“No, not Spider End.”

The small house in Spider End Alley is his and Shirley’s home. It is absolutely impossible for Snape to put such a dangerous thing in a place where Shirley can reach it.

But if he does not go back to Spider End Alley, Snape will Nep’s only place to stay was the house he bought in Hogsmeade, which he could only live in for a few days throughout the year.

Compared to Ravenclaw’s diadem, the curse on the Resurrection Stone ring was obviously much more vicious. It is not suitable for carrying around and studying like a crown.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly a safer choice to find a safe and reliable place to hide it, and then take it out when you are able to break the curse on it.

Noah did not hesitate. Giving a location,”Let’s go to Birmingham.”

Birmingham, as the most important manufacturing center in the belt, has always been a site that Hydra has painstakingly managed. All of Hydra’s military industries are concentrated here.

That plane made Bucky B, who was a little expert in crashing, The Su-25 that fell in Enns was secretly transported in after being dismantled into parts, and then reassembled by the mechanics of Hydra Military Industry.

Otherwise, such a big Su-25 would be carrying the belt clearly. If the radar enters the airspace of Belt, this behavior can only be called a trick to commit suicide.

Putting the Resurrection Stone in Hydra’s territory will ensure sufficient safety.


Just outside Birmingham.

Several kilometers of land are surrounded by a tall square wall, and a huge villa is located in the center of the manor.

Different from the brick structure of an old-fashioned mansion, this villa looks like three overlapping disks, one large and two small, when viewed from a high altitude. A large number of new techniques were used in its construction.

Every curve and line of the building has been carefully planned and cleverly designed.

The hollow simple steel frame structure and tempered glass splicing ensure the strength of the building while maximizing the view of the room. No matter which room you are in, you will have a unique visual experience.

For an old otaku like Snape who has lived in a closed magical world for a long time, such a shaped building is undoubtedly a very novel existence.

But his focus was not on the building at all.

From the beginning to the end, his eyes never left the tongs in Noah’s hand. To be precise, it was the resurrection stone ring with a vicious curse on it.

Although the empty villa has been unoccupied for a long time, judging from its bright and clean appearance, this villa is usually cleaned.

Noah took Snape straight to the only locked room in the villa.

As Noah’s private room, his subordinates would skip this locked and forbidden room when arranging personnel to come to clean the villa.

Therefore, when Noah opened the door through the biometric door lock installed at the door, a thick puff of dust rushed towards his face.

“Cleaned up.”

Noah waved his hand and cleaned the entire room.

The convenience of magic is reflected here. With the amount of dust in this room, it would take several hours for a Muggle housekeeping team to clean it. time.

But for a wizard, it’s just a matter of waving a wand

“What are you going to do with this ring?”Noah raised his head and glanced at Snape.

The protective magic on the Horcrux was not difficult for Noah and Snape. Although it was very powerful and difficult to destroy, it was difficult for a novice like Harry. There are no less than three methods that Noah knows about destroying Horcruxes. There are no less than three ways that they can do it.

The fire that can swallow everything and mimic the images of various terrifying monsters is called by wizards as coming from hell. It is not unreasonable to use magic fire.

This is the most convenient way to destroy Horcruxes.

Although Noah does not know how to use fire, Snape, as a skilled black magic master, naturally masters the fire curse. Yes.

In addition to fire, physical methods can also destroy Horcruxes, but what is needed is somewhat difficult to obtain-

Gryffindor’s sword.

Noah does not think that he is such a typical Azkaban Academy. A member can pull the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat’s butt.

Not even Snape as Head of Slytherin, but maybe Neville as Hufflepuff Sword Master can give it a try?

So ? This method is not impossible.

As a heirloom sword made by fairies, the Sword of Gryffindor has a special ability, which is that it can absorb the special effects of some substances to enhance its power. The

Sword of Gryffindor alone cannot Destroy the Horcrux physically, but Snape has the freshly collected basilisk venom in his hand. The

Sword of Gryffindor, no.

The sword of Gryffindor that has been quenched by the basilisk venom, ok! And again One way is to cut through the Karma Taj portal. No matter how powerful the protective magic on the resurrection stone ring is, it cannot withstand the cutting from space. The laws of space may be one of the most powerful laws in the world. The only difficult thing is, how can they break the protective magic while retaining the fragments of Voldemort’s soul inside?

Voldemort, that’s a man who can become a Yao Lao!

Noah doesn’t want to let it go. It would be a pity for such a portable grandfather to destroy the Horcrux and the portable knowledge base inside it. This is also the reason why he kept the soul of Voldemort in the Ravenclaw Diadem.

Noah said it directly He thought,”I want to keep the fragments of Voldemort’s soul inside.”

“I have been studying the crown you gave me before for a long time.”

“So…you have a solution?”Noah raised his eyes and looked at the confident old bat in front of him.

Looking at the resurrection stone ring that Noah put in the safe and locked, Snape hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind,”Give me more I’ll have some time.”

He turned his head resolutely, no longer looking at the Resurrection Stone ring that exuded some kind of fatal allure.

It was good to see Lily again, but he still had Shirley.

He had to protect him all the time. Shirley, accompanying her to live happily until the end of her life, instead of being inexplicably handed over to the hand of a ring.

Noah closed the door of the safe and took out some of his belongings from his personal space. The leftover vibranium was used when creating Frostmourne.

The magic circle based on vibranium and dragon blood was strong and powerful, protecting the safe without any blind spots.

Later, Noah asked Snape to also arrange it. Guardian magic such as safe guarding.

The dual guarding of the Kama Taj Secret and the magic of Hogwarts. Even if Voldemort comes in person, Noah is confident that he can protect the resurrection stone ring inside from being taken away.

Coupled with the warning Because of the existence of magic, once someone touches the protective magic here, relying on the solidified portal, Noah can arrive here from the distant Hogwarts Castle within two minutes.

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