In the office, Professor McGonagall did not plan to talk to Noah about the reform of teaching methods in the Transfiguration class, as she said.

After the house elf brought hot tea to the two of them, Professor McGonagall asked thoughtfully,”Would you like some snacks?”

Noah picked up the teacup,”No, black tea will be fine.”

“Where are you at with your Transfiguration studies?”

Recently, Noah hasn’t paid much attention to learning about transfiguration. The notebook that Professor McGonagall lent him also let him lend it to Little Beaver.

Miss Know-It-All, who loves books, has not yet lent it to Little Beaver. The notes were returned to him.

Faced with such a question, Noah, who was a little guilty, could only bite the bullet and answer truthfully,”I have finished studying the third-grade textbooks, and now I am studying the fourth-grade content.”

Professor McGonagall is still very satisfied with Noah’s outrageous progress in learning the art of transformation.

It’s just that she doesn’t know at all that Noah’s mastery of the art of transformation basically relies on the knowledge he accumulated in Kama Taj in his previous life. , in fact, he has not opened the Transfiguration textbook at Hogwarts since the third grade textbook. During the seven years at

Hogwarts, the content of Transfiguration that students learned varies according to the type of Transfiguration. It can be roughly divided into the following stages.

The first stage, which is also the most elementary stage, is the mutual transformation of dead objects.

Students will complete this stage of learning before the end of first grade, thus starting the next stage. , that is, the learning of transforming living things into dead things.

Whether it is a dead thing or a living thing, it is a relatively simple matter to transform them into another kind of inanimate dead thing.

This stage also takes about one hour. It can be completed in three years.

So by the third grade, students will begin to try to transform dead objects into living objects, such as turning a teapot into a turtle. It is not until the students enter the fourth grade that they can You will begin to come into contact with real advanced transfiguration – cross-species transformation.

Transforming one animal into another completely different animal is a quite advanced magical skill even in Kama Taj, but…

Noah I really don’t understand.

Why can wizards in this world transform one animal into another without having to study the anatomy of the two animals they want to transform?

This is the horror of idealistic magic. In this river ? This is not in the river at all. Noah

‘s thinking is still stuck in Kama Taj’s set of understanding and analyzing the rules of the world, and then using magic to cleverly use the rules of the world, His progress in transfiguration is stuck at the stage of cross-species transformation, which is the entry-level threshold for advanced transfiguration. This requires a lot of time to study and analyze, but the benefits are very low. The progress of transfiguration is very important to his current situation. Improving personal strength is not very helpful, so its priority should be put back first. Fortunately, Professor McGonagall did not stay too much on this topic. Instead, he paid attention to Noah’s life..Professor McGonagall directly started the rambling village aunt gossip chat method that was buried in Noah’s memory,”How is life with Severus?” Noah suddenly became wary. Isn’t the older cat lady trying to poach Snape? Noah, who didn’t know how to answer for a moment, twitched his lips,”Professor Snape’s level of cooking is pretty good. Comparable to his potion skills.” Hearing Noah’s answer, Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement.

“Snape is really not picky about his cooking skills.”

In England, which is known as a food desert, it is not easy to have a high-level chef who has mastered the cuisine of many countries.

As Snape and Snape Professor McGonagall, a colleague of Snape’s for many years, had the honor to taste the experimental dishes that Snape tried for the first time when he tried some new dishes carefully prepared for Shirley.

Although it was the first time he tried it, the taste was still good. That’s right, after all, the potion master’s background is there.

There is a saying, as a potion master, the precise control of the potion ingredients is very helpful for cooking.

“Compared with your performance in other courses, your performance in Potions is not that outstanding. Is it because you are not that interested in Potions?”

In the following time, Professor McGonagall took Noah and talked about a lot of topics that had nothing to do with Transfiguration.

From how was the month at Snape’s house, to Noah’s study at Hogwarts, then his impression of the professors teaching each course, and then Noah’s interpersonal relationships on campus.

Professor McGonagall almost asked Noah directly what he thought of Ravenclaw. Are those two little girls interesting anymore?

After chatting for a long time, Professor McGonagall finally came up with the idea.

“Would you like to spend some time at my place during the Christmas vacation? It just so happens that you said that you still have doubts about the cross-species transformation, so I can take advantage of this time to teach you.”

Noah frowned.

Good guy, it turns out that the older cat girl is waiting here.

He had heard Snape talk about it before, and now he is a hot commodity in the eyes of many professors at Hogwarts. Everyone wants to poach him away from Snape.

If Noah can be kept away from Shirley, Snape will naturally be happy to see it.

Especially now that he has a good grasp of the whereabouts of the Resurrection Stone. , naturally he can make Noah roll as far as he can, but it’s a pity that he can’t drive Noah away.

“This is it……”Noah scratched the back of his head.

Faced with such a situation, he really couldn’t think of any better way to deal with it.

“Is she the little girl who can’t bear to leave Severus’ house?”

Professor McGonagall had a smile on her face. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like the legendary aunt’s smile.”The Christmas vacation is so long. You can definitely bring Shirley over to stay for two days.”

“I know that Severus dotes on his daughter and wants to stay with Shirley every moment to take care of her, but if he only comes to stay for two days, Severus is still willing to let her go.”

The corner of Noah’s mouth twitched,”Well, Professor, that’s not the reason.……”

For a moment, he couldn’t think of how to complain about the scene in front of him, but considering that his research progress in transfiguration really needed a transfiguration master like Professor McGonagall to guide him, Noah nodded and agreed. come down

“Then I will bother you for a few days during the Christmas holiday.”

“I welcome you anytime.”Professor McGonagall smiled like an old cat that had stolen a chicken.

The first step in establishing a good relationship with this child had been successfully taken. Next, she would let Noah know that compared to that cold and heavy Who is a qualified guardian for women who prefer men over men?

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