In addition to the experience of these old men, Lin Feng also has a deeper understanding of this world.

"The Gui-suppressing Department, the Gui-controlling Family, the Heavenly Craftsmen..."

Now Lin Feng knows that the forces that control the Gui are mainly divided into these three categories.

The Gui-suppressing Department is a special government office under the rule of the Great Xia Dynasty, which controls rich resources and huge forces.

Various Gui-controlling families are more like big and small tyrants entrenched in the Great Xia Dynasty. Different families in different regions represent different inheritances.

Finally, there is the inheritance of the Heavenly Craftsmen that the old man knows. According to the information he knows, the so-called 100 craftsmen are just imaginary numbers.

However, the real descendants of the Heavenly Craftsmen undoubtedly have extremely powerful strength and ability.

For example, candle makers who can use evil and strange materials to make corpse oil candles; incense makers who can make corpse-suppressing incense, soul-guiding incense, and ghost-raising incense; blacksmiths who can use weird and strange materials to make weapons...

Or the Heavenly Craftsmen are the foundation for the stability of this world, because every skill they have represents the research, restraint and use of the ghost by human beings.

Lin Feng recalled all the ghosts around him, and then quietly returned to his room.


In the darkness, Wangcai whispered to Lin Feng, wagging his tail to please him.

"Don't bark, go to sleep!"

Lin Feng patted its head, and then he lay down on the short couch.

"The water in this world is very deep. According to the other party's experience, the disasters in some places have completely gone out of control, turning some places into dead places and desperate places!"

"Above the small, big, fierce, and fierce, there are also terrifying disasters and robbery. Once these two kinds of ghosts appear, no one can solve this kind of disaster unless the saint takes action..."

Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes. The experience and information he got tonight were too much for him to digest for a while.

In the other side of the government office of the Suppression of Ghosts, Bai Yuanlong was carefully reporting his experience of this mission to the man sitting in the dark room.

"The target should be someone from the Gongshu family. This crime was committed to search for a corpse. His strength is close to that of a master. He has the ability to master strange fire and puppet control."

"The master who appeared in the middle called himself the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. It seems that he has obtained the corpse. He has a strength beyond that of an ordinary master and has many strange abilities. I have seen two strange things in total..."

Bai Yuanlong told the man in front of him everything he saw.

"So you think this 'Great Sage Equaling Heaven' should be active in Luohe City and has no hostility to our Zhengui Division. He is an object that can be won over?"

After Bai Yuanlong finished his report, the man suddenly asked him.


"If the other party was hostile to us at that time, we would definitely not be his opponent!"

Bai Yuanlong knew the situation at that time. They were surrounded by two strange forces. If the other party wanted to deal with them, they might not be able to come back.

And the other party also cleaned up the corpses in the village when he left. Such behavior is not something that a person who is hostile to them would do.

"Check, I want to know where this Monkey King came from!"

Suddenly the man opened his eyes, which were a pair of scarlet eyeballs, with vertical pupils like those of a beast, and a terrifying scarlet light flowing.

As he gave the order, a dense mechanical rotation sound came from behind him.


Soon a metal box appeared next to his seat, and a note was revealed when the metal box was opened.

It clearly recorded the deeds of Lin Feng's first appearance in Chenjiazhuang, but what made him dissatisfied was that there was no other information besides this.

"Are there no related rumors in other government offices?"

After reading the note, the man slowly closed his eyes, and then asked the dark room again.

"No related rumors"

But soon someone reported to him.

"It seems to be a fake identity"

He was not surprised by this, but he was a little confused about what such a person came to Luohe City for.

"Enter this incident into the confidential file and add it to the list of local personnel. In the future, notify me of any matters related to it as soon as possible!"


Finally, he issued such an order, which was regarded as an unsatisfactory end to this incident.

"You did a good job in this incident. Each person can receive three talismans to suppress ghosts, and you can stay in the ghost prison for three days."

"Thank you, sir!"

Hearing this person's words, Bai Yuanlong was overjoyed and thanked him on the spot.

He then bowed and left the room, and the whole room fell into darkness again.

"The Great Sage Equal to Heaven, this Luohe City is afraid that it will also be lively..."

The next morning, Lin Feng slowly woke up from his sleep.

Wangcai, who was lying on the ground under the short couch, moved his ears and immediately leaned on the edge of the short couch and stuck out his tongue.

"Ka Ka Ka"

Lin Feng moved his body and his bones made a dense crisp sound. Although he has mastered three ghosts now, he is still an ordinary person in essence.

Well, an ordinary person who knows some martial arts and has about ten years of internal strength in his body.

In this world, whether it is the people from the Zhen Guisi or the other buried corpses, there is no content related to immortals or gods.

However, there are Taoist priests and monks, but whether they have mastered the illusory practice methods is still unknown.


Opening the door, a thick fog came into view. Thinking carefully, it is already late autumn.

"Huh~ The weather is getting colder. After today's work, I should spend some time and energy to clean up this house."

Lin Feng took a deep breath of the pure natural and pollution-free cold air, and at the same time, a new plan came into his mind.

As a time traveler, Lin Feng is not interested in many things. He prefers to enjoy a quiet life as long as he can ensure his own safety.

He is willing to dig pits to bury people, train dogs when he is bored, and make furniture with his mastered carpentry skills.

"Cough cough"

Suddenly, a cough came to Lin Feng's ears, and the old cripple in the next room slowly opened the door.

"Alas, this man is still old after all."

The old cripple looked weak and frail with a cane. I don't know if he caught a cold last night or what happened. His face looked very bad.

"Are you okay?"

Lin Feng has mastered a few basic medical skills among the many skills he has mastered. He can tell that the old cripple has caught a cold.

"Ahem, I'm afraid you'll have to light a fire and cook for yourself today. I can't help you, cough, cough, cough."

"Okay, okay, I understand!"

"Take a rest first. I'll go to the mountain to get some herbs. I guarantee you'll be full of energy after drinking them!"

Lin Feng patted his shoulder, then turned around and started working.

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