“That’s it.”Snape said coldly after arranging the guardian magic.

He was a little unhappy when he thought that it would take some time to break the curse on the ring.

But the crucial Resurrection Stone has been obtained, so this is definitely possible. It can be called an extremely good piece of positive news, even if it has a few flaws.

Overall, Snape is quite satisfied with the deal between him and Noah.

“Anyway, we have got everything, so we don’t have to rush back now.”

Snape looked at the little fox in front of him, who was so cunning that it could be said to be groundbreaking. He didn’t know what kind of medicine Noah was selling in the gourd,”Whatever you want.”

“You can just find a place to rest and cool down. My house is quite big, so you can rest directly when you are tired.”

Watching Snape’s figure disappear outside the door, Noah’s eyes turned to a red phone placed on the desk in his room, picked it up and dialed a series of numbers.

When the call was connected, Noah Putting the microphone to his mouth,”Long live Hydra.”

A low and powerful response immediately came from the other end of the receiver,”Long live Hydra!”

After hanging up the phone, Noah sat quietly behind his desk.

He was not made to wait long. Only five minutes passed before two men in black suits rang the doorbell of the villa.

Looking at In the surveillance video, a man and a woman showed off their Hydra badges. Noah pressed the switch on the table and opened the door to let them in.

“Grant Ward, Level 7 Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. reports to you!”

The first words that a muscular man in a black suit with a serious face, who looked like a gangster leader, succeeded in breaking Noah’s guard when he entered the study. It turned out that Noah had just simply fried a piece of fish with magic flames. Platoon, who was enjoying the breakfast he had not had time to eat in the morning, almost choked to death on the fish in his mouth when he heard the name.

Fortunately, he just remembered that the power he worked so hard to manage was Hydra, not Aegis. Bureau.

Although they always use the name SHIELD, this does not change the fact that they are still Hydra inside, which means Grant Ward should be on their side.

Noah looked at it a few more times The big man in front of him had thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Well, he didn’t look like the backstabbing Ward from S.H.I.E.L.D. in his impression.

But to be on the safe side, he would still arrange this guy in some different places in the future. It’s such an important position.

Then Noah turned to the woman standing next to Ward, the second and fifth son. Looking at the other person’s Asian face, Noah’s mouth twitched.

She won’t introduce herself later. , her name is Melinda May, right?

“Maeve Hopper, level 8 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

The name announced by the Asian-faced female agent made Noah breathe a sigh of relief. Otherwise, he would have really thought that he was on the set of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. next door.

“I need all mission reports from September to present.”

With the authority level of two agents, it is naturally impossible to have the authority to access all action reports.

Noah summoned the two agents stationed in the nearby stronghold just to let them lead him to the nearest nine. Head snake, bah, SHIELD stronghold.

After establishing a complete operating mechanism for SHIELD, Noah became a hands-off shopkeeper who basically didn’t take care of things.

Naturally, he couldn’t do it without visiting a few times throughout the year. In his private villa, there was some office equipment that was connected to Hydra’s internal data network.

Sitting in the black limousine, Noah temporarily borrowed his subordinate’s tactical tablet and used their authority level to start looking up some information that could be retrieved. file.

Although the technology tree of this world is not as outrageous as the Marvel Cinematic Universe next door where black technology is everywhere, with the interference of Noah, the big catfish, some of Hydra’s technologies are much more developed than normal. The magical world appeared much earlier.

For example, tablet computers, the earliest tablet computer concept was proposed by Microsoft in 2002.

However, Hydra had already made a touch-screen tablet computer that could be put into practical use in 1991. Although It is as thick as a piece of red brick used to build a house.

Looking at the files on the tablet, Noah’s eyes showed a trace of satisfaction.

The recent layout of Hydra in the Soviet Union has been going smoothly.

He had long expected that arrogance The Big Brother will fall apart one day beyond everyone’s expectation. As a bad wolf with enough strength to get a share of the pie, how could Noah let go of such a great opportunity to strengthen his own power?

Wait until December , they made preparations I don’t know how long earlier than others, which can ensure that they get a huge piece of meat from this sick bear.

They are also better than national teams like America who enter the venue in person. It’s just a little inferior.

But as he watched, Noah’s brows wrinkled slightly.

Compared with the smooth progress of the Soviet Union, Hydra’s expansion plan in its base camp of Anglan has suffered some unimaginable problems. Obstacle.

Noah, with a frown on his face, carefully checked a document in the tablet computer, and placed two fingers on the touch screen and swiped it to both sides.

“What’s this?”

He turned the tablet over in his hand and faced Maeve Hopper, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

The tablet’s not very good screen displayed a blurry photo, and it could only be vaguely seen that it was a A mysterious man wearing a hoodie.

Hearing something amiss in his boss’s tone, Grant Ward, who was focused on driving, also took the time to turn around and quietly glance at the content on the tablet.

“This is a mysterious man that my colleagues on the Hydra side met recently.”

Maeve answered truthfully, telling Noah all the information she knew.

“Many of Hydra’s recent actions have been hindered because of this guy whose true face we have never seen. We still haven’t gotten his face, and we don’t even know whether he is a boy or a girl.”

“The opponent’s combat power is very strong. An ordinary six-person action team will be knocked unconscious in less than two minutes in the opponent’s hands.”

“Hydra has lost many colleagues”

“oh?”Noah became slightly more interested.

This guy couldn’t be from the Marvel Cinematic Universe next door, a third-tier street hero with a strong sense of justice who also knows some rumors about Hydra?

It’s not impossible.

Ever since Bucky, who shouldn’t have appeared here, suddenly asked his Hydra agents to pick up the body, Noah wouldn’t feel uncomfortable even if he saw a purple sweet potato on the street one day. surprise

“What are your response measures?”

Noah doesn’t want to hear the messy bad news, he just wants a good result.

“The action plan against this mysterious man is a secret of Hydra. It belongs to different departments, and we have no authority to know it.”

Noah waved his hand. He was not very interested in Hydra’s action plan.

If the other party really accidentally entered a space passage that could appear at any time and any place, it would be the same as Bucky. Carefully came to this world.

Then, except for the most heroic King Kick-Ass who is comparable to mortals in a mortal body, even if it is replaced by someone slightly stronger, he is not Hydra.���People can handle it.

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