan even more is that Old Man Ding actually joined in with the old cripple.

"What happened in Chenjiazhuang has been spread all over the place. If that master hadn't taken action that night, Zhuangzi would have suffered a very tragic end! That master's name is really..."

Old Man Ding didn't finish half of what he said. Although the Great Xia Dynasty has already set its sights these days, the emperor is still sitting in the palace of the imperial capital!

The so-called Monkey King actually doesn't take the emperor seriously, so that ordinary people feel taboo when talking about it.

Near noon, the drunken old man Ding left, but Lin Feng became alert. Only then did he realize that the world was still a feudal dynasty.

"Why don't you use this name from now on?"

Lin Feng didn't want to get into trouble just because of a title.

"No, that's not right. What does the Monkey King's affairs have to do with me, Lin Feng, the tomb keeper?"

Suddenly he realized that his worries seemed to be completely unnecessary, and that the Monkey King himself was a fictitious identity.

In the afternoon, two guards came again with a donkey cart. This time, the corpse on the donkey cart was somewhat special.

"This body was found in the city, but its internal organs were eviscerated when it was found. I don't know if it was caused by wild dogs or something else!"

The thin bamboo pole officer Li Erniu pointed to the miserable corpse on the donkey cart and said carefully to Lin Feng.

Their relationship has become much closer since they had a drink yesterday, and they would never remind him like this in the past.

"Well, okay, just leave it to me!"

Lin Feng found some strange residue on the corpse, and he knew that the cause of death of this corpse was definitely not simple.

Grabbing the body and dragging it directly to the open space of the cemetery, Lin Feng began to dig a hole skillfully.

However, just as he put the body into the pit, the body suddenly opened its eyes, and its deathly gray eyeballs stared at him.

"Get it under control!"

Lin Feng was not used to this corpse. As he finished speaking, Chen Xiuniang suddenly appeared, and the needle and thread in her hand quickly shuttled between the corpse and the pit.

In just a few seconds, the entire body was sewn tightly into the pit, and then Lin Feng began to quickly fill in the soil with a hoe.

The corpse in the pit wanted to struggle out, but it was not easy to break free from the embroidered seams.

Soon the grave mound was formed, the corpse planting was completed, and the "Corpse Raising Sutra" was read directly in front of Lin Feng's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the life experiences of this corpse quickly emerged in front of his eyes, and Lin Feng did not expect that this corpse had a special origin.


According to the description in the picture, this corpse should be a spy spread by a force intent on rebellion.

It was just that when he was looking for information last night, he found a special government office in Luohe City, and then he encountered an extremely terrifying thing.

In the end, the whole person's internal organs disappeared, as if they were eaten by something.


And the government office where he had an accident was exactly this name, a special government office of the Great Xia Dynasty that was specially used to quell strange disasters and suppress strange evil.

"The water in this world is really deep, this is no wonder, if there is no special government office to deal with these dangers, how can ordinary people survive in a place where strange disasters occur one after another..."

Lin Feng carefully pondered the information he saw, but at this time the reward also came out.

This corpse was rated as inferior, and Lin Feng obtained a special skill called "Thousand Machine Hands", the specific ability is to be good at unlocking and cracking mechanisms.

Lin Feng took a dispensable attitude towards this, anyway, more skills are better, just as a skill reserve.

After burying the corpse, Lin Feng walked back, and the two officers were still chatting with the old cripple. At this time, seeing Lin Feng coming over, Zhang Dahu, who had a black mole on his face, came to him and whispered to him.

"Brother Lin, we have received a special job today, which will be in three days. Do you dare to take it?"

Hearing him say this, Lin Feng smiled and immediately asked, "What kind of job is it? How much money can you give?"

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