This old man has two kinds of ghosts, one is the green ghost fire he puts in the lantern, and the other is the puppet ghost that has not yet revived in his body.

Lin Feng made a simple inspection, and then the corpse water under his feet and the dirty blood controlled by the embroidered ghost expanded rapidly.

There are still some corpses of villagers and wooden men in this village, and Lin Feng simply took them all away.

Soon the whole village was left with only a mess of house wreckage, and nothing else.

Bai Yuanlong and the other three constables observed from a distance for a long time. Their experience tonight can be described as twists and turns.

During the day, they found a lot of ordinary people’s bodies and wooden men controlled by the ghost owl, but they did not catch the real body of the mastermind behind the scenes.

When they were sure that the other party was hiding in a village, they directly broke into the trap prepared by others.

If it weren’t for the master who called himself the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, their end would definitely not be much better.

The strength of the old man is no longer an ordinary master, but a master close to the master level.

He and his constables were no match at all. Even if they had some life-saving tools in their hands, the final outcome would be extremely miserable if time dragged on.

"Boss, the master seems to have left?"

At this time, the constable holding an umbrella came to Bai Yuanlong and whispered to him.

"Wait a little longer and go over to take a look. If there are still some things, we have to deal with them!"

Bai Yuanlong was silent for a moment and then said to him.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Since entering the Zhenguisi, they have put their heads on their belts.

Any danger may be encountered. This time they are relatively lucky. A strong man appeared in the middle of the way to resolve the crisis.

Half an hour later, the four returned to the village again. In the end, they found that the place had been cleared. Obviously, the master did not leave any trouble.

Then the group quickly walked towards the Luohe Town Guisi Yamen. What they saw and heard tonight was very important and must be reported as soon as possible.

At the same time, Lin Feng came to the T-shaped cemetery on the other side and buried the old man's body.

The Corpse Raising Scripture was quickly flipped, and soon the life of this old man appeared in front of Lin Feng through slide-like pictures.

This opened his eyes and made him understand the things in the strange world more deeply.

This old man was not born in an ordinary family, but in an extremely special family of controlling ghosts.

Unlike ordinary people, he has been exposed to all kinds of knowledge related to ghosts since he was a child, knowing ghosts, understanding the characteristics of ghosts, and encountering terrible ghosts.

Their ghost-controlling family can be said to be a real big force in the world, with a lot of resources and territories under their hands.

Some are similar to the description of the big sects in the novels that Lin Feng saw in his previous life.

This ghost-controlling family has its own heritage, its own territory, and its own sphere of influence. It can be said that it is completely a local emperor.

Even the top leaders of the Suppression of Ghosts need to maintain a certain degree of respect when facing these family heads.

Because these families are very likely to have powerful ghosts or ghosts behind them, once released, it will be a terrible disaster.

However, what Lin Feng is most interested in is a special skill mastered by the old man, which is also the foundation of their family - making substitute puppets!

This is a method of making puppets by consuming living people and special coffins. The substitute puppets made can be exempted from death damage once.

Lin Feng carefully memorized this skill. There is no doubt that this is a very important technology.

Then he also understood the cause and effect of this time. The old man who mastered the strange fire and puppet strange was going to make further arrangements in Chenjiazhuang.

He secretly made a plan for Chen Xiuniang's birth to death, and the ultimate goal was to make embroidery strange.

The puppet strange he had plus the embroidery strange could directly raise his strength to the master level!

It's just that when the body was buried, Lin Feng intervened and took it away directly by planting the corpse raising strange scripture. When he was ready to harvest the fruit, he was empty.

Finally, driven by his angry emotions, he began to release a large number of puppets in his hands to search, and finally attracted the Zhengui Division and Lin Feng, causing his death.

On the surface, this guy is purely unlucky, but Lin Feng knows that because the other party controls the strange, his humanity gradually disappears, and he ignores life and death and the law, which will eventually become like this.

"Even if you have power, you have to be restrained. You must know that there is always someone stronger than you..."

The cause of death of both the third young master of the Wang family and the old man is ultimately due to this point.

Lin Feng's mind moved slightly, and a stiff old man's body appeared behind him. This is the puppet ghost. Anyone caught by this ghost will become a puppet.

At the same time, you can also make wooden puppets to do things, and it is evaluated as a big ghost by the corpse raising ghost scripture.

Because this ghost did not complete the resuscitation before Lin Feng killed the old man, he can automatically control it directly after burying it.

Another harvest is a special corpse oil candle lantern, the material of the whole lantern is extremely terrifying.

The pole that lifts the lantern is made of human bones, and the whole lantern is made of human skin, hair, and human bones.

The origin of the core corpse oil candle is even more special, from the hand of the candle maker, one of the hundred craftsmen of heaven.

According to the information the old man knows, there are several fierce corpse oils mixed in it, and only this kind of thing can keep the ghost fire burning.

The green ghost fire on the corpse oil candle is not a complete ghost fire, but a bit of ghost that the old man's family has mastered.

But even so, once this ghost fire explodes and is used, it still has the strength of a big ghost, and its attack power and range are very strong.

For this lantern, Lin Feng did not intend to keep it, but performed a sacrifice ceremony, he wanted to use it to strengthen the power of the play ghost.

It was still the original ceremony, three incense sticks burned slowly, and the whole corpse oil candle lantern gradually disappeared.

And the chapter of the play ghost in the corpse raising ghost scripture quickly showed new changes.

I saw green flames lingering around the play ghost, and there was a corpse oil candle burning slowly in front of the play ghost.

"It's worthy of the candle made of fierce ghost materials that it can be directly included in the corpse raising ghost scripture and become a part of it!"

Seeing such a change, Lin Feng immediately understood what was going on.

There are many things mentioned in the raising ghost chapter, such as raising ghost incense, dragon vein grave soil, and hundred-year-old sunken wood, including corpse oil candles.

However, ordinary corpse oil candles do not have this effect. Only materials taken from the ghost can be included in the Corpse Breeding and Cultivating Ghost Scripture.

And this candle has undoubtedly become one of the foundations for the continuous growth of the ghost. Unfortunately, other things are still relatively rare.

If those precious things can be found, the growth rate of the ghost may be beyond imagination.

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