"The Thousand Faces Paper Ghost, in addition to making paper people, paper houses, paper horses and other things, has another ability to change its shape and appearance."

Lin Feng tried to let the Thousand Faces Paper Ghost possess him like a play ghost, and suddenly a cold and stiff feeling spread throughout his body.

Then Lin Feng felt as if he was wearing a piece of paper clothes on his body, and a paper mask on his face.

As he controlled the Paper Ghost to use its ability, the paper mask on his face changed instantly, turning into an ordinary old farmer's face, and the paper clothes on his body also changed accordingly, turning into an ordinary farmer's brown short shirt.

Suddenly, Lin Feng changed from the original young man to an old farmer with a sallow complexion, a vicissitudes of life, a depressed expression and wearing shabby clothes.

This change is not only similar in appearance, Lin Feng also felt that his behavior and actions seemed to have become another person, just like a real old farmer.


As the Thousand Faces Paper Ghost on his body disappeared, Lin Feng slowly exhaled.

The origami master killed too many people, and some of the people who were killed would be made into paper people by him.

Although these paper figures cannot have the memories and abilities of their previous lives, their most basic instincts are still there.

This is also the fundamental reason why the origami master can perfectly disguise himself as another person.

"Paper Craftsman Hall, paper-cut figures for the dead, paper figure transformation, paper figure life extension..."

Lin Feng, who has read the origami master's life memory in its entirety, not only gained a kind of ability, but also had a sufficient understanding of the origami master's inheritance.

Paper Craftsman Hall is definitely a very powerful organization, but this organization is not well-known, and most of the disciples or descendants are active outside alone.

After forcing some important content to remember in his heart, Lin Feng once again set his sights on the other three bodies.

Before burying the origami master's body, Lin Feng could only guess that these three bodies were related to the origami master, and he didn't know what their true identity was.

But now he knows that these people came from the incense temple, and the strange existence like a huge statue is the incense temple ancestor!

After going through the process of digging pits and burying people, Lin Feng also knew the life experiences of Song Renjie and his two disciples.

Song Renjie is a disciple of the 19th generation of the Xiang Temple and the nephew of the current head of the Xiang Temple.

This person has shown extraordinary talent for making incense since he was a child, but his ability to control ghosts is somewhat mediocre.

Until his death, he only contained a big ghost, and after being buried by Lin Feng, he didn't even make any waves.

After checking the other party's memory, Lin Feng knew the internal situation of the Xiang Temple and the scene where the other party was killed by his ancestor in anger.

"Hey, I didn't expect that he would really come to deal with me!"

When Lin Feng learned that the other party had already started to prepare to target him, a sneer appeared on his face.

"Last time in Changshou Town, it was the Xiang Temple behind the scenes, huh? There is also a force belonging to the vassal king?"

At the same time, the other information that Song Renjie knew was also known to Lin Feng, which made him frown involuntarily. He seemed to have accidentally destroyed the plans of many people.

After burying three bodies, Lin Feng gained some special incense making skills of the Xiang Temple and a big ghost that didn't look very good.

Then Lin Feng returned to his room again. Now he has to digest his experience and gains tonight.

First of all, he knew that the founder of the Xiang Temple had indeed set his sights on him, and for some reason he still regarded him as his mortal enemy. This action was carried out by the Xiang Temple's Five Patriarchs who asked the Xiang Temple to do so.

In addition, it seemed that other ancestors had also awakened from their silence. The two vague figures that Lin Feng encountered in the battle were the projections of the power of other ancestors.

That's why they showed a strong power nature, but they couldn't affect a larger range like the real evil.

"Among the Ten Patriarchs of the Xiang Temple, the weakest ones are all masters at the level of the Supreme Man, and even the most powerful one, who is the existence of the Xiang Temple as the Xiang Master, is even a saint in the legend!"

Saint, in Lin Feng's previous life, was just a respectful title for people who made great contributions in thought and behavior.

But in this world, it completely represents another different meaning.

Transcend the ordinary and become a saint. Once you become a saint, you will be completely different from the ordinary.

According to the strange stories and myths that Lin Feng saw, the entire Daxia Dynasty relied on three saints to suppress the chaos, subdue the disasters in various places, and pacify the disasters in all directions.

It can even be said that the three saints established the Great Xia Dynasty, and the ordinary army and officials only maintained the operation of the dynasty.

Even though the Great Xia Dynasty has reached its end, no one is sure whether the three saints are still alive.

As long as there is no clear news of their death, no matter which force it is, they will only dare to plan quietly and dare not rebel openly.

Well, except for some ignorant people who don’t know the true appearance of this world, after all, people without brains don’t think so much.

Lin Feng carefully pondered this information, although he successfully defeated the opponent this time.

But God knows if the next time the opponent attacks again will be the time for the saint to attack him personally?

"I must improve my strength as soon as possible! I can’t delay like before!"

Lin Feng silently made a decision in his heart, but how to quickly improve his strength still requires him to think clearly.

The most direct way is of course to catch more ghosts, and then make his own ghosts stronger through sacrifice.

But direct sacrifice and fusion is essentially a method that contains hidden dangers. Since the tomb of Xigui was formed, Lin Feng gradually realized this.

For example, if he cultivates Xigui to the level of disaster ghost through normal methods of raising ghosts.

Then relying solely on Xigui's own acting ability, he may be able to simulate part of the real power of the Monkey King!

When Xigui reaches the level of robbery ghost, he may be able to perform all the abilities of the Monkey King 100%, even other mythological characters.

But now Xigui has merged too many miscellaneous ghosts, causing his own abilities to be no longer pure. If he continues to force sacrifice and fusion, the result will probably become more and more serious.

"No, no, it won't work through normal sacrifice, but it may work through offering!"

Suddenly Lin Feng thought of the nurturing incense inserted in the underworld pottery bowl. After such offerings, the ordinary nurturing incense has greatly improved its effect.

If the ordinary ghost is dismembered and put into the underworld pottery bowl, will it also have a pure nurturing effect?

This idea popped up in Lin Feng's mind, so he could no longer sit still and left the wooden house and went to the back mountain through the Weird Domain.

He had to try it once before he was satisfied, otherwise he could only choose the forced fusion and sacrifice method.

The Xigui took over and released the big Wei from Song Renjie. After forcibly suppressing it, Lin Feng directly dismembered it.

Then he collected some of the limbs into the Corpse Cultivation Wei Sutra through Xigui.

Soon, the three netherworld pottery bowls on the Xigui page were filled with the limbs of the big Wei.

A special relationship of offering was formed in the netherworld. Lin Feng could feel through Xigui that the big Wei was being transformed into pure power by the transformation of the netherworld pottery bowl and absorbed by Xigui.

"So that's it! So that's it!"

Lin Feng suddenly understood why the Corpse Cultivation Wei Sutra gave alternative conditions for raising Wei even though there was a method of sacrifice.

The purpose was to raise a powerful and pure Wei!

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