The Hydra under Noah’s command is not the Hydra that used the old hen of S.H.I.E.L.D. to launch three Helicarriers before he traveled through time.

He should wait until he returns to Hogwarts to do this for him, and then entrust Bucky Barnes, who is still squatting in the Shrieking Shack, ready to obey his orders, to do this for him.

He handed the tactical tablet back to Maeve.

“When you get to the stronghold, bring all the information about the mysterious attacker to me.”

“As for Hydra, all actions against the mysterious attacker have been suspended for the time being, and continuous monitoring of the target is maintained.

Noah’s eyes flashed with cold hostility

“I don’t need you to catch his precise traces. It’s enough that you can confirm the area where he probably appears.”

After thinking for a while, Noah issued the final order.

“I will transfer the Winter Soldier over, and he will lead the next operations.

Maeve nodded and agreed,”Yes.””

“”About that mysterious attacker,” the driver Grant Ward, who had been driving silently, suddenly said,”there is a very strange thing.”

“Every time our action team is knocked down, they will be tied up with a special material that looks like spider silk.”

Noah raised his eyebrows, Spider-Man, a failed man?

“That material is not natural spider silk. We have analyzed the material left at the scene. It is a synthetic protein with high strength.”

“I see.”

If it’s really Spider-Man…

With Spider-Man’s fighting power, even if the opponent traveled back in time not long ago when he was bitten by the mutant spider, and he was just a super cute newbie, it would not be something that the ordinary Hydra team can deal with..

Even Bucky may not be able to deal with him.

Maybe he should take action himself.

Rubbing his smooth chin, Noah silently thought about it in his mind. It seemed that he would have to wait until the Christmas vacation before he could get enough time. The move is coming.

But that would take more than a month.

Since the disintegration of Big Brother entered the final countdown, Hydra, which is responsible for doing the dirty work, has accelerated its pace of expansion.

In Noah In the layout of the British Isles, the development of forces in the British Isles is also a relatively important part.

Ever since Bucky took over the training of Hydra’s action team and brought out a few passable agents, Noah’s actions have become more and more important. Gradually becoming bolder.

Hydra began to use unscrupulous methods such as assassination, infiltration, win-over, bribery, etc. to crazily extend its octopus tentacles to all walks of life. There is a reason why Noah acted so hastily.

Bucky’s There is only some magic left in his mind when Noah cast the Imperius Curse, which is enough for him to resist the influence of the Muggle Expelling Curse.

This also illustrates a problem from the side – that is, letting a man without any magic It is entirely possible for a Muggle to become a wizard, to be precise, to become a mystic who borrows money from the wizarding world. The influence of Hydra will determine the speed of Noah’s follow-up plan. If His voice in the non-magical world is loud enough, and there will be much less resistance to implementing the plan.

I don’t know which link went wrong. Some of the dirty work done by Hydra was done by this nosy little spider. Discovered.

So the little spider got into trouble with what most people consider an”evil organization”.

It seemed that he had to find some way to sneak out of Hogwarts. In the past few days, he had The”failed man” was solved.

But before that, in order to accurately locate Spider-Man’s location, he had to transfer Bucky back from Hogsmeade and let him lead an operation against Spider-Man.

It would be best if you can catch Spider-Man directly in action.

But if you can’t, you must at least get something from him, such as blood or hair, so that you can use tracking Magic accurately locates his position.

The biggest advantage of Spider-Man at present is that he is alone when he travels into this world. He has no worries and no fixed foothold, which will make him very slippery and very tricky. But it’s different when the position is accurately locked.

Having lost his dominance, he wants to face an enemy hiding in the dark like himself?

Oh, it’s impossible for him to escape from the palm of his hand.


“Polyjuice Potion? What do you want this thing for?”

Noah stayed in the SHIELD stronghold until the sun went down before returning to his villa. The first thing he said when he saw Snape again was to ask him for the potion.

Polyjuice Potion It is a special deformation potion that allows a wizard to change his appearance and become the appearance of another person. He only needs to add part of the body material of the person he wants to become into the brewed potion.

For example, hair.

Such a special magical effect There are many medicinal uses, but most of them are not legitimate uses. For example, turning into a girl to draw materials for the creation of”Hogwarts”.

Snape could think with his toes that the little devil in front of him would definitely not good intentions

“If you have Polyjuice Potion in stock, just bring it to me. Why are there so many problems? Don’t ask adults about children’s affairs.”

Noah’s words made Snape’s forehead uncontrollably protrude with veins.

What kind of kid are you?

Which kid kills trolls like you kill pigs?

Bah! Don’t say killing. Pig, a normal kid at your age has never even killed a chicken! He was in a bad mood because he couldn’t put the Resurrection Stone ring to use right away. Snape put his hand into his clothes with a dark face. There was a fumbling around in the inner pocket.

The Traceless Stretch Spell is a magic spell that the Ministry of Magic explicitly prohibits from being used casually without permission.

However, the Ministry of Magic does not have that strong control over the people of the magical world. Some of the forbidden forests it promulgates are in those areas. In the eyes of wizards with sufficient strength, they are no different from waste paper.

Take Snape, for example.

As a potions master, he casts the Seamless Stretching Charm on his pockets and usually fills them with emergency potions. Is this true? Is it unreasonable?

After getting the polyjuice potion, Noah twisted his mouth, with a classic smile of the Dragon King with a crooked mouth on his face.

“Come on, let’s go back to Hogwarts.”

The two followed the route they came from, passing through the fireplace in Spider End Alley and the Floo Network back to Hogsmeade, and then walked back to the school from Hogsmeade Village.

The two walked through the main entrance of the campus towards the castle.

Looking. Looking at the ancient magic castle that gradually enlarged in the distance, Noah’s eyes were not focused, but in a state of emptiness.

According to his idea, he planned to let others take the compound mixed with his own hair. Decoction, thus transforming and disguising himself as a substitute for himself to hang out in Hogwarts for a few days.

But this plan has a fatal flaw.

That is, Noah’s recent affairs are too complicated. All kinds of messy things piled up during the week.

The main reason was that Professor McGonagall entrusted him to help revise a Transfiguration course teaching plan for lower grade students.

The content was to use Muggle mathematics, physics and chemistry knowledge to improve students’ understanding of Transfiguration. That part of the story was cleverly integrated into the teaching of the new Transfiguration class.

This really burned a lot of Noah’s brain cells.

Because these wizard apprentices at Hogwarts, not to mention those who were born in the wizarding world, even those who Young wizards who were born in the Muggle world were only eleven years old when they entered Hogwarts.

What is the concept of this in the Muggle world?

They are almost at the age of just finishing elementary school, which is considered a happy education. In the European and American world, what concept do they with only primary school level education have on a course like physics that allows them to understand the world?

Everything needs to be taught from scratch. Noah felt that he was creating a brand new course. It can be called the new course of [Science and Magic].

Professor McGonagall did not treat him as a human being at all.

After a week, Noah only felt that his head was getting bigger, and his healthy hairline was faintly visible. There are danger signs of moving back.

If this trend continues, he is afraid that he will become a strong programmer if he does not graduate.

In addition to Professor McGonagall’s affairs, Lao Deng also wants to talk to him about Huo Huo from time to time. Gwarts’ education reform.

If faced with Professor McGonagall, others might be able to hide their secrets while pretending to be him.

But in front of Dumbledore, who has turned Legilimency into a passive skill, I’m afraid not Dumbledore was exposed at one glance.

He needed to arrange things at Hogwarts first before taking action.

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