The sky gradually darkened, and time passed in the blink of an eye.

It seemed that with the coming of winter, the daytime was getting shorter and shorter.

However, this was not a problem for Lin Feng. At this time, he was making a large amount of mulberry paper into heavy-armored paper figures on the back mountain of the cemetery.

"Dong Dong Dong"

On a dark and windy night, the sound of felling trees continued to be heard from the back mountain of the cemetery.

However, such a sound was more like some kind of terrifying curse to outsiders. Not to mention looking closely, just hearing it made their scalps numb.

Especially the gravekeepers had many taboos at night. After nightfall, they all wanted to sleep to death.

Of course, there were also people who were brave enough, such as Bai Yuanlong, who used the alias Yan Wei, and his two men.

"My lord, this movement cannot be underestimated. Could something have happened?"

In the room, an oil lamp emitted a dim flame. This oil lamp was the strange oil lamp that Lin Feng had once obtained, which had a certain ability to detect strange approaching.

"Nothing, there is probably no safer place in Luohe City than here."

Bai Yuanlong, who knew some inside information, shook his head directly. In fact, he noticed last night that the wooden men who were originally patrolling the periphery of the cemetery had turned into a group of heavy armored soldiers that he had never seen before.

The only one who could do this quietly was that senior. In his opinion, it must be because that senior's strength had become stronger.

"Huh~ Ten paper man lieutenants, no more!"

In the back mountain, Lin Feng made all the previous ten big ghosts into paper man lieutenants, and replaced their weapons with more solid and stronger spears.

But that's all he could do. He now has one big ghost and two small ghosts left, but these have to be left as sacrifices for the play ghost.

"Shua shua!"

The ten paper man lieutenants stood in front of Lin Feng, and there was a faint inexplicable strange power spreading between them, but it was not obvious when released.

"Ten paper lieutenants are formed into ten teams, each of which leads a thousand heavily-armored paper men as a battalion, and ten battalions of ten thousand people form an army!"

While Lin Feng was making these ten paper lieutenants, other heavily-armored paper men, as well as embroidered ghosts, puppet ghosts, and thousand-faced paper ghosts were also continuously making more heavily-armored paper men.

A large number of trees were directly made into wooden men, and then put on paper men, and then soaked in the ink of the greedy ghost and connected together with the blood of the embroidered ghost.

He brought back more than tens of thousands of mulberry papers during the day, so now it is directly large-scale production.

Hundreds of heavily-armored paper men were made in batches, so that the trees on the other side of the back mountain were almost cut down.

Because the noise made by chopping trees was not small, it caused the surrounding gravekeepers to be terrified.

Lin Feng was naturally not clear about these situations, but he was more and more satisfied with the hundreds of heavily-armored paper men.

Each heavily-armored paper man has the strength of a master, and the strength of the paper lieutenant is even stronger.

Although the paper captain has not reached the level of a real person, it has a strange nature and can burst out a strong effect.

Especially when the paper captain and the heavy armor paper man start to charge together, I believe that there are few things in the world that can stop them.

"Tens of thousands of paper men can barely be considered as a scale, but it is not enough. Next, we should capture a fierce ghost to try to make a paper general!"

The shadow floats. Lin Feng receives all the paper men in front of him into the ghost domain and releases them directly when needed.

"But before that, it is important to strengthen my own strength!"

After finishing this matter, Lin Feng immediately came to the play ghost. The fierce ghost that was offered last time has been absorbed by the play ghost after these few days.

So a big ghost became Lin Feng's tribute to the play ghost again. The remaining two small ghosts Lin Feng felt that they were really useless, so he simply let the greedy ghost eat them.

In this way, Lin Feng became a pauper again, without even a ghost left in his hand.

"The wooden man sent out to find medicinal materials didn't get much, he just barely found some materials, I didn't expect these things to be so hard to find."

He lit five incense sticks and offered them to each ghost except the greedy ghost. As the ghosts in his hand increased, the consumption of incense for feeding ghosts also increased rapidly.

"If the harvest is not big in a few days, just go and rob the base of the incense temple!"

Lin Feng had such a plan originally, and now it has become stronger because he knows the details of the incense temple.

After the ghosts around him absorbed the incense, Lin Feng was ready to leave here and use the soul-guiding incense to catch ghosts farther away.

But at this time, the wooden man he placed on Qianyuan Mountain in Xinglong Ridge responded again.

This made Lin Feng happy. It was obvious that only Li Yanbing came back at this time. She must have found the items that Lin Feng urgently needed now!

"You came just in time!"

After saying this, Lin Feng immediately began to control the wooden man to crawl out of the mud on the top of the mountain.

"Senior Monkey King, I have found some things you need recently!"

The wooden man of Qianyuan Mountain just stood up when Li Yanbing's voice came over.


The wooden man nodded but didn't say anything extra.

"This is twenty stones of dragon vein grave soil, a thousand-year-old stele, and two hundred sticks of incense sticks. These sticks may be a bit too much. If you don't need them, I can take them back."

Li Yanbing noticed the wooden man's attitude and felt helpless, but he still took out all the items he had collected.

This time, what she took out was far inferior to the last time, but even so, it was quite efficient.

"Ka Ka Ka"

The wooden man shook his head and rejected her proposal. Now that Lin Feng had used less and less of the strange incense, how could he leave the things in front of him!

"Senior, the rebellion in Liuzhou has been so powerful recently. More than a dozen cities have been broken in two days, and even the city of Liuzhou is no longer safe."

"And the court has been arguing over who to send to suppress the rebellion. The surrounding states and counties are also unable to rush to help due to natural disasters and man-made disasters. I am afraid that it will not be long before the war will sweep to Jiangzhou, and the whole Jiangzhou will probably be caught in the flames of war..."

Seeing that the wooden man wanted these things, Li Yanbing's slightly uneasy heart finally let go.

Then she thought about it and began to tell Lin Feng about the rebellion in Liuzhou this time, and explained the interests involved.

"Senior, this disaster is not a ghost disaster, but a war disaster, which is different from the past."

"So I beg you to provide some help so that I can protect the entire Luohe City from the war disaster and let Jiangzhou survive this disaster."

Li Yanbing knew the situation in the capital through the news channel of the Ghost Suppression Division, so after deep thinking, she took this opportunity to persuade the senior in front of her.

According to her idea, since the other party used Xinglong Ridge as a dojo and placed his apprentice outside Luohe City, he should not want the war disaster to turn this place into a deadly place.

"Ka Ka Ka"

But what disappointed her was that after listening to her, the wooden man shook his head directly not long after, and it seemed that the other party had no interest in this kind of thing.

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