Because they were busy with project research, the two workaholics staying at Professor McGonagall’s house didn’t feel that time was passing quickly.

For Noah and Gwen, it seemed like they arrived at Professor McGonagall’s house just yesterday, and now it was already the day before Christmas in the blink of an eye.

From that day on, owls kept coming in and out of the window of Professor McGonagall’s house.

As an admirable professor who has been engaged in education for decades, Professor McGonagall is fully worthy of the praise of having students all over the world.

Every Christmas, she receives a lot of Christmas gifts.

Most of them came from students she had taught before, and the remaining few were sent to her by her colleagues and friends.

Many of these owl postmen are delivering things to Noah.

As the nominal adopted son of Professor Snape, Noah’s popularity in Slytherin College is quite good, although he doesn’t care about socializing in daily life.

“This is a gift for Neville.”

Noah placed a heavy, oversized gift box in front of the window sill. He looked at the owl in front of him and motioned to Fox to help him translate.

“This gift is relatively heavy, so you’d better call a few friends to help.”

The round-faced fat chicken tilted his head and glanced at Noah, his eyes revealing a bit of disdain for Noah’s distrust of his power, then he flapped his wings and flew above the gift box. His powerful claws grabbed the straps on the gift box. Good rope, the owl flapped its wings suddenly.

Embarrassed, it didn’t move at all

“Gu Gu!”

After leaving a cry that Noah couldn’t understand, the owl felt very embarrassed and flew away dejectedly.

When it came back again, there were five more large ones behind it that were slightly larger than it. Fat chicken.

Several owls worked together and finally hung up the gift box that Noah had carefully packed, and flew tremblingly into the distance.

Looking at the backs of the six owls disappearing into the sky, Noah I couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

These owls looked very unreliable. Can they really deliver things to Neville?

The phoenix next to him stretched out its wings and patted Noah’s head, and said with a A very unpleasant drake voice shouted,”Where’s Fox’s gift?”

Noah, who was well prepared, took out a delicate gift box and handed it to Fat Turkey.

“Here it is, Merry Christmas, Fox.”

Looking at the satisfied look on the fat turkey, Noah stretched out his hand and pinched Fox’s fat face. After just a few days of feeding, this greedy phoenix showed signs of gaining weight again.

“Can’t you change your voice? Obviously the cry of the phoenix is so nice.……”

Faced with Noah’s doubts, Fox ignored it and just buried his head in opening his own gifts.

The exquisite outer packaging obviously has no appeal to magical animals like Phoenix, whose aesthetics are different from humans. Fox’s sharp claws tore open the gift box effortlessly.

After taking one look at the contents of the box, Fox lost interest in Christmas gifts.

It wasn’t food, it just slipped away.

As soon as the fat turkey spread its wings and wanted to fly back to its gilded perch, Noah next to him quickly fished it back with quick eyes and hands.

“let me go! let me go! You idiot!”

Fox was very dissatisfied and fanned Noah’s hands with his wings.

Noah’s head was covered with black lines. He made a mistake.

He shouldn’t have taught this fat turkey to speak human language. He slapped the fat turkey’s flesh viciously After pinching his butt, Noah put Fox back on the windowsill and said,”Put this thing on.”

The gift he gave to Fox was a silver metal pet name tag. When making it, he referred to part of the principles of an alchemy tool – a double-sided mirror.

Noah held up another small silver plate and waved it in front of Fox. ,”If you want to find me, then enter your magic power into this sign.”

“This way you can contact me at any time.”

Immediately, Noah demonstrated how to use it to Fox.

With the input of magic power, the name tag hanging around Fox’s neck suddenly began to vibrate slightly.

When Fox confirmed the call, the name tag around Fox’s neck The nameplate suddenly melted into a puddle of silver metallic liquid, and then quickly changed its shape. Noah’s face emerged from the silver mirror.

“Did you see it? If you get greedy in the future, you can use this to contact me.”

Originally Fox was dismissive of the function of this thing, but after hearing what Noah said, the eyes of the greedy fat turkey immediately brightened up.

“thank you boss! thank you boss!”

“You’re welcome,” Noah waved his hand casually after his scheming succeeded,”You can go and play by yourself, I have to send gifts to other people.”

With this thing, he will have a way to contact Fox from a distance in the future.

With Phoenix’s space teleportation ability, as long as he calls for help, Fox can cross hundreds of kilometers in just a few seconds. Distance came to him.

If he was going to make some big death, Fox would be a strong escape route for him.

Without Fox around to cause trouble, Noah could deliver Christmas gifts much faster..

He doesn’t have many friends in Hogwarts, and the number of gifts he wants to give out is not that many. There are only the professors at Hogwarts and their gang of bad friends like Karma Taj.

At most. Coupled with the prefect in Slytherin House who usually takes good care of him, Gemma Farley.

So he quickly took care of these social affairs that he was usually too lazy to deal with. What

Noah gave to Hermione was A set of out-of-print books.

This was a gift given to him by a rich man whose impotence was cured by him when he was prospering in the Muggle world before Dumbledore caught him——

The revised manuscript of Charlotte Bronte’s novel”Jane Eyre”.

The original set of manuscripts should have been kept in the British Library, but according to the rich man, the British Library actually kept a It’s a very skillfully imitated high imitation.

Anyway, to Noah, who doesn’t know how to appreciate it, this thing is worth about the same as a roll of toilet paper. Even if you use it to wipe your butt, it’s too brittle and easy to wear.

Now give it to me. Hermione is just the one who loves books. As for the gift box just sent to Neville Longbottom, there is a heavy vibranium warhammer.

A core made of a whole Thunderbird heart, a thousand-year lightning strike The wooden hammer handle and the vibranium that made up the hammer body were soaked in the expensive Thunderbird blood for seven days and seven nights.

Only then did this legendary wand become the hammer of Thor, Mjolnir.

Originally. Noah planned to give this thing to Hagrid.

But now it seems that the hybrid giant has found a better way to improve his combat effectiveness, so this war hammer seems a bit useless to Hagrid..

Noah changed hands and gave it to Neville. Maybe the future Hufflepuff Juggernaut should change his nickname?

The Hufflepuff God of Thunder?

Or the Hammer God?

Neville Longbottom: For Hufflepuff Glory!

In addition to this wand, which is deviant for Ollivander, a traditional wandmaker, it also comes with a pair of armor that can help Neville isolate himself from the harm of electricity.

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