The third day of the Quidditch pitch incident was Monday.

No matter how big the basilisk attack is, even if the resurrected Voldemort gathers thousands of Death Eaters to attack Hogwarts, this course will still have to be continued after the war is over.

Professors, despite pressure from parents shouting letters, continued to teach classes with fully half the class absenteeism.

Even Dumbledore didn’t have a good solution for these petrified students.

The basilisk’s gaze is a very deadly special magic. These students were lucky. The mist cast by Snape weakened the power of the basilisk’s gaze for them.

This allowed them to save a small life, and they were only petrified.

Even Dumbledore, holding the Elder Wand, could not lift the petrification of the basilisk’s gaze. The only way now was to wait for the mandrake in the greenhouse to mature.

Mandrake is the most important component of a high-level potion called”Repair Potion”.

The Restoration Potion is a very advanced antidote potion that has a very good effect on dispelling some specific black magic effects, such as the petrification of basilisks.

On Monday afternoon, when Noah finally finished his boring History of Magic course and was about to go to the library to borrow a few books on wand making and continue tinkering with some weird new wands, Professor McGonagall was in the corridor outside the library. intercepted him

“Mr. Shafrin, could you come to my office?”

The older cat girl looked at Noah with a kind of motherly love in her eyes, like a kind mother looking at her son.

At this time, Noah’s mind had not yet turned around in making the wand. Didn’t notice Professor McGonagall’s gaze

“Oh okay, Professor McGonagall.”

Following Professor McGonagall on the way to her office, Noah asked:”Professor, what do you want to see me for?”

When facing other professors except Snape, Noah was still a very polite child.

Professor McGonagall, who was always serious, did not have a straight face as before. She smiled gently.

“During this time, you have put forward a lot of suggestions for the teaching methods at Hogwarts. I came to you mainly to discuss with you whether there is anything that can be improved about the current teaching of Transfiguration.”

Teaching transfiguration?

Remembering that this was part of his confinement, Noah thought for a moment.

If Professor McGonagall had asked him to discuss other things, such as some advanced transfiguration theory, he might not be able to answer it.

But for him, who has been personally taught by the Supreme Mage Gu Yizi, if he wants to find fault with the backward teaching methods of the magical world, isn’t that something he can easily do?

“With all due respect, there are indeed considerable problems with the current teaching of transfiguration classes.”

Not to mention anything else, in her first Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall immediately asked the students to start turning matches into silver needles.

Her first class has been like this for so many years. Routine.

In the entire magic world, except for a few top students with terrifyingly exaggerated talents in transfiguration, who can complete such an operation at this point in the first class?

Kama Taj also has the magic to transform objects, but Before formally learning transfiguration magic, the instructor will require the apprentice to master the prerequisite knowledge required to learn transfiguration – that is, the basic structure of a thing, which involves Muggle knowledge in multiple disciplines.

Physics, biology, chemistry Even mathematics…

In addition, apprentices must be familiar with the specific structure of the object being transformed and the object after transformation, so that they can better complete the transformation magic.

For the simplest example, you have to transform a match into a Silver needle, then you must at least understand that the final silver needle is composed of silver atoms arranged and combined.

Therefore, the mystics in Kama Taj who are proficient in transformation magic basically do it one by one. Everyone is good at molecular physics.

If you are proficient in the deformation of living creatures, it goes without saying that you are definitely good at anatomy. Ordinary forensic doctors may not be as skilled as them.

What does it mean to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and travel all over the world? Are you not afraid of the world?

But this group of arrogant wizards in the wizarding world disdain Muggle knowledge, and want them to take the initiative to learn Muggle knowledge…

This is not realistic.

Walking in the corridor of the castle, Noah was the first to point out such a question.

Listening to Noah’s explanation, even a master of Transfiguration like Professor McGonagall was a little confused,”So according to you, students should learn before learning Transfiguration some muggle……”

She paused before uttering a word that was not very common to her.



Noah smiled mockingly,”The technological level of Muggles is changing with each passing day, but wizards are still immersed in the achievements of the past, and they will never take the initiative to understand Muggles.”

A wizard like Arthur Weasley, who is extremely obsessed with Muggle studies, can’t even figure out how to use a telephone. What else can wizards be expected to do?”

“They have no idea how far Maweigua’s scientific and technological level has reached.”

In 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alexeevich Gagarin became the first person to go into space when he launched into space aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft.

Muggles have already taken a step forward. They took the first step towards the sea of stars, and what are the wizards doing?

Under the leadership of the old guard headed by Dumbledore, the entire magical world not only stagnated, but even seemed to be reversing the course of history.

The entire magical world was In an extremely depressed state, the wizards’ strength not only failed to grow over time, but gradually declined. The first-generation Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald, who was once all-powerful during World War II, could fight alone. Dozens of Aurors remain invincible.

The current second-generation Dark Lord, Tom Riddle, spent seven years unable to capture Hogwarts Castle, which was guarded by only a few adult wizards.

This is not historical. What is reverse?

Noah shook his head helplessly. It is very difficult to change the world by relying on his own strength.

But he cannot allow the magic civilization to continue to decline like this.

Otherwise, this bunch of stinky fish in the magic world will Damn it, what can he do to recruit a group of capable team members and establish Kama Taj in the HP Magic World? Build three magic temples and rely on the temples as key nodes to build a structure that covers the entire world. Magic array, in order to radiate the influence of his strength to the entire world, thereby bringing the entire world, whether it is the magical world or the non-magical world, under his control.

So far, he has not even begun this grand plan. Didn’t take a step forward.

What kind of team is in the ancient area?

Baron Mordo, Fatty Wang, and Dr. Juan Fu under his command are all talents with the appearance of a supreme mage, even the second-year-old Hannibal Casillas ·Grindelwald is also a big boss who can dominate an area.

Who are these rotten fish and shrimps in the wizarding world and you asked me to lead them?

Can I lead them?

Even if Merlin comes, he can’t lead these pig teammates. Ah.

If there is no change, then instead of betting on the conservatives in the wizarding world whose ancestral laws are immutable, Noah might as well believe that his SHIELD and Hydra can bring him some ideas. Unexpected surprise.

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