"This job is not easy. The corpses were sent by the spies in the city. Those corpses are more or less evil. After all, that place is not accessible to ordinary people."

"So even the cemetery where the corpses are buried was specially built by the Zhenshi. But don't worry too much. There are real experts guarding the cemetery, and there usually won't be any trouble!"

Li Erniu and Zhang Dazhuang explained to Lin Feng mysteriously.

Lin Feng was stunned when he heard their words. He had just learned about this place from the spy's corpse, but he didn't expect to hear it from someone else's mouth now.

"Okay! I'll take this job!"

Since this job is related to Zhensi Si, Lin Feng is still a little concerned about it.

Not to mention other benefits, those who suppress the secrets of the world must know much more than ordinary people.

"Hehe, okay, it's settled!"

Zhang Dazhuang and Li Erniu were also happy when they heard Lin Feng agreed. They were counting on Lin Feng to get some credit for them!

"Of course, I'm good at digging holes and burying people!"

Lin Feng directly patted his chest and promised that he would not give up such a good thing.

After the two guards left, Lin Feng returned to the courtyard with his hoe.

"Are they looking for you to take over work again?"

However, the old cripple couldn't help but ask Lin Feng.


"Oh, I don't want to give you much advice as a bad old man, but it's important to save your life in case of trouble!"

The old cripple shook his head and didn't know what to say.

"I remember!"

Lin Feng nodded, knowing that this old cripple was probably the only one in the world who really cared about him.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Feng buried several more corpses during these three days.

The biggest gain is that his internal strength has increased for ten years, which comes from the corpse of a martial artist who was rated as an inferior corpse species.

This was the first time that Lin Feng had experienced an increase in internal energy. In ten years, his internal energy was not much, but it allowed him to clearly feel that there was a flow of Qi in his body.

"Brother Lin! Brother Lin!"

Just after Lin Feng finished breakfast, Zhang Dazhuang and Li Erniu arrived.


Lin Feng stood up immediately when he heard the sound, picked up the hoe leaning on the wall and walked towards them.

"Today is the day for the burial at Zhenguisi. We have to go there early so as not to waste time."

When Li Erniu saw Lin Feng, he immediately spoke to him.


Lin Feng nodded and then sat on the donkey cart, and then the donkey cart drove towards the city.

"Is there a cemetery in this city?"

Lin Feng looked at the gate of Luohe City getting closer and closer and couldn't help but ask Zhang Dazhuang.

"That's not true. Otherwise, why would you say that Zhensi is special? Don't blame me for not reminding you. When you get to the place later, don't ask blindly or look around. Just wait until it's time to bury people and get to work!"

Zhang Dazhuang warned Lin Feng again.


Lin Feng is not stupid and knows what to ask and what not to ask.

The donkey cart continued to move forward, and soon entered Luohe City, and then passed through several streets to an area in the north of the city.

Finally, the donkey cart turned a few corners and came to a place surrounded by a wall. There was a row of people in black clothes guarding the place.

"Master Bai is him, we brought him here!"

When Li Erniu came here, he quickly stepped forward and said to one of the leaders.

"Is this the boy?"

Bai Yuanlong glanced at Lin Feng and seemed a little dissatisfied, with strong doubts in his tone.

Because in his opinion, Lin Feng looks like a short-lived ghost!

"Yes, yes, he may not be strong, but he is definitely a good worker!"

"The evil corpses in Chenjiazhuang were making a fuss, but they were stopped by him with a hoe! There were so many people watching at that time, and they will never lie!"

Li Erniu quickly explained to him that if he messed up, he might not be able to eat and carry around.

"Well, let him try it, but let's make a deal first, life or death will be uncertain if you enter this school!"

Bai Yuanlong said no more, after all, good words can never persuade a damn person.

You will know if you have the ability to go in and take a walk, but the only people who can come out alive are those who have the ability.


Li Erniu nodded quickly, then pushed Lin Feng to signal him to salute.

Lin Feng hugged his fists at the other party, and then walked into the door carrying a hoe.


As soon as I entered the gate, an extremely cold feeling swept over me. There was obviously a big sun in the sky, but I couldn't feel any warmth.

"There is indeed something wrong with this damn place!"

Lin Feng muttered secretly in his heart, and at the same time, the scene inside completely emerged in his eyes.

There are several old and decaying wooden houses standing on the black soil. In addition, they are surrounded by graves, with various tombstones erected in front of the graves.

On it are inscriptions such as "Li Cheng, No. 34, Bingzifang, Luohe Town".

"This way, this way, don't stand still, come here quickly!"

Just when Lin Feng was carefully looking around, there was a sound coming from the wooden house in the middle of the cemetery. Only then did Lin Feng notice that three people had arrived there first.

That's right, this kind of cemetery should not allow only an ordinary person to come and complete the burial ceremony.

"Oh, okay, here it comes!"

Lin Feng responded and walked directly over, but the closer he got to the wooden house, the more he felt something strange here.

In the wooden house, there was a coffin covered with black and red ink lines, and a large amount of paper money was burning in the brazier in front of the coffin.

In addition, there were three thumb-thick incense sticks burning slowly, and the smell of the incense was full of the smell of burnt hair.

The whole morgue was filled with an extremely depressing feeling, especially the whole wooden house was old and black, and it gave people an illusion of decay just by looking at it.

In addition, there were three people in the wooden house, and these three people looked more or less abnormal.

A gray-haired old man was blind in one eye, squatting on the ground of the wooden house and smoking a dry pipe; a man with a broken arm was grinning at Lin Feng; and another one looked a little normal, but his face was full of deep wrinkles.

"Hehe, finally a new face came!"

"Humph, maybe I'll lose my life later, this job is not something that everyone can do!"

The three people saw Lin Feng coming over and talked to themselves, and the one with wrinkles on his face said to Lin Feng.

"Wait until the incense is burned out and then bury him. If you don't want to die, you can put a handful of incense ash on your body. Remember, if anything happens, just scatter the incense ash!"

"Okay, I got it."

Lin Feng agreed with a silly look.

"You old man are kind, but you are not strong enough and your skills are not great enough. What's the use of these little tricks?"

The man with a broken hand said with a sarcastic tone, but he didn't say much after saying this.

As time passed, the incense in front of the coffin gradually burned out. The four people immediately came to the coffin and grabbed the bottom of the coffin and lifted it up!

"Lift it!"

What Lin Feng didn't expect was that the coffin was surprisingly heavy and cold like iron, and he could even smell the blood.

Lin Feng's current strength is definitely not inferior to the first-class masters in the world. He felt a little bit of effort to lift this coffin, but he didn't expect that the other three could also lift it.

They are all people with real skills!

Lin Feng immediately understood that the people who could enter here for burial were not simple.

The heavy coffin was directly carried on their shoulders, and every step they took would leave deep footprints on the ground.

"Hey, kid, I didn't expect you still have some strength!"

The man with a broken hand laughed when he saw Lin Feng stepping steadily on the ground.

"Stop talking nonsense, if we delay the auspicious time for burial, we will all die!"

But then the old man with one eye blinded whispered and scolded, and then everyone dared not say anything and quickly walked towards the grave pit.

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