The short night passed quickly, and when Lin Feng opened his eyes, the sky had just brightened.

Now he only needs to sleep for about two hours a day to be able to rest up, which is also one of the benefits of strong internal strength.


The morning mist outside the door was still quite thick, and it was quiet all around.

"It's getting colder and colder, I'm afraid it won't be long before winter comes."

Since there is no calendar or something like that, Lin Feng doesn't know exactly what time it is now, and the calendar of this era is still a relatively unfamiliar thing to him.


The old cripple in the kitchen was already cooking, and Lin Feng fetched some water and washed up simply before going outside the yard to exercise.

"Bang! Bang!"

The whole set of boxing was performed, and the vigorous blood and qi directly dispelled the morning cold.


Spitting out a breath of white air, Lin Feng slowly finished his work, and then turned back to the small yard to prepare for dinner.

"Recently, the cemetery has been much more peaceful, and those of us who work hard to make a living can live a stable life!"

It was still simple millet porridge with pickled vegetables, and the old cripple was sighing while eating.

"Well, isn't this good?"

Lin Feng drank all the millet porridge in the bowl, then put down the bowl and chopsticks and replied casually.

"Hehe, you're right, it would be nice to live like this forever!"

Lin Feng was not interested in the old cripple's sigh. He was going to go to the city today to buy more mulberry paper.

"I'm going to go to the city today. If there are corpses, just let them put them next to the cemetery. I'll get them and bury them when I come back."

"Okay, just go ahead, I'm here!"

As the morning sun dissipated the morning mist, Lin Feng walked slowly towards Luohe City.


"Fellow villagers! Today, the city lord has issued an order to start building a refugee camp. Everyone can contribute money and labor!"

"The autumn harvest has passed. Don't let the land go to waste. The city lord has issued an order to reclaim wasteland and dredge canals. There will be another bumper harvest next year..."

But just as I approached Luohe City, I saw someone holding a gong and shouting while beating it.

The meaningful voice spread directly to the surroundings, attracting the attention of many early-rising farmers.

"It's really strange, the city lord would do this?"

It's okay if others don't know, but Lin Feng knows very well that the city lord Xie Anran has secretly surrendered to King Li.

In this case, shouldn't we hope that Luohe City will be as chaotic as possible, so that King Li's people can gradually intervene in the affairs of Luohe City?

As we approached the city wall, there were a large number of refugees and coolies working outside.

It seems that they are indeed building a refugee camp, and it is a better one, at least it can shelter from the wind and rain and avoid the cold.

"Forget it, what does it have to do with me?"

After standing and watching the excitement for a while, Lin Feng shook his head and went into the city. He did not forget his purpose.

After entering the city, Lin Feng went to a familiar tavern as usual, drank some wine and ate some snacks to satisfy his appetite, and at the same time, he could also listen to what exciting things were going on.

"I heard that Liuzhou Prefecture was broken!"

"Tsk tsk, the world is finally in chaos!"

"That's right, first there was a drought in the east, and then there was famine in the west, and there were only a few good places in each state and county!"

"But Liuzhou is not far from our Jiangzhou. I'm afraid that it will come here. Alas, how can people live in this world..."

Just after drinking a small cup of warm wine, Lin Feng heard this heavy news from several diners.

But he really couldn't think of why the chaos was not in Mingzhou, where King Li was entrenched, nor in the western states where famine was spreading, but in Liuzhou, which was not even close to it.

"It is said that the price of grain will rise again!"

"Rise again!? How many times has it risen this year?"

"It's a mess, it's a mess!"


After coming out of the tavern, Lin Feng looked at the busy streets again and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"Sesame sesame cake~"

"Selling rouge~The best rouge~"

"Ding ding dong! Ding dong!"

"Look here, fellow villagers, today we will show our unique skills!"


If the war really swept over, would it still be like this?

After the natural disaster, there will be man-made disasters. Lin Feng knew that some things would happen sooner or later.

"Hehe, why are you so sentimental?"

Shaking his head, Lin Feng walked quickly towards the paper workshop. Compared with the street selling pens, ink, paper and inkstones, it was cheaper to buy from the special papermaking workshop.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

"Hey yo! Hey yo!"

As soon as he arrived at the door of the workshop, the sound of pounding materials and the sound of carrying and unloading came to Lin Feng's ears.

"Buy paper?"

Lin Feng stopped several craftsmen at the workshop door and explained his purpose directly, but it was obvious that he didn't look like a rich man, which made these craftsmen somewhat suspicious.

"Yes, mulberry paper, new paper, old paper, or waste paper is fine!"

Lin Feng was not picky about paper at all, anyway, it was just used to make paper figures.

"Wait a minute, I'll call the boss over!"

The craftsmen were immediately happy to see Lin Feng say this, and then one of them ran into the workshop and soon came out with a middle-aged man.

"You want to buy paper?"

The man came to Lin Feng and stared at him for a few times with a suspicious look on his face, as if he was guarding against a liar from somewhere.

"That's right, all this money is used to buy paper."

Lin Feng knew what was going on when he saw the expression. In this era, people can be directly identified by their clothes.

The rich and powerful naturally wear brocade clothes, and ordinary people will also wear clothes they have bought when they go out.

However, Lin Feng didn't bother to care about this. He just took out five taels of silver from his arms and handed it to the other party.

However, this silver was not in the shape of a gold ingot, but was cut into a lump shape, but the silver of this era was basically like this.

"Wow~ I didn't expect you to be a decent person. Okay, come in with me!"

After taking the silver from Lin Feng's hand and weighing it to confirm its authenticity, the expression on the face of the owner suddenly changed.

After saying something to Lin Feng, he turned around and walked into the workshop.

"The best mulberry paper is gone, but there are a lot of inferior ones. There are also old paper, old paper, and scraps from cutting over there."

Five taels of silver is not a small amount. The owner is also polite. He pointed to a place in the workshop that served as a warehouse and talked to Lin Feng.

"I want these old papers. How much can you sell them to me?"

Lin Feng simply flipped through them a few times and found that there were not many problems except that they were yellowed and had some holes eaten by insects.

"You can take all of these, hehe, but they are not light, at least two hundred pounds!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the owner spoke directly. These old papers could not be sold on weekdays, and it would be a pity to throw them away.

Selling them to Lin Feng now would be a good disposal for him, but he didn't think that Lin Feng could move so many old papers in his condition.

However, before he finished speaking, Lin Feng next to him had tied all the old papers with hemp rope and carried them on his shoulders.

"Okay, that's settled. If there are any old or bad papers, leave them to me. Maybe I will come again next time!"

After saying that, Lin Feng strode out of the workshop and disappeared in the alley in a blink of an eye, leaving the owner of the paper workshop dumbfounded.

After arriving at a secluded place, Lin Feng took these old papers directly through the shadow strange domain and returned to the outside of the cemetery.

He didn't want to wander around the streets carrying so much paper, so he'd better come back early.

After putting the mulberry paper in the shadow world, Lin Feng walked back to the cemetery.

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