The following Saturday after the basilisk attack was supposed to be the second match of the current school year’s Quidditch season, Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff.

However, the students did not seem to have recovered from the events of the past week, and many students who were unfortunately petrified were still lying in the school doctor’s office.

The students all had a shadow on the Quidditch pitch, fearing that some terrible monster would suddenly emerge from the ground if they were not careful.

Therefore, the students all showed a lack of interest in the next Quidditch match.

As a referee, Mrs. Huo Qi had no choice but to postpone the game. She postponed the game that was supposed to be held this week to the next week. When the time comes, she will decide whether to continue to postpone it depending on the situation.

On Saturday morning, without the interruption of Draco who was eager to watch the Quidditch match, Noah, who had worked hard for a week, fell asleep comfortably in the dormitory.

He was going to have brunch in the kitchen after he had had enough sleep.

After Noah’s careful teachings over this period of time, the elf chefs in the underground kitchen have mastered Cantonese-style morning tea quite well.

As for morning tea, what kind of morning tea can you have before eleven o’clock in the morning?

Those who get up early at seven or eight o’clock and eat morning tea as breakfast are all fake Cantonese people.

Real Cantonese people wait until noon before heading to the restaurant without haste, ordering a table of Cantonese-style meals and a pot of tea, which is the soul of morning tea.

A meal was eaten from 11 am to 1 pm, and lunch was included.

But his plan to catch up on sleep had just begun when the door to his dormitory was violently kicked open.

Fortunately, Noah didn’t have the habit of sleeping naked, otherwise Gao Low would have suffered a tragic fate of social death.

Snape, who looked like a big black bat, burst into Noah’s dormitory in a hurry and pulled the confused Noah out of bed without any explanation.

“Go out with me”

“Old bat, why are you so crazy? Noah tried to pull his hand away angrily, but failed,”If you don’t let go, I’ll stab you with Frostmourne!””

Facing Noah’s death threat, Snape, who didn’t know what Frostmourne was, showed no fear. It wasn’t until the sword exuding an ominous aura appeared in Noah’s hand that Snape calmly let go. He grabbed Noah’s arm tightly.

This thing just cut off the head of a basilisk. It was no joke.

After simply washing his face with a spring of water and rinsing his mouth instead of brushing his teeth, he saw Looking at Snape in front of him, Noah had a stinking face.

“What to do?”

Looking at the students coming and going around him, Snape turned his back to other people’s eyes. Regardless of whether Noah could read his lips, he mouthed an address silently.

“Gunter’s old house, Resurrection Stone.”

Noah knew that the Gaunt family’s heirloom, the Resurrection Stone ring, was hidden in their old house, but he had not directly told Snape about the whereabouts of the ring before.

Although there is such an important heirloom of the Gaunt family , clue, but it is quite difficult to find the whereabouts of the ring based on this clue that has no clear direction.

“Have you found its whereabouts?”Noah glanced at him in surprise.

Noah was not curious about how Snape found the whereabouts of the Resurrection Stone Ring.

Hearing Noah’s words, Snape just nodded imperceptibly, then turned around and strode around. Walking towards the outside of the lounge.

The large robe trailed behind him, and the oncoming air poured into it and held up the robe, so that it looked like a long and wide black sheet.

Same as the Si that Noah saw before school started. Snape is completely different. Ever since the start of school at Hogwarts, Snape has been wearing this black robe that has never changed every day. What we are saying is that you only pay attention to your image in front of your own precious daughter, but not in front of other students. Are you just letting yourself go in front of you?

Noah reluctantly twitched his lips, and after complaining in his heart, he still took steps to follow.


Perhaps because he didn’t want Dumbledore to know the final destination of his and Noah’s outing, Snape did not use the floo network that was only available in the professor’s office to connect to the outside world.

Instead, he took Noah out of the main entrance of the castle and came to his temporary residence in Hogsmeade village.

After returning to Spider-End Alley through the Floo Network, Snape took Noah and apparated all the way to their final destination of the trip –

Great Hangleton.

Noah and Snape appeared on a country road. The tall shrubs with tangled branches on both sides of the road were covered with a thick layer of snow.

The winter sky is covered with a layer of low and thick clouds, and snowflakes are falling from the sky.

A wooden signpost protruded from the thorn bushes on the left side of the path. The two arrows on it read:

Great Hangleton, 5 miles.

Little Hangleton, 1 mile.

Turning left along the path and going straight down the hillside, a valley appeared in front of Noah and Snape.

A village nestled between two steep hills is undoubtedly Little Hangleton.

But Noah and the others’ final destination was not that village. Before entering the village, the two of them suddenly turned right somewhere on the path and got into a gap in the hedge made of shrubs beside the road.

The two turned onto a narrow dirt road, which was winding, potholed and full of rocks. The hedges on both sides were taller and denser than the ones they had passed just now.

The ancient trees above cast a cool, dark and dense shadow. After walking for a while, a house half hidden among the tangled trees appeared in front of Noah.

This was where Voldemort hid one of his Horcruxes. Location of Resurrection Stone Ring.

Gunter’s old house.

The dense growth of ancient trees almost blocks all the light coming from the outside world, and also perfectly blocks the prying eyes from the valley below.

The walls covered with moss have been completely damaged by the erosion of time. Except for a few sections that still maintain their original integrity and stand in place, the rest have collapsed into bricks that are unrecognizable from their original appearance. gravel.

Many of the tiles from the roof had fallen off, exposing here and there the inner rafters.

Dense nettles grew around the house. These wild nettles grew up to over the windows, blocking all the passages connecting the entire house to the outside world, including the door.

Not knowing whether Voldemort had placed protective magic here, Snape moved forward very cautiously.

He stopped before taking two steps and looked straight at the front door of the house. Someone seemed to have nailed a dead snake to the door and bent it into a letter.”S”shape.

That’s not a letter”S”, which represents hope and is the symbol of the Al family.

Noah shook his head to expel those messy thoughts from his mind.

Not as cautious as Snape, he raised his hand and threw an eight-point light wheel.

Sure enough, when the eight-point light wheel touched the dead snake with strange light shining in its eyes nailed in front of the door, the magical luster flashed on the door panel.

Seeing that the eight-point light wheel shattered into dots of starlight, but the door panel remained intact, Noah didn’t feel much strange.

How could Voldemort, such a powerful and desperate person, not care about his life?

Such an important thing as a Horcrux. A Horcrux can be said to be equivalent to one-sixth of Voldemort’s life. Noah would never believe it if it was just left in Gaunt’s old house without any protective magic. of

“There is a powerful curse on the door knocker.”

Noah stared straight at the door panel in front of him,”You don’t need to tell me, I can see it. Snape glanced at Noah and said,”Can you crack it?” The contempt in his tone clearly revealed what he meant.

Noah turned around and looked at Snape with a strange look,”Why do you want to crack it?””

A curse like this used to protect the existence of something cannot exist out of thin air. It must require some carrier to carry it to maintain its effect.

Voldemort will definitely not use such a dilapidated mansion. What particularly powerful magic material should be used to carry the curse used to guard the door?

Otherwise, the unconcealable magic wave will tell others that there are good things hidden here.

In this case, some precious magic will have to be used The materials were used to build a magic circle that concealed the fluctuations of magic.

In the end, a dilapidated mansion was suddenly renovated into a luxurious villa. Would an unsighted person know that there is a ghost here at a glance?

An eight-point nimbus is not enough, then Just two.

Noah raised his arms high, and the magic power accumulated in his palms, turning into a larger light wheel than before.

When the size of the wheel expanded to the point where it was difficult for him to control it, Noah suddenly Waving his arms forward, he threw the eight-point light wheel with a diameter of more than two meters in his hand.

The whizzing eight-point light wheel split into nine equal-sized light wheels in the air, and they were distributed in a cross shape and slashed towards the front, which was protected by magic. The courtyard door.

Seeing the door of the house collapse together with the walls on both sides, Snape’s mouth twitched, but Noah’s grass-exploring operation was not over yet.

While using violence to break the curse on the door , Noah, who turned into the director of the demolition office, did not stop his movements, but put his fingers together to form a strange gesture. The magic power rose from the lower abdomen, passed through the throat and gathered in the mouth, a beam of coquettish flames It spewed out of Noah’s mouth and suddenly expanded into a sea of fire in the air.

The fire escaped and the fire was extinguished!

The nettles surrounding the house were reduced to ashes in the flames.

After the flames dissipated, Noah carefully He felt the magic breath floating in the air, and he didn’t feel anything else except pure flames.

Very good, there were no messy magic traps.

Looking at Snape with a dull expression, Noah moved towards Gang Te Laozhai raised his chin.

Come on, why are you standing there?

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