Noah was really troubled when preparing a gift for Little Spider.

All he knew about the spider was that she was particularly edible.

But considering that Gwen won’t be able to return to her own world for a while, Noah thinks he should know what gift to give the homeless little spider.

A simplified version of the Mirror of Erised.

Being able to read Gwen’s deepest desires allowed her to see herself and her family happily reunited.

However, Noah did not know whether this gift would become a poison like the Mirror of Erised, so he hesitated when making this alchemical product.

But in the end, he chose to put it in a gift box, handed it into the hands of the house elf, and asked it to quietly place it on Gwen’s bedside on Christmas Eve.

Apart from the gifts for these three people, the gifts Noah prepared for others seemed a bit random and careless.

What was given to Shirley was a candy gift package ordered from Honeydukes Candy Shop. Shirley, who has the same hobby as the Scottish Golden Red Turkey, just wanted this one.

What Draco was given was a Muggle game console that had been treated with anti-electromagnetic treatment. It was unknown whether Draco would become an Internet-addicted teenager in the future.

An engineer shovel from a mysterious ancient Eastern country is quite versatile and is suitable for Professor Sprout who often goes to the greenhouse to loosen soil for plants.

A set of luxurious broomstick maintenance tools. As a serious Quidditch enthusiast, the older cat lady who has dozens of broomsticks of various models in her home absolutely needs this.

Professor Flitwick, a former duel champion, gave the other party a homemade assassin’s bracer as he liked, which could make the wand pop out like a hidden blade.

As for Dumbledore…

Noah knew that this sweet-smelling bastard What is the real picture that the old man saw in the Mirror of Erised, but it is impossible for him to give the other party the resurrection stone.

He could only give him a pair of wool socks filled with various candies according to what the other party had mentioned to him in front of the Mirror of Erised. After all, this was what the old man said himself.

The only one left who was not allocated a gift was Snape.

Noah casually put a bottle of Potter’s shampoo into the box. He let out a long breath as he looked at the owl’s shrinking back.

Giving gifts during the holidays is really a troublesome thing.


Early the next morning, Noah woke up from his sleep and found that his bedside table was overwhelmed by a large number of Christmas gift boxes.

There are various greeting cards attached to the gift box, and most of them are from the students of Slytherin House at Hogwarts.

Slytherin students always like to imitate the adults at home and engage in interpersonal interactions that make Noah extremely bored.

Chatting up, winning over, siding with each other… false communication based on interest exchanges made Noah feel sick to his stomach, so he just picked up the Christmas gifts sent by classmates he was not very familiar with and put them down after casually looking at them..

Rummaging through the hill made of gifts, Noah quickly picked out the gifts sent by several of his friends.

As expected, Hermione sent him a pile of books, while Shirley’s gift was a large bag of her favorite sweets.

A dancing plant is a strange magical plant. When someone touches or comes close to it, the stimulated stems and leaves will dance like a dancer.

It looked like a gift that Neville would pick.

Draco’s gift was filled with the usual gaudiness of the Malfoy family – a gold-plated scabbard inlaid with large gems, suitable for his Frostmourne.

Noah didn’t even take a second look at it and threw it aside. What did he want with such a fancy thing?

Snape’s gift seemed more interesting.

In the gift box that the eerie old bat gave him, a crystal bottle with a capacity of about 100 ml was casually wrapped in silk satin. The medicine inside was the shrinking medicine that Noah had mentioned to him before.

It is not the castrated version of the slimming potion that is popular on the market now.

It can only shrink non-magical creatures, so its use is quite useless.

It is a true original shrinking potion that can be effective on magical animals with strong magic resistance such as three-headed dogs, and it has no time limit. As long as Lu Wei does not take the initiative to remove the magic, he can always maintain the size of a normal pet dog.

And once it encounters danger and needs to switch to combat mode, it can automatically return to its original appearance in an instant.

When he visited Draco’s family at Malfoy Manor some time ago, Lucius had promised to solve the registration problem of the three-headed dog for him.

Considering Lucius’s relationship with the Ministry of Magic and the”political donations” he has made secretly over the years, even if the procedures are slightly irregular, it is not a big problem.

As long as Lucius wanted to, he could even register Lu Wei under the name of Hagrid, who had a criminal record.

But why should the character Noah poached with his skills be registered under Hagrid’s name?

Therefore, Noah will be the legal owner of the three-headed dog Luwei from now on.

In this way, they could finally take Lu Wei out of the small, dark room in the right corridor on the fourth floor of Hogwarts Castle, and let him live freely in the sun without worrying about being discovered by others.

Apart from the gifts from Snape, what concerned Noah more was that he found a big man in this mountain of gifts. The greeting card on it was written in fancy calligraphy.——

“I hope my gift is not too late for you, Garrick Ollivander.”

Seeing the size of this gift, Noah suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

This wise…wisdom and courageous staff-making master wouldn’t give him any more tricks, right?

Noah put his inner feelings to the new His expectations for the wand were at a minimum. Anyway, he now has Frostmourne, which he made by himself.

As the outer packaging of the gift box was unpacked, the appearance of the new wand Ollivander sent him gradually changed. It was displayed in front of Noah’s eyes.

Looking at the new wand in front of him, Noah didn’t know how to complain about this for a while.

This time, the new wand Ollivander made for him finally returned to the length of a normal wizard. Wand-wielding prowess.

But still outrageous.

The card also included Ollivander’s introduction to his new work.——

“Considering the destructive power contained in your magic, I no longer use phoenix tail feathers, dragon heart tendon and unicorn hair as the core of the wand as before.”

“Regarding the core of the new wand, I used a magic crystal called Kyber crystal, which has extremely excellent conductivity for magic power and is far stronger than other materials.”

“The vibranium you sent me has extremely good magic conductivity, so I also used it in the production of new wands.”

“The final product is the one you see before you, fourteen inches and extremely tough.”

When introducing this metal wand with a vibranium body, Ollivander obviously omitted some irrelevant parameters about this wand.

For example, its diameter.

Use Kyber crystals to replace feathers and heart tendons. If biological materials such as nerves and nerves are used as the core of the wand, then the core of the wand cannot be as slender as before.

Because of this, although the length of the wand has been successfully shortened, its diameter is still maintained at an appalling level.

You want No one believed that this thing was a sword hilt.

Noah’s face was twitching.

He raised his hand and grabbed the wand, which was no different from a long-handled flashlight, from Ollivander’s gift box. He held the wand tightly with both hands.

As the magic power was stimulated, the invisible blade of Shen Feng Wuying ejected from the front end of the wand.

After thinking about it, Noah, while maintaining Shen Feng Wuying, A fluorescent spell was lit again.

The faint blue light illuminated Noah’s face, making his green face look like a ferocious evil ghost crawling up from hell.

Look at the buzzing sound in his hand He helplessly covered his forehead with the clanging lightsaber.

Good guy, isn’t this the fucking lightsaber of Luke Skywalker? Or the one that stabbed his old father Anakin Skywalker to death. One?

First it was Fang Tian Hua Ji, then Frostmourne, and now Luke’s lightsaber?

He has struggled with all kinds of anti-father treasures and father-destroying weapons in his life, right? What if

? If he changes to a new weapon in the future, should he consider getting himself a signal axe?

It says, it’s ready?

Although Snape is his nominal adoptive father, and his attitude towards him is not very good, but Snape is not guilty of this.

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