Take the things he found and the corpse, Lin Feng turned into a flame and disappeared into the sky.

His most urgent thought now is to figure out what happened tonight.

When Lin Feng appeared again, he had returned to the T-shaped cemetery.

After releasing the origami master and the other three corpses, Lin Feng first simply checked some of the things on the corpses.

The origami master's corpse was quite intact. Lin Feng found some broken paper-cut figures and several special leather papers from him.

In addition, there was a ghost in this guy's body, but it was still in a dormant state at this time, and it would not take long for it to revive.

The other three corpses looked much more miserable, especially the two half-grown children, whose original appearance was difficult to distinguish.

However, Lin Feng found several broken incense sticks from another adult. These incense sticks smelled a little rancid, and he didn't know what they were made of.

In addition, there were some small sundries, which were not very special.

After the inspection, Lin Feng directly dug a pit in the cemetery and threw the origami master's body into it.

As he began to bury the soil, the ghost in the origami master's body seemed to be affected and began to revive from a dormant state. The corpse began to twist unnaturally, and the hem of the clothes gradually changed into a fabric, and even some paper ropes wanted to wrap around Lin Feng.

In response, Lin Feng directly smashed it with a stick, forcibly suppressing the ghost in the corpse, and then continued to bury the soil without saying a word.

Soon the grave was formed, and the corpse-raising ghost sutra slowly unfolded in front of Lin Feng, allowing him to see the life experience of this origami master.

When the origami master was young, he was born in an ordinary peasant family with five children. It was difficult to feed so many people with just a few acres of thin land.

So his father, a seemingly honest farmer, picked up a shoulder pole and a bamboo basket to walk through the streets and alleys, and ran around the village to become a peddler to make a living.

The origami master was the third child in the family, and he was the one who was half-grown, so he often ran around with his father.

One day, on the way home from selling goods, it rained heavily, and the father and son could only find a dilapidated temple to shelter from the rain.

But the temple was very unlucky. There was not only no statue on the altar, but a black coffin.

This scene scared them at first, but it was even more dangerous after leaving the ruined temple because of the heavy rain in summer and the thunder and lightning.

The father and son could only hide in the temple carefully, but they didn't expect that the heavy rain would last until late at night.

At night, the young origami master opened his eyes in a half-asleep state, but he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Because he found that he was not in the dilapidated temple, and the surroundings were magnificent like a fairy palace.

People came and went in the fairy palace, and two rows of tables were placed with various fine wines and delicacies, and in the middle there were beauties wearing precious feather clothes dancing.

The diners, servants and even the host in the main seat seemed to ignore his arrival.

After trying a few times, the young origami master couldn't hold back. At that time, he was tired and hungry, how could he resist the temptation of delicious food?

He reached out and grabbed the most plump-looking chicken leg and began to eat it in big mouthfuls.

However, the more he ate, the more he found that these things were not as delicious as they looked. It was like chewing wax in his mouth, and there was no taste at all.

When he reacted, the diners who were drinking and eating meat, the dancing beauties, and the host in the main seat were all staring at him.

Then a dry voice came directly to his ears.

"Eat my offerings and drink my fairy wine, what crime should be committed?"

The young origami master had never seen such a scene before, and was so scared that he almost cried.

But fortunately, he followed his father to walk around the streets and alleys and experienced a lot of things. He immediately kowtowed and apologized, saying that he thought this place was like a fairy palace, and the host and guest were like fairies. He thought he was brought here because of his fairy luck.

After he said this, the dry and hoarse voice burst into laughter, and then the scene around him changed instantly.

The originally magnificent palace collapsed and folded into the original broken temple, and the guests and beauties gradually turned into sharp-edged and heavily made-up paper figures.

His father beside him was crazy at this time, and kept muttering words like "weird, weird".

The broken temple, paper figures, black coffin and the frightened father made the young origami master fall into great fear.

But he still dared to praise the other party as a fairy method, and the transformation method just now was more real than the real thing.

In order to survive, he endured the fear and praised the other party.

The man in the coffin was moved and agreed to accept him as his apprentice.

What happened later was like an ordinary kid who had an adventure. Not only did he see all kinds of incredible methods, but his family also became prosperous because of it.

But when he was sixteen years old, the master who had treated him well suddenly gave him a paper figure.

The size and appearance of the paper figure were similar to him.

However, he did not expect that this gift concealed a fatal hidden danger. When he was controlling the paper man as usual, he was suddenly the master.

He was completely wrapped in the paper man, and then the paper man began to invade his body and deprive him of his will.

The coffin containing his master was finally opened, and out of it came a yellowed, tattered paper man who looked like he had been through wind and rain.

The paper man and the body that was trapped were forcibly merged together, and the original consciousness of the origami master's body completely dissipated and was replaced by the paper man master in the coffin.

Then the origami master who was reborn quietly left the village and returned to the paper craftsman's hall where origami masters gathered.

However, for various reasons, he eventually turned against the paper craftsman's hall and hooked up with the people of the incense temple.

Finally, he came to a bookstore in Luohe City and stayed there. The shopkeeper that Lin Feng saw at that time did exist.

It's just that the real shopkeeper had died long ago, and what Lin Feng saw was just the origami master's disguise.

In the end, due to the clone sent by Lin Feng, although the origami master tried all kinds of means, he still died under the clone's stick.

"Growing corpses does not ask about the past, raising ghosts does not solve thousands of difficulties"

"People born from paper are not human, coming and going hate longevity"

"What is destined to happen must be achieved, and what is not destined to happen should not be forced!"

"This is a medium-sized corpse species, which can raise a thousand-faced paper ghost!"

The ups and downs of life finally came to an end, leaving only the simple comments on the corpse-growing and ghost-raising book.

However, what Lin Feng did not expect was that the corpse of this origami master was actually evaluated as a medium-sized corpse species.

"Hua La La~"

The pages of the corpse-growing and ghost-raising book turned, and soon came to the ghost-raising chapter. On the blank page here, a ghost wearing paper clothes and with layers of paper faces on his face quietly emerged.

What surprised Lin Feng even more was that the corpse-growing and ghost-raising book evaluated the strength of this ghost as a severe ghost.

"Could it be that the ghost in the corpse was transformed together?"

This kind of thing is not the first time I have encountered it. This is how the puppet ghost came about.

As Lin Feng's mind moved, the thousand-faced paper ghost quietly appeared in front of Lin Feng.


Then the ghost raised his hand slightly and pieces of white paper flew out from his sleeves, and then quickly folded and changed into rough paper figures in mid-air.

This process looked extremely natural, without any external interference.

As Lin Feng controlled the ghost again, more white paper flew out from his sleeves and turned into a paper house.

After the house fell to the ground, it changed rapidly and looked like a real house. No wonder the young origami master couldn't tell the real from the fake.

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